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Everything posted by dondon151

  1. Thanks, I ended up scouring part of the route with an Itemfinder yesterday and found: - PP Up on Route 1 - Nugget on Route 1, near the Fern battle - Zinc on the bridge to North Obsidia Ward - Star Piece in Apophyll Beach I'll check the rest of the route later. The one item that I'm really looking for more of is Protein, though.
  2. I was scouring Apophyll Beach with the Itemfinder today and discovered a hidden Soft Sand located in the sand on the top side if the academy, so I can strike that off the list.
  3. I'm trying to improve the speedrun route, and finding as many hidden vitamins as possible would be a huge boon. Rare Candy, Protein, and Carbos are necessary for use, but everything else can be sold for $4900 apiece. The ones I've found so far are: - Protein right outside Julia's gym - Calcium in NW Peridot Ward - Carbos near Florinia's gym - Rare Candy in Rhodocrine Jungle - PP Up in Beryl Ward right outside the building with the terrain explanations - HP Up to the left of Corey's gym - Carbos to the right of the first Rock Smash boulders in the Underground Railnet - Protein within the Underground Railnet proper - Rare Candy near the abandoned train in Chrysolia Forest - Calcium in 7th Street - Zinc in Ametrine City - Iron in a cave behind Blake's apartment - PP Up near the peak of Ametrine Mt. What have I missed? Probably quite a lot.
  4. If you didn't rescue all of the police officers, there will only be a corrosive field, and you can Belly Drum sweep with maybe a couple of X Speeds. If you did rescue all of the police officers, there will be a corrosive mist field, which is going to make setting up difficult.
  5. Strictly in the world of gen 1 and gen 2 Pokemon, a player could legally obtain a L9 Pidgeotto in Yellow.
  6. Is there an explanation for why Cal's Magmortar knows Blast Burn?
  7. Yes, I know this, but it doesn't matter. +atk and +spatk are almost always better than +spe in-game. It's not a matter of personal preference - you'll more often get OHKOs from +atk/+spatk than you will outspeed opponent Pokemon from +spe.
  8. It depends on whether you want coverage vs. fighting and poison or psychic and ghost. TC's Pokemon already have good coverage vs. psychic and ghost. Extrasensory is better in competitive play and it's probably better in-game, too. I think this is poor advice. For an in-game team, you should almost always prefer a +atk or +spatk nature over a +spe one. The reason is that most opponent Pokemon aren't very fast, and with a +spe nature you're only getting the jump on a handful of opponent Pokemon whereas you're losing guaranteed OHKOs on a lot of opponent Pokemon.
  9. I have E14.1 and she leads with Typhlosion and Darmanitan.
  10. The easy way is to get a Cotton Candy and sac a Pokemon to fully revive Torterra.
  11. You should run Slash -> Strength over Facade. Ursaring is a solid in-game option without breeding.
  12. Just with your team, you can probably craft a successful strategy, though it'll require trial and error. Charlotte has a lot of specially offensive Pokemon, so Alakazam might be able to CM up and sweep. The problem is that you have to get rid of her lead Darmanitan, which I'm 99% sure has a Choice Scarf. Her Typhlosion also likes to fire off Eruption, which does a ton of damage and transforms the field into a burning field.
  13. I think Noel's team requires a bit of a different design philosophy than the other leaders because the Normal type has poor options for covering every potential threat. The Pokemon are also not very good in general - the only Normal-type currently in OU is Chansey, but Chansey is not so good of an option on an in-game opponent team because the AI isn't going to be able to use Chansey solely in her best competitive capacity. The one Normal-type that does come to mind is Snorlax. A Curselax set @Leftovers with 3 attacking moves could be strong, especially since the terrain adds 1/16 HP healing per turn on top of the Leftovers. I'm sure I've said this before, but I'm really puzzled by why Noel doesn't have a Pyroar, which benefits from the terrain in several ways - its STAB is boosted, it receives halved damage from Muddy Water, and its preferred HP type is also boosted.
  14. The power of the moves are not the same. The STAB move is almost always stronger. The special normal-type STAB that most normal-types learn is Hyper Voice. Hyper Voice has 90 -> 135 BP after STAB. A super-effective HP Flying has 60 -> 120 BP after damage modification. Hyper Voice is stronger. Tri Attack has the same power in this case and so it still renders HP Flying redundant because Tri Attack has a chance for a secondary effect. In competitive battling, you never run HP just to cover a weakness because it'll usually do less damage than your STABs. In order to make running HP worthwhile, it has to hit a type for 2x damage that your STABs can't hit for 1x damage, or it has to hit for 4x something your STABs can't hit for 2x. HP is a really weak move.
  15. No, because a super-effective HP usually does less damage than a normal-effective STAB. Fire makes sense to cover steels and it gains a power boost from the terrain.
  16. Important trainers are probably fixed. Are you talking about Noel? HP Fire on his Pokemon is almost certain a conscious design choice given his terrain.
  17. Find the House Key hidden behind a broken wall in the northeast corner of the abandoned railnet.
  18. I'd still assert that Sleep Powder is better; Tailwind is not terribly useful in single battles, especially in-game. Sleep Powder is essentially free turns (barring the 2.5% chance of a miss) and it should let you setup to +2 67% of the time. If you're matched against a special attacker, you can setup anywhere from +2 to +4 before the enemy can attack, and with the +SpDef boosts, you can easily setup to +6 and sweep. Assuming that Vivillon can outspeed the opponent's lead Pokemon, even if it only sets up to +1 or +2, it can outspeed the next Pokemon with a 97.5% accurate Sleep Powder and continue setting up. I don't understand what's the point of Tailwind on this set - it doesn't help Vivillon because it's redundant with QDance, and the boost is not only transient, but it requires switching out after a turn of leaving Vivillon totally vulnerable.
  19. Vivillon should run Sleep Powder over HP Fire. You get less coverage, but you can secure a setup with QDance.
  20. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Low_Kick_%28move%29 Aggron is 360.0 kg without Heavy Metal and 720.0 kg with. Both are in the 120 BP weight class.
  21. Aggron is already in the heaviest weight class without Heavy Metal, so Low Kick won't inflict extra damage on it.
  22. Competitive is like Defiant; it activates when your stats are lowered.
  23. dondon151

    E14 Changes

    I can corroborate the swamp field, and man, that made the battle super hard.
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