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Lord Bagel

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. It's not the league itself that's disrespectful, what I find disrespectful is trying to pass off someones hard work off as your own. This topic for the most part is "Hi I made a thing, it runs like redemption, has the same rules as redemption, is inspired by redemption, is the same time as redemption, is copy and pasted from redemption, but don't worry guys this is a brand new league so no big deal right dash?" Sorry but I wouldn't accept something like that if I were in that position.
  2. All I can say is there will be no need for locking this thread, it will simply die out when no one signs up. Not to be rude but where you guys are comparing redemption to reborn, reborn was not going at the same time as redemption. Minimal work clearly was put into this and if this does somehow manage to get off the ground I hope you feel good being creative and downright stealing the concept and planning of something that was a huge undertaking. I happen to appreciate the work that went into getting a league back into reborn and prefer not to see it disrespected like this.
  3. In angie's town this is what the job board sais for me .
  4. Going to post twice just to make sure nothing is missed. Don't kill me for double posting.
  5. In melia's diary a line skips when reading it
  6. An hour later and I'm done downloading, realizes the download became corrupt. Bad luck bagel.
  7. I was warned and still looked, why must my curiosity overpower all logic.
  8. I would be able to get more hype if the download wasn't taking 2-3 hours
  9. Welp time to prepare for fighting tomorrow, sadly this is one of the types I expected would be difficult for my team since the beginning.
  10. Been like half a year since I posted here so what the hell, this is from about a month ago before snow enveloped everything.
  11. eyyyyyy beta test time. #Soon
  12. I can't believe all this attack card hype, A real breakfast food uses no ev training shenanigans! (Or the lazy ones)
  13. I think psychic will be one of the highest gyms, It has great megas and plays great singles as well as being fantastic with trick room.
  14. Totally forgot this existed, fail on all counts.
  15. It's debatable my favorite right now, even above one punch man. The manga has some real jaw dropping moments.
  16. I'll play for 3ds though you'll learn to hate my lag and the pain it brings
  17. With the speech over Sim turned to Lucas. "As much as I hate to say it I need to head back to dorms, I still haven't dropped my stuff off there because of that ghost situation. Where do you plan on heading next by the way? I'll try catch up to you after I drop off some stuff in my room unless you want to come with, It shouldn't take too long." Thinking about the dorms Sim couldn't shake the bad feeling he had about it. "I really need to stop being so paranoid or I'll never get any sleep at night" Sim thought to himself. Pushing the thought to the back of his mind Sim was once again in good spirits. The dragon Pokemon shown on a rampage during redwoods presentation were brutal but everything else about the presentation had Sim excited like a child come Christmas morning. The prospect of getting a new Pokemon tomorrow was sooner than Sim would have expected. He hadn't put much thought into who would be a good partner for Vanish yet. For now however Sim had more pressing and heavy things to take care of, thinking of the meager possessions Sim was still carrying around.
  18. I nominate Kamina for snow queen. I don't need to nominate anyone for the T3rr4 award since we all know Jelly is the king of shitposts. He should be unlocked to except his award btw, He got locked for shitposting a few days before it was clarified as allowed so I don't see why his warning points were justified.
  19. In this format I much prefer band over belly drum. Setting a belly drum up in doubles or tripples will be too risky. In those situations azu also has no spread moves so being a stall breaker is best.
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