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Lord Bagel

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. down with the grasshole (not really he creates some really great moments in the game and should stay until the end )
  2. I havent found a single phantump and i've grinded a bunch on route 4....guesse im just not lucky
  3. Why is everyone asking for a title on the server lately.....
  4. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=6802 nuff said
  5. sorry dude the thing is most people have secrets for a reason....not to be told
  6. So that's how you get the absol....I would never have gotten that myself.....like ever
  7. yeah i havent done the absol event yet either,I've been putting off finishing up with 13 the thought of having to wait again is too scary.
  8. am i forever sir_beagle now? I must say i'm not much of a dog person.
  9. just from that pic i don't really know enough from the cave to help sorry, got an escape ropes?
  10. So here's my first glance thoughts of your team rapidash:flare blitz is a good move but you need more than just fire coverage, you should add some other moves that add to your type coverage though i cant recommend much as i've never used one noivern; you should get rid of cut as soon as possible and through the move relearner you can get some dragon stab on it lumineon:I have no idea how to make one of these good sorry, dive is not a good move though so you should really get a hm slave venusaur;again with the hm's though strength is a decent one, some poison stab would help with those fairy pokemon, pangoro: replace sky uppercut with brick break for sure donphan: ugh the tm's, i'm not a fan of giga impact either because of the rest turn and assurance is also a very weak move
  11. another great strat is to put the trick room tm on something then your golem with its low speed will proceed to decimate.
  12. Why was i moved to the bronze bracket i beat azery....
  13. So reborn graveyard doooooes have to do with pokemon reborn
  14. I just finished the episode after like a million try's and all i have to say is that the typhlosion is waaaaaay to fast. I ended up putting trick room on my gengar so that my slow ass mamoswine could sweep her team (well other than the rotom which was even slower)
  15. My download is almost done for 13 (I hate you internet) Im excited to see how hard the new update is going to be *cough* Ice *cough*
  16. I'm in i already know what one Pokemon i'm using
  17. Considering what he said about fern i'm guessing it's just speculation but that's still interesting. I never really thing height when i play any pokemon games.
  18. Im too lazy to make a complex analysis like etesian so i'm just going to say good job looks kewl
  19. dang i was about to say jericho ill say jericho anyway
  20. I guess you must cri 2 sleep a lot Mikzal your turn
  21. Cowboy B boop (if that reference is gotten you win a cookie) Etesian Edit miss spelled my own reference im da best
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