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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. thing's I learned about myself by playing games:
    I love RPG's

    I tend to enjoy balls to the wall offense over defense

    I seem to have a thing for blue haired woman

  2. the anime. I didn't know what it was, but I just really liked it as a kid.kept watching till around the gen 5 one, which is where I started playing the games
  3. So... if Ryan voices Prof Port, does that mean Port has an Edgar hole in his house with a Grim in it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seki108


      ...........how far are you in the LP Minecraft series?



      Ruby must really milk Edgar a lot if he's missing the hole

    3. Wolfox


      73 right now

    4. seki108


      I see....

  4. well, then you lose the most reliable way to have two hail setters, because using a move slot on it will hurt more than it will heal, trust me there. but I've given my two cents, if you don't want to drop lapras keep it
  5. question: why is the notification sound not working while I do have that turned on in my settings?

    1. seki108


      Mine hasn't worked in months.  I just figured it was something with my computer, but I guess it isn't.

    2. Dreamy


      I'd just like to know why multiple replies on one status update don't stack up like multiple replies on a thread do

    3. Wolfox
  6. even with Lapras steel will be a Bitch to deal with. And you said you wanted a new Hail Setter. There are only two left and Lapras is the weakest link at the time. you can't have it all dude
  7. It's a thief in the night
    To come and grab you
    It can creep up inside you
    And consume you
    A disease of the mind
    It can control you
    It's too close for comfort~
  8. he said it. specs or scarf. not tank. Primarina is like a slower Water-type Gardevoir. good for breaking walls, bad for almost everything else. Tanking falls under Everything else
  9. lapras for either vaniluxe or Abomasnow should be your best bet
  10. the bots are learning. they're atempting to lure us in with pictures of girls now.

  11. Conquest: I'm going to break you by challenging you to the point of you doubting your every skill in this game and not letting you rest easy for even a second.

    Birthright: I'm just gonna rip your heart out.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, I'd say birthright is the weakest of the trio, though it has it's high points (mingled tears for example). still enjoy the game tho

    3. Dreamy


      @Wolfox I believe I reached chapter 12 of conquest (with all the pots). I think one of my problems is that I wanted to use everyone and pair everyone up and stuff like I did in Awakening, but that's not really feasible with no possible grinding. In general I think constantly subconsciously being worried about permanently "wasting" resources like this and then hitting a wall in future, and not really being able to do anything about it kind of killed a decent amount of the enjoyment while playing. and I wish I could've just stopped thinking about that, but I couldn't. and fuck having to pay for DLC to grind

    4. Wolfox


      good point

  12. Micheal "Rage Quit" Jones has returned

  13. i've said this once before and I still se the potential in it. a Zelda spin-off with Fire Emblem gameplay

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      A crossover would be interesting too.

    2. Wolfox


      while yes n the one hand, I say no. this metaphorical game is based on the Zelda story with Zelda characters and Fire Emblem gameplay. no mention of Marth, Ike or anyone else

  14. Skiddo is there too, it's based on a bicycle (and gogoat on a Harley) Octillery is a sentry gun
  15. Vikavolt is actually a Rail Cannon over a spear. and I wouldn't consider Gallade a Living Sword as he only has blades on his elbows, nothing more. Chandelure as a Chandelier tho (you need lights, right?)
  16. Felicia


    or Flora



    Personally, I'm going with Flora. It's that hair man (and actually being a competint Maid as well as a good fighter)

  17. so, I started TCGO because I bought a Lycanroc-Dusk structer deck. really like that deck so far, pretty strong (just sad that I don;t have my Lycanroc GX on TCGO, but IRL it makes for a good Boss mon

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      guzzlord gx traumatized me out of tcgo tbh.

  18. marowak, gengar, mismagius, and cofagrigus are great options, and I will add to that the hardest hitting Ghost type: Chandelure
  19. excadrill, metagross and bisharp could help

    1. FairFamily


      Lets see if I can use some of the design ideas.

    2. Wolfox


      good luck. though there is, sadly, a lack or Mirror Force

    3. FairFamily


      Mirror force is a little bit outdated. Also I was never a big fan of it being in revolvers deck. He had enough generic cards before the whole mirror force stick.

  21. still not sure if I wanna get a tattoo, but if I do, it's gonna be this


    not all the colors, but just the shape

    1. J-Awesome_One


      You deff should do it if you want to. But I shall warn you. Once you get 1, you'll be wanting more. Haha. Trust me. I went from wanting 1 to getting like 15.

  22. hmmm... 65 to 80 euro's for Xenoblade Chronicles... Worth it?

  23. literally any fire type
  24. Would you rather:

    Have Frederick the Wary


    or Jakob


    Serve you as they would Corrin and Chrom?

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      Jakob's quite a dick from what I heard, so I'll take the Freddy Bear.

    2. FairFamily


      I don't know Frederick so I'll take Jakob. Loyal, competent and a dick to others I don't see the problem also his crit speeches are epic.

    3. Dreamy



  25. so many legendary swords to name Aegislash after...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      I wasn't being serious at all, just wanted an excuse to post this meme character


      FOOL!  Do you not see the gloriousness of this legend wins by default?   


    3. Dreamy


      As great as Excalibur (the character) is, Yato seems like a great aegislash name. your omega yato picture lacks its chainsaw blades though.

    4. Wolfox


      it was the only one I could find that actually had all Yato forms

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