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Lord Bagel

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. Evo has melee, am I the only one on reborn who plays? qwq
  2. I just hit 666 posts, I'm actually Satan

    1. Exalted


      please when your rep and view count along with these posts reach 666 or a variation then you the devil

  3. I already had them just by playing the game, not sure when I picked them up but I assume you just get it after the ending.
  4. OooOoo we're halfway there! OooOoo living on a prayer! Take my hand we'll make it I swear!
  5. I just finished the game also, where did you get these epilogues by the way, I got the last ending and everything was sort of abrupt. To be honest I liked a lot of the ideas in ztd but the ending itself left a lot to be desired to I hope for a fourth game also. Now onto spoiler stuff. Update: found the epilogue notes, thanks for telling me they exist as it helps the ending be not quite so abrupt, there is still a lot of story that can be told however.
  6. :] I like how everyone is getting so hype for alpha to be over even though beta definitely comes after alpha not before :]
  7. Wooper because who can be that happy all the time with no arms
  8. I would go with freeze and make a living going to areas that are so extremely hot no on else would willingly do the same. It would be uncomfortable but I get full mental and physical freedom at least
  9. You make it sound like people actually own Vita's
  10. The 28th arrives and the question is should I buy the game for my 3ds or wait for the PC version for better loading times and such, what a..... dilemma.
  11. GG I misjudged the recoil on your brave bird, after I had that sd I was super hyped to reveal natural gift ice LOL
  12. Some reviews have come out for the game and all of them I have read say it's amazing. I'm pretty hype not going to lie.
  13. From what I have read some of the choices are randomized with the example at one point sigma has a gun pointed at has head with 3 out of 6 bullets in the chamber. It's a 50% chance for him to die in that run without any way of stopping it. It seems that design choice is to add on to the theme that life isn't fair.
  14. Can confirm, ggs friend I had a lot of fun planning for this week.
  15. I brought some heat to week 4, thought I would share Magnezone @ Custap Berry Ability: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Mirror Coat - Discharge - Thunder Wave - Flash Cannon This is a pretty interesting set, I decided to go with this because vulcan already had access to most steel types so I didn't really need to rap anything. Mirror coat plus sturdy and t-wave gave me a backup plan for setup sweepers, lured in volc and would have been helpful if rain was used against me. Jellicent @ Leftovers Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Giga Drain - Recover - Hydro Pump - Shock Wave This set is one I was very happy with while building, the greatest tool atlantis had was waters and I noticed right away the struggles I might have vs things like gyarados and volcanion. This set can surprise things like storm drain gastro, swampert, gryarados and quagsire. It is also a perfect counter for volcanion something that would just get a kill every turn otherwise. Fun week for teambuilding, ggs Atlantis.
  16. Congratz jelly, you're a good friend and I hope for another thousand posts.
  17. I'll play on 3ds, I've only been playing melee lately but I can probably get back into this enough to be semi decent
  18. Come on jelly, we all know half of nightcore music is just the anime style background images. Just because it's literally the same thing doesn't mean it's the same thing.
  19. Alright I can agree with you here chim, I can't say it's coincidence sec is always attacked but in this case it was uncalled for.
  20. Sigh I don't know where you keep getting this attacking from. Jelly just made an activity post and I was just talking to my good friend Jericho In a private room. Nothing to be upset over.
  21. Isn't half the fun of competition the ability to argue with your opponent. A bit of rivalry isn't hurting anything in my opinion.
  22. Honestly I'm just playing the game and don't care if spine is busy, I just don't want you to be calling out exlink for being afk since he has been actively seeking to battle at many other times and his opponent has already missed one of those times. He shouldn't be looped into this shit show.
  23. So now one of our players should be subbed after being busy one day when comparing a player who has been busy for over half the week. I can play whenever because though I'm busy on weekends I understand battles take 15 minutes max so in a 24 hour day I think I can make some time.
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