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Lord Bagel

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. Breloom just punched you hella quick with the mach punch
  2. I wish these were in the game when i first started, it would have been super useful XD
  3. Sakurai iiiiis the ultimate troll so it is to be expected. I'm still kind of sad about the chrom thing though 4 got a lot of fire emblem love.
  4. Fine ill be nice guy bagel, you cane get one fairly early. There is one hidden in the same area you find croagunk (early in the game) that's all i will say
  5. You have good points though i also find mega sceptile fairly bad too, going from x4 resistant to immune.....yay?
  6. Why must most of the hoenn mega pokemon so far have such bad abilities, I was disapointed with slowbro's,sharpedo's and now galades mega.... it's kindof depressing (at least i have my salemence and fluffing cloud of fluffiness to keep me happy)
  7. I fit is a new one i hope its good, I love me some galade and so far hoenn mega pokemon are kinda bad compared to x and y
  8. I would never have thought of that one....congrats that's one of the best posts fern posts i've read
  9. This topic got me to look at that cave again....holy crap that's changed.
  10. oh thank god that mystery is solved. Now I think its time i left and made soup in the middle of the night.....
  11. Me and fern have a love hate relationship, I want to punch him in the face then thank him for how much better he makes the game.
  12. I think my brain is overheating from the effort of figuring out whether or not this has a meaning...........cjjbsbdscousdb EVERYBODY MUDKIPZ
  13. If this is a code then its the best one i have ever seen in my life, also that's a crap load of soup.
  14. A lot of people had that problem (should be fixed in 13.1) I don't know how you could get back in the right order though....
  15. Can that other feature your adding be a way to reach the axew egg, i cry every time.
  16. I don't really want to spoil anything from the episode but i will say that feebas is not available yet. A hint for the magby and stuff is that they're in a cave somewhere good luck!
  17. Lord Bagel


    Trapinch is in the game corner.
  18. Lord Bagel


    I also hope to see more of the old leaders, they were too well written to be just one and done.
  19. I'm sorry but the dratini from that one tile was the last one in existence and ame killed it out of her cruelty.
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