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Lord Bagel

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. During the beginning of the game in the ship you can listen in through one of the thin walls. In this room we see nancy talking with crescent and it gives a lot of pretty cool info. I wont get into it too much because I probably forget a lot of it but you might want to check that out if you haven't.
  2. I'm not going to read through everything because I want my opinions on this game fresh, I am however wondering something. The first and second games of the series were debatable my favorite games of that time (I didn't have the money for money games back then so It didn't have much competition), however just like main series games the most recent game didn't even come close to following in the footsteps of the first games. I heard that this game is actually harder than the first....which is fantastic. I do 't know how the story is however so....is it any good? I don't want any details just personal opinion if the story can live up to the second games just so it doesn't feel like a painful mash a fest.
  3. The size is for them most part the same as the first male mc of reborn. I think it might be about one pixel shorter or something around that realm. I created them using graphics gale so I know the dimensions will work, taking the screenshot might have stretched things.
  4. Considering the popularity with people making battle sprites for each other I wanted to get involved and get some practice myself. Since many people have battle sprites I was wondering if anyone wanted in game sprites for running walking and things like that. Of course I couldn't make custom sprites for all of the situations in game so there would e inconsistencies but it's still fun to play as your own character. I've taken some inspiration from Ame's sprites and I think I can make some ones now. If anyone wants one for themselves you can put down a description of what you want the character to look like or a copy of the battle sprite you use on the showdown server.
  5. To each there own I guess when it comes to this reveal and the Hilda persona in general. The only thing I'm confused about is how after being found out, we learn that hunter has been lying all this time about his true self, even going as far to be in a relationship as Hilda using fake pictures. Instead of being upset you are appreciating hunter and taking the ordeal as showing courage. Not to shout out hunter as that isn't the point of the post (again to each there own), I'm just lost in confusion that instead of being maybe slightly irritated, the friends of Hilda are learning of a truth because of a long string of lies being unveiled and he is being showered with kindness and comments on how he is brave. One could see this as kindness on the internet and reborn which is great or one could see this as ignorance. Personally if someone lied to me for a year I would be angry and rightfully so. I think this is a good time to think about how quickly things are accepted around here. Sometimes a healthy level of doubt is needed so that we can learn about the true natures of the people we spend time with. Not to prove liars of our friends but instead that we can get to know them better and forge true friendships. Take this thread not as one person's mistake but as a lesson for all people who visit this website. Let us strive towards a truthful community and a community that is therefore free. Let's all be ourselves and be happier for it. (PS. as my personal opinion on the Hunter thing not part of the previous things I've said. Lying about your entire life is kind of a big deal. It's about the biggest breach of trust that can be done and when it comes to positions around here trust is incredibly important. I didn't really know Hilda so I have no bias on the matter. Therefor my thoughts on the matter is that in a position like this people need to earn trust back, no matter how long that would take. I understand that at the beginning of the lie Hilda wasn't friends with anyone but creating a persona like this online has always been against my ethics. No one should hide who they are, even if they have the ability to do so.)
  6. Cyaloom sorry I had to bunny you a bit but since I never replied before the update it left us in a bit of a tricky spot. I hope you didn't plan anything important on the walk over, if you did my bad.
  7. "There you are!" the black haired trainer exclaimed, while approaching his peer. "Are you alright now? The ghosts are finally gone." "I'm fine, I couldn't find anyone so it's a good thing everything blew over. I would have done a pretty terrible job otherwise." Sim added with a grimace. "Should we head towards the contest hall for Redwoods announcement?" Sim asked the other trainer. Lucas agreed and the two headed towards the contest hall. Sim and Lucas made it with plenty of time to spare and found a seat within the masses. Sim sat with Vanish in complete silence determined not to miss any details hot to miss any details. The battle points system sounded like a lot of fun, it seemed the more talented of a battler here the easier things would be. That would also apply to more than just battles. Sim turned towards Lucas wondering what he was thinking but couldn't tell what he was thinking. Sim had around one thousand questions and a half but found it would be better to wait and see if the other questions asked would provide enough information.
  8. As the commotion in the dorms left as unexpectedly as it arrived Sim couldn't help but be a little irritated. "Looks like something was just messing with us after all" Sim scolded himself. The ghosts had him cowering in fear, Sim was glad no one saw him overreacting like that. Shaking off the scare he listened intently to the announcement. Though irritated he never ended up being able to get set up in his room or meet his roommate Sim was however back in good spirits. The assembly was bound to help things make more sense and mention of a second pokemon can't help but be exciting. Sim started backtracking towards the entrance of the dorms hoping to meet up with Johnny and Lucas. Though the rotom was just pranking the new students Sim couldn't shake a feeling of unease. Everything seemed so real that it being a joke felt wrong, Vanish seemed to pick up on Sims feelings but didn't seem worried. "You've always been too carefree" Sim muttered to Vanish as he picked up his walking speed. Sim knew that he would spend a lot of time in the dorms so he hoped the feeling would pass. He arrived back at the dorms entrance happy to see that not everyone had left for the contest hall yet. Sim jogged towards the door, he was curios to see how what everyone else thought of that whole rotom ordeal.
