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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. we used to have something for that, but not anymore. the ones you see for most people are, actually, for the Redemption league. https://pokecharms.com/trainer-card-maker/ this would be your best bet
  2. Lad's and Gents, I give you: Spider Gav!

  3. When you're doing well in a PvP match and your Controler decides to say "no"

    1. seki108


      Well, this was odd timing, since I just mentioned you the thing I posted on Zarc's profile.   Even if it's going bad for them, I love this little diddy.

    2. Wolfox


      I know I shouldn't laugh at them having technical issues, but this lil diddy is just so laughable

  4. We've all made mistakes in both Life and Pokémon. What were your best, or worst, misconceptions about Pokémon? Mine is pretty bad but decently understandable (I hope). For the first year or 2 of me playing, I could not figure out Happiness evolutions. I just thought they were impossible to understand because al Pokémon would become happy from something else. I've said it in the past, and I will again. I was a dumb kid. And this is a perfect example of what I mean with that
  5. 906360c4665d6fd5318f9baba4d0b281.jpg

    I fucking dare you to tell me this is not cute


    1. Commander


      What an ugly Palossand

    2. seki108


      That's a very cute Alicorn

  6. Code Geass, My Hero Academia, Death Note, YGO Vrains (just trust me here), TLA, LOK, The Clone Wars, Generator Rex, ben 10 Alien Force, Attack On Titan, Deadman Wonderland that should be enough for a bit
  7. I actually disagree, for the most part. While she does seem like a hurdle most of the time, the majority of the times she "get's in your way" she does so for quite a valid reason. In the Slums, she wants to make sure you can handle it and if not protect you. With Shelly, she wants to stop you for a bit so Shelly can really set her mind straight after what had happened. With Kiki, she just learned that the woman she respected and maybe loved as a mother was dying and most likely wanted Kiki to not strain herself too much, thus trying to stop you. While the actions she takes were not the best ones, they were the best she could think of in said situations. and considering she's 15/16 years-old, iirc, she would still be a bit rash in judgment with the situations. Development wise, however, I do quite agree that she got the short end of the stick. though that can kinda be blamed on her having to stay at Apothyll and being MIA for a pretty long portion of the game
  8. There's only one Archer who deserves to have his name Bless my Decidueye. and that Archer's name is:
  9. I have a new Decidueye nickname


    for those wanting to know, here's a hint:

    His catchphrase is: Suck my ****

  10. Embrace the Dark

    You call a home

    Gaze upon and empty white Throne

    A Legacy of Lies

    A familiare disquise


    Sing with me a Song

    of Conquest and Fate

    The Black Pillar cracks, beneath it's weight.

    Night breaks through the Day

    Hard as a Stone

    Lost in Thoughts all Alone

  11. So... if we can blame Takumi for everything related to Fire Emblem, if not more, is it his fault that PoR and RD are more than 100 euro's per game?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      that means waiting till I get a PC that can run a Wii emulator without too much lag, yay...

    3. Dreamy


      I mean I played through the SSB-Brawl subspace emissary on a pretty shitty laptop, so you could be ok if you haven't tried it yet?

    4. Wolfox


      I could try, or I could potentially ask my uncle if he has any way to help me on this

  12. code Geass ep 14. so sad 😢

    1. Maqqy


      I am currently watching it too and believe me... it gets sadder from here.

    2. Wolfox


      I know, I've seen Code Geass before

  13. I forgot how Cute the supports between Inigo and Olivia are.

    "Yes, you just happened to find yourself hiding in a barrel. What ARE the chances?"

    (Context: Inigo wanted to practice his Dancing in secret because hes at least as shy as his mother (which is why he's such a flirt, to get over that shyness) and Olivia wants to see him dance, but because Inigo wants to practive in secret that isn't happening

  14. @Ojama Yellow BIBS! Someone needs advice on Bibarel
  15. Diancie isn't available yet either, so now I know what mon was illegally wonder traded by someone not following the rules. Larvesta is though, due to the Mystery Egg
  16. Scyther has not yet been available outside of hacking and debug mode
  17. the only memory I can recommend is the one that fits your team. That's why the move-set I gave was generally a direction to take it in. for the rest, @Autumn Zephyr said it all
  18. tumblr_p7k8akljcy1wgdbago2_400.png



    And Noire

  19. I'd say go for a faster physical attacker. something like Multi-Attack, Iron Head, SD Flame Charge should do the trick
  20. depends on the IV's and nature seeing as Silvally can literally do anything t's movepool allows (and because it hoesn;t have recover, stalling is removed from that list)
  21. Me: Checks if he can buy FE PoR or RD so he can finaly play them.

    Prices: Yeah, cheapest is gonna be 125 euro's buddy.

    Me: you seriously expect someone to pay 125.- for a game at it's cheapest?

  22. so, if everyone could get a clone of Gavin, would that be a Free For All?

    1. seki108


      There would certainly be a lot of 'Love and Stuff'

    2. seki108


      I still love the teams names they come up with

    3. Wolfox


      true, they have good name

  23. Rightful King Inigo... in time he will be able to infinitly use a Glass Weapon if need be

  24. I have reached the Legacy of Madness.


    Never forget, Edgar is the one in the hole.

    1. seki108


      T H E   O N E   I N   T H E   H O L E !

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