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Everything posted by WildRoad
Pokemon Reborn E18-2 Speedrun in 5 hours, 15 minutes and 57 seconds!
WildRoad replied to Arkadius's topic in Reborn City
Nice work, hope that the next route get even better time! -
go back to the railnet, near where you first found the train, you will find a new-ish area to explore.
the solution for this puzzle is a lot simpler now, look for special WALLS ( still in the railnet )
Alolan raichu stoked sparksurfer + mega pidgeot hurricane span worked well for me, you get 3 or 4 turns of electric field to span hurricane and thunderbolt and this should be enought
look, i'm going to give you a strange sugestion, but it could work wonder's if you realy try, MAGCARGO, strange 4x weak pokemon, but that DUFUS learns shell smash and have acess to amnesia, i think that should do the trick ultil you get a better fire tipe that's isnt arcanine
what if scenario If Mrs. Craudburry joined Team Meteor
WildRoad replied to Evi Crystal's topic in Reborn City
Maybe episode 18 will give you interesting inputs for this topic but for now, since i do not know how much of the game you played i will wait and watch, be safe ! -
Talking Heads the Girafarig
yes. But above all else try having fun at the game, use mons you find cool and such, there is a lot of mons on this game and early game will be easy since you are willing to go with Blaziken, instead of a nidoqueen you can go for a excadrill or a Krookodile bot excelent ground types, or go for the bulky ones like steelix seismitoad, the idea i gave you is use type advantage when using a full on offence team blaziken work wonder's when you dont need to worry about his weakness, but the same goes for every mon on the game dont worry about a end game team right know start thinking on it after you beat noel ( i usualy do this ) you will have a lot of choices, or either look for a trade mon online play its right there so you can get that hydreigon and punch people in the face.
the thing of team building is having a center pice and a team who this pice can fall back, example for a team with blaziken as a core you can always count on a dark water mon for coverage, and someone with a strong ground STAB, with this you should be good to go example Blaziken , Nidoqueen and sharpedo, they work preaty well together and the better part is that nidoqueen is a event mon, so you can soft reset for a better nature as atributes, take her and EV train her to be a beast, aqua gang will give you a nice carvanha ( same deal soft reset for a nice one ) and you will have a solid team with 3 free slots for rotation and slaves, so you can bring a teleport mon, a flying slave and a pick up mon or whatever you wish for. But anyway we are here to help so say us your wish and we will brainstorm you a brand new team.
Struggling with Glass Workstation. Pls help
WildRoad replied to Bladed_Zephyr's topic in Team Showcase
if i remenber right this fight is PAINFUL but manageable give more level's for your infernape, and temporaly box zone for another pokemon i personaly think you can bring on garchomp or rhydon. I would suggest that you open up with infernape and rhydon ( eviolite maximun effort on atk and speed so you can try to outspeed marowak and OHKO ribombee ) eviolite will give you an enormous bulk and infernape can simple fake out ribombee and provided that you didn't miss your rock slide this ensures ribombee out and no sticky webs to slow down your team after that focus on one side of the battle , either infernape or rhydon can win that battle, the idea of bringing the garchomp its preaty much the same, rock slide your way through and make shure your oponent dont set any hazards the rest your team can handle with easily. -
Pokemon Reborn E18 Speedrun in 6 hours, 26 minutes and 46 seconds!