  9. I'm about to make a post but I'm not really sure about everyone's position right now. I'm going to hang the post with Sim seeing someone at the entrance of the dorm, if no one is actually situated there I'll wait until someone does end up leaving and pick up from there as if me posting that was the same time of that person leaving.
  10. http://www.smogon.com/smog/issue37/bad-to-the-core
  11. If that were me alone with something screaming it wants to kill me after a wall grew eyes.....I would be a b fazed. At least until Sim finds some other trainers I'm not going to play the I'm not afraid of anything card XD
  12. Sim felt that at this point he must have went through almost every hallway in the building. So far the search hadn't brought up anything, He guessed most people had locked themselves into there rooms the moment logic decided to take a vacation. If he couldn't find where everyone was hiding soon he would have to retrace his steps and knock on every door. It was a tedious option Sim would rather avoid. For the most part everything was quiet as he searched. Compared to how hectic things had began the stillness seemed just as creepy. At one point Sim could have swore he heard whispering from farther down one of the hallways, the thought of it sent a chill down his spine. In the corner of Sims vision something always seemed to be moving, He shrugged it off as paranoia but even so he had to wipe some sweat from his forehead. "Maybe I'm just imagining things" Sim mumbled to Vanish who was still within his arms. He wanted Vanish close, clearly anything could happen in this mad house. Just then Sim heard another whisper, this time clear as day. "We will have another. We will balance the scales." Sim searched around frantically unsure of where the noise was coming from. "GIVE IT TO US! YOUR LIFE! IT'S ONLY RIGHT! IT'S ONLY FAIR! IF YOU REFUSE OUR KINDNESS WE WILL DO TO YOU AS THEY DID TO HIM! YOU ARE ALL OURS, THIS IS OUR DOMAIN!!!" Sim's body shook, the first priority was tracing the sound but it sounded as if it came from all directions at once."Maybe we should have stayed with the others" Sim whispered with an unsteady voice. Slowly Sim backed himself into a corner, praying that whatever was causing all of this would leave in peace. Sim wondered what kindness was being refused, and what "they did to him" whatever that meant.
  13. Can the player characters inside the dorm hear what was written in red writing? If so I could probably base a post off of it. Otherwise I could post something but it probably wouldn't add anything new other than Sim just wandering around.
  14. Now I need to change my team up a bit it seems, serperior doesn't fit the team all that well but it least it's a great pokemon. I'm sure I can make it fit with a few tweaks.
  15. I've felt the need to make a post for a while now but I need some input from some more experienced people here. I'm not really sure what kind of things chim planned on happening in the dorms so to describe what's going on I don't want to make an incorrect assumption. Should I try and post something or wait for more information to be given out?
  16. This game looks so tense I'm willing to waste 10$ on it. I feel playing it you will never feel safe, it would be fun but terrifying.
  17. I've been playing this a lot, it's super fun. Sadly I only play at school when my internet doesn't suck.
  18. I would have to assume she would be poison based on her looks but I guess it could be something else.
  19. To be honest what I got by the original plan was that since you had no pokemon you were going to stay in the main room. If I knew that wasn't the case I wouldn't have left alone.
  20. Just to add to Deadpool's Gatr vs Azu thing remember that when vs the grass leader you can always switch azu to a sap sipper ability. that would work very well against anything other than venasaur or amoongus.
  21. I left the ending of my post fairly vague since I don't really know what Sim would find in the dorms. I'll probably wait for an update before I post again. Sorry for being very resistant to making Sim do anything not strictly guided, I don't really want to screw anything up since my experience in these things are limited at best.
  22. Male dorms hallway Sim didn't know how he felt about Johnny's plan to split up, especially splitting up Lucas and Grimace. Sim however had no other real plan in mind so it couldn't be helped. Since Johnny was going to recover Aliah and Lucas was going to wait for Grimace that left Sim and Vanish to search for other people in the dorm. Sim's original plan had been to come here and explore the dorms, sadly this twisted turn of events was not the original plan at all. Sim let out an audible sigh, the day had been going so well. "Johnny, I'll go ahead and look around. I'll meet back here if I can't find anything." Sim was glad his sense of navigation has always been fairly good. The dorms would not be a very good place to get lost in the state they're in now. Sim marked the meeting room in his mental map and headed out in the direction opposite Johnny. Sim hated not understanding what was going on. It made him feel like an idiot who couldn't grasp what was going on. Hoping to find some answers and of course the other students stuck in this mess, Sim pressed on. Not an easy task with fear weighing him down.
  23. ^ What dd said. And usually I won't be running mold breaker but that's another one interchangeable only when I know the opponent might be using a lot pokemon with levitate. Either way I appreciate the suggestions since all teams could use some work even though it might seem like I'm just defending myself XD
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