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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Remember when Paramore was good?


    Ofcourse you do, they still are.

  2. Did Arc-V do everything right? No.

    Did Arc-V do this summon right? No question.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      it can get much worse

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ive seen all of gx, dubbed, and theres still nothing that baffles me more than the motorcycles. its incredible.


      in hindsight a lot of the shit that happened in gx dubbed was baffling compared to the sub but im talking like initial impressions.

    4. Wolfox


      try watching ZeXaL (subbed, that dub is hardly watchable) or Arc-V. you'll see what I mean

  3. I like how Geoff, the one that's suposed to keep at least some order in the office, just joins them

  4. Someone once told me I'm worthless (this is way in the past btw, nothing recent). I told them "You're right, but that's why I'm learning."

    1. FairFamily


      And somehow you're both wrong. Worth is a subjective social construct to justify mistreating other people. So you are not worthless.


      Also while improving is commendable you should not improve for that kind of people.

    2. Wolfox


      I know that now. but Young Wolfy was not the smartest

  5. "If your pig isn't running just slap it with your carrot."

    Without Context that's just wrong...

    1. seki108


      quite so.   Though in this case, Gavin could use his nose as a much more effective weapon.

    2. Wolfox


      true, gav's nose wo0uld be the better carrot

  6. I feel like you're just extremely lucky with it outside of rejuvenation. getting 1 boost in 10 is quite normal/lucky considering the 20% chance never tells you that you will get so many boosts in so many uses
  7. X items can give you an edge, but they are far from overpowered. like the one before me said: it's like a regular set up move, but a bit less. you have to buy the item, while a setup move is just there until you remove it. Another thing is that most setup moves do more than just 1 stat, or they raise a stat by more than just 1. the most commons ones being d-dance, q-dance, s-dance (wow... that's a lot of dances. Maybe Tierno was right with his dancing team?) and so on. X items don't do this. They generally increase your speed, for example, by 1. And then the last part, the RNG. That's a big part of Pokémon altogether. you can't plan a strat expecting not to get crit, burned, parad or anything 100% of the time. This makes X-items equally and less viable than the majority of set up moves.
  8. Today I tried to think of some Summoning Chants, effect names and attack names for certain YGO cards that, for my knowledge, never got one. This is what I got:


    Stardust Spark Dragon:


    Summoning Chant: "Bright hopes cluster into a new star. Enlighten my path to Victory! Synchro Summon. Apear, Stardust Spark Dragon!"


    Attack Name: Shooting Radiance!


    Effect Name: Victim Protection.


    Hot Red Dragon Archfiend:


    Summoning Chant: "The ruler has graced you with his/her presance, now it's time for his/her most faithfull servant to show his face. Synchro Summon. Kneel to your Master and take flight, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend!"


    Attack Name: Blazing Tempest!


    Effect Name: Absolute Mirror Force!


    please let me know if you like them, if you have question about them or if you think they can be improved

    1. Velthomer21


      I know absolutely nothing about Yu-Gi-Oh, but they seem rather creative.

  9. I could suggest Bird Jesus, combined with a Geodude it can make shelly hurt
  10. "You clearly don't know jack, Jack."

    have to give props here, that made me laugh

  11. 2 Tuners + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. You can only use each of these effects of "Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend" once per turn.
    ● During your Main Phase 1: You can destroy all other cards on the field, also, for the rest of this turn, other monsters you control cannot attack.
    During either player's Battle Phase, when a Spell/Trap Card is activated: You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 500 ATK.


    I never knew it also negated traps. Because you know, field nuke into 3.5K swing.

  12. my mood remains unruinable

    1. J-Awesome_One


      Is that a word? o.O

    2. seki108


      Glad to hear it.  Have this thing too




  13. Who's the Master of Faster? Who Rules the Duel? That's right, it's me!

  14. The ruler's heartbeats will now file through here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! Synchro Summon! My very soul, Red Demon's Dragon!


    So, idk shit about drinking beer, but this is just impresive

  16. ever have those questions that seem really hard to you but might be easy as fuck when you look at it from a difirent side?

  17. So, little personal goal: One day I will own a copy of every Red Synrcho card. So Red Dragon Archfiends, their upgraded forms, they downgrades, prolly even Majestic Red

  18. So, if both Geoff and Gus would go to mars out of spite (Motherfucker), would Geoff also grow his spite beard?

    1. seki108


      Most likely.........

  19. I'm in high spirits today

  20. Did you know: That you can trace Yugioh DM back to Star Wars?

    Kaiba's Japanese VA also voices Kylo Ren in the Dubs of ep 7 and 8 (and most likely 9 too)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      Prolly on par with Darth Maul's double blader from EP 1. One of the few things that movie did right

    3. Zarc


      Darth Maul deserved his own movie , so great character but badly exploited.



      And honestly SW1>SW8 by far. Exit Jar Jar and Gungans , you have a decent movie. 




      Btw , here xd 




      Lâimage contient peut-être : une personne ou plus et texte


    4. Wolfox


      I actually kinda like JarJar (better then C3 PO tbh). hesa funny

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