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About Ghost

  • Birthday 04/13/1995

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    art, music, dance, collecting antiques, and setting things on fire.

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  1. I beat him for the EXP tbh. Whatever happens next, oh well.
  2. how do I get past that bug with the water?
  3. hey guys mind helping a gal out? I started the new episode very recently and I think I am more than halfway through the water grid and right now I am in the Peridot section of the water grid and I want to continue. I got the key and I went inside the room what was locked before, and it keeps saying the machine doesn't respond even though I beat the electrode there. EDIT: I found the other unlocked room and its the same issue before and after I beat the electrode.
  4. I think Calcenon City is next but I could be wrong. EDIT: what episode are you running?
  5. gah damn makes me wish I woulda done the solosis quest a lot later
  6. you beat team meteor more than once in the game. what part are you on?
  7. tfw you get a runny nose out of NOWHERE and it's obnoxious
  8. ahh well that answered more than a few questions, especially since all of a sudden I got the familiars title. also, thank you lots about the Ep. 15 info because I at least know now that there is progress and I can control the hype a little better! I also love the idea of making it forum-exclusive at first, it will give a chance for any bugs to be fixed within one space.
  9. move relaearner is in the onyx ward in reborn city, after getting the house key.
  10. NEW PHOTO! now with more RED!
  11. I just got the Pichu myself and yes the weather needs to be clear.
  12. it was a pain in the ass to level it up when it was still a low level noibat and it stats were shitty. BUT, soon as it evolved it became a beast of a pokemon and it's a pokemon that I have thus far not switched out for rotation. helped me snap Terra's garchomp like a wooden chopstick.
  13. Pulse Tangrowth was a piece of cake on my end. Charlotte, not so much. It was that fire field, man, I'm telling you. But everything else seemed plenty ok to beat, I didn't even use cotton candies till way later since I was all like "too expensive therefore no". I just earned money lol. Cotton Candies can easily be turned into normal revives and it will be fine as long as they are replaced with max revives.
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