WildRoad replied to Arkadius's topic in Reborn City
So i tested it, and its apears that the reborn sandbox mode its a little diferent, as i said before i could get it earlier but its only happens on the sandbox mode where simply going out on the window and coming back got me the candy, but recently i tried on reborn without any mod and the candy only apears after the fight ( or the jump thingy ), so yeah i made a big WHOPS. The more you know ! -
The only thing i would add here is a tier A+ for delphox, and let blaziken alone on the S tier cuzz this mon is stupid and you can use litte effort to win any battle with him. And of course since we are talking bout a A+ tier we can move thing around like swampert and incineroar to A+ since they are little better than thyplosion infernape and sceptile, and to be clear i deen this rank on pokemon power alone, if we are looking on the entire team this rank would be a lot diferent ( but blaziken would still be S rank )
nature power sceptile should be A, instead of a great move pool you can span leaf storm mega drain and nature power and you are good, and some fields you get a lot for nature power that combined with unburden terrain seed its OP, and dont forget you can get mega sceptile before hardy gym fight. And plz dont forget the legendary mixed attack sceptile spammer of leaf storm and abuser of terrain, seriously you did dirty puting him on that rank.
strange you should be able to re - learn it with a heart scale thingy, this could be a bug, but first try again and look your entire list it should be between quick attack and focus energy, if not well you could try to sandbox mod for reborn or ask around in the online play area for a usefull trade for this fight, like a 31 atk and 31 speed hawlucha with acrobatics ( fight fire with fire ).
get a heart scale and teach your blaziken bulk up, bulk up to +4, and you should OHKO everything with a sinple blaze kick, and try to get one or to lvl's for your team that should do. *Edit* you can use a terrain seed here, bring + 1 to blaziken and give that nice helping hand, but i think that buling up is way more easy for that fight, hariyama should't have ways to OHKO your blaziken unless that lucky crit, and even so the bulking will give you a nice advantage cople that up with speedboost and you will OHKO Samson entire team.
you do need to restore the railnet system.
Pokemon Reborn E18 Speedrun in 6 hours, 26 minutes and 46 seconds!
WildRoad replied to Arkadius's topic in Reborn City
Actualy i belive its a camera trick, when you go back in that room you can barely see where the item spawn, i usualy wait the books spawn and go back to the bedroom and usualy its there. I'm re playing the game and i should get back there in a couple hours so i can test different ways to get that candy. -
Pokemon Reborn E18 Speedrun in 6 hours, 26 minutes and 46 seconds!
WildRoad replied to Arkadius's topic in Reborn City
About the rare candy in titania castle, i aways get it before the fight, instead of climbing the vines just go back and run to the bedroom it should be there, and save some time. -
you get acess to the dark basement after you defeat the meteor goons on the area, so you can get the item before or after Hardy, there should be a house with a kid . There should be something like this ( this is actualy my notes to solve this puzzle ). XOX XXX XXX XOO XOX XOO X XXX XXO XXX OOX X XOO XOO OXX OXO X OXO XXX OOX XXX X XXX XOO XXX OXO X OXX XXO XOX XOX X XXX XOX XOX XXX Guide yourself through the middle and then start mirroring using a box of 3x3 with my map up there and you should get something like this. Goodluck.
So I just tried the Gungtlet and I need to adjust my team...
WildRoad replied to Nue's topic in Team Showcase
there is no need for the windy weather, just go to the cave and get yourself one, also you need a good ground type flygon, garchomp or diggersby are some nice options and since you will get a eevee eventualy i may sugest you evolve it to vaporeon. My sugestion for this fight is a diggersby huge power + ground and normal STAB should do wonders and access to sword dance as a heart scale move now we talking about some DAMAGE, and the vaporeon just for plain and simple BULK, put some leftovers toxic, scald and wish ( breeding ). -
Question/Request Regarding Weather and Sticker Event
WildRoad replied to Arkadius's topic in Reborn City
well, even if you did not save the kid the sticker is still avaible, you just need to talk with his mom when the city is restored, can be a minor time loss but a good safe strat. And if you get lucky early game you get this sticker any way, and with this you can probably skip the missingo fight, but since we are speeking of speedruning the game that fight could be good for some lvl's the sircus part tend to be a grind heavy part of the game, unless of course you got a lucky egg. But notheless its true there should be a option to talk to the rescued woman even if we got a rainy day. -
Thunder stone pikachu on the apophyl beach, should do the trick !