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About trundle7

  • Birthday 04/26/1994

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    Football, Pokemon, VideoGames, chillin out, cooking, baking(cookies *__* aaand Brownies :3) :)

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. Where do you get the Weird Diary? Or how do you use the debug mode to add items? :P
  3. Hey! So, after the fight against Garbodor in the West-Gearen Sewers, in the Cut-Scene, Erick walks downwards into the Wall and after that, nothing else happens. Can't walk, interact etc. The Cut-Scene seems somewhat dodgy, don't know. Please, some help, 'cause i love this game and don't wanna stop playing :( Game - 158 - Tara - 53h 41m - 8 badges.rxdata Game - 159 - Tara - 53h 42m - 8 badges.rxdata Game.rxdata
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. Perfect! want anything for it? I'm ready. IG name: trundle7
  7. I need/want a Timburr and Rhyhorn with good IV's in Attack and Defence or HP
  8. Nah, sadly I havn't But I'm just about to beat Amy. My Lapras walls the shit out of hers haha
  9. I need/want one, to get a Jolteon for Amy's Gym and not enough time to breed
  10. Need one of those for my final Team. Need something bulky(Chansey/Blissey) or sth bulky what can hit hard (Aegislash). Would be appreciated, if someone can help me out Havn't got a load to give tho
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