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Lord Bagel

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. My account here is getting uncomfortably to 10 years old and I need episode 19 to come out so that I can move on with my life

  2. ooo very nice, maybe I'll finally do a monotype run. Great additions for sure
  3. Forum name: Lord Bagel Showdown alt(s): LordBagel Discord: LordBagel#6787 Availability: EST, free most evenings Favourite type(s): Ice, Grass Least favourite type(s): Electric
  4. Guess I'll come out of retirement for a little while to complain about hax and stuff. I'll use poison card with this sprite https://i.imgur.com/x8Go8GD.png
  5. Last post before the episode? Now what will I check for every time I get bored.
  6. It's been a long time since i've played rejuve, has jan said anything is being changed early game or can I start a new save file safely
  7. Okay so I'm not really active forum side anymore but did the % jump from like 65% to 97% or was a just stuck under a rock for a month. I know I've been too busy playing persona to do anything for a few days but holy progress batman.
  8. Oh shit my boy yung jelly is running something? Is it too late to get in on this action
  9. Canadian healthcare is p good
  10. He's fuzzy because it's a fast birb Speedy
  11. huh, didn't look very dragonish. Makes more sense in bracket 3 now, lmao. Teach me to assume without finishing the paragraph I guess.
  12. Whoever put water in bracket 3 is slightly confused I must say. Rain is busted in doubles/triples and gen 7 only added my things to take advantage. But then again she could just be like edgar and make a fantastic type underwhelming sigh.
  13. "Now let me run off before a certain cactus chases me, accusing me of stealing his job.... " You need to do a job before it can be stolen 0_o
  14. I'll be using the flames card because my team is fire :] Here's the team Here's the sprite I would like
  15. If you're on episode 16 the beginning to the quest is in beryl cemetery.
  16. The female character is a meteor member we know quite well. I wont elaborate more because it's a pretty involved sidequest and the second sprite is almost a spoiler on its own.
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