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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by dondon151

  1. People need to stop suggesting healing moves on in-game teams. Kecleon has very few options, you could try Sucker Punch / Brick Break / Shadow Sneak / Trick Room or something. God, it's so bad. I guess you could also do a Nasty Plot set with whatever special TMs you can throw on it, lol...
  2. It's more reliable to sweep Samson without relying on high striker rolls. Samson is easy to set up on - lead with Arcanine for Intimidate, sac it, and then Bulk Up to +3 and sweep with something like Blaze Kick.
  3. One only properly learns from mistakes if the punishment is appropriate.
  4. I hate this mentality that proliferates in this community. When any user makes a fair suggestion or complaint regarding the tedium present in the game, there's a mob of users eager to jump to the game's defense with the non sequitur "hur hur Reborn is supposed to be hard." It happened when I made a suggestions thread several months ago, and I was vindicated by some of the changes having been implemented. I suspect that the TC wasn't aware of the existence of Common Candies, but it could also be that he's just completely out of money, in which case he's in a deep hole. This is a reason why Common Candies should not be more expensive; if anything, they should be completely free! I seriously don't get the argument for increasing the price of Common Candy, considering it's coming from the same users who tout Reborn's difficulty as something that cannot be surmounted with a typical super-Pokemon solo. Look, if this were the case, than the player would be punished for low-Pokemoning by having fewer usable Pokemon to bring into a battle, and the increased Common Candy price would achieve nothing but frustrate players who break the level cap (likely inadvertently) and can't afford to buy Common Candies. tl;dr version: Reborn's "difficulty" should be discouragement enough from low-Pokemoning; there is no need to increase Common Candy price.
  5. The problem is that the Mega Ring (and the Mega Stones) is different from the Pokemon itself.
  6. Confusion sweep off a base 60 spatk? Yikes. Medicham also can't take physical hits well and will probably be constantly poisoned. Probably a better strategy would be to buy Facade from the Game Corner and power through Aya with a Guts Hariyama.
  7. Aya seems nightmarish. Gallade isn't yet obtainable and Medicham can't get Zen Headbutt before Aya anymore. This list is conspicuously missing a Heracross.
  8. Why are we beating a dead horse? These kinds of things happen and they should be expected. Every enemy trainer past ~4 badges has to have custom movesets for their Pokemon. It's easy to forget that a Pokemon doesn't learn a certain coverage move when it learns a different but similar coverage move. We're doing a service by pointing out these mistakes so that they will be fixed, but we're doing a disservice by using them as evidence that the game is cheating.
  9. I think all of the relevant starters can solo Julia. Monferno gets Flame Wheel at L19 (same BP as Double Kick) and is faster than Combusken to begin with, Pignite gets Flame Charge at L15 and has higher atk than Combusken, and Quilladin has Rollout. Quilladin might have the hardest time.
  10. You guys should really suggest Pokemon that Yash could actually obtain.
  11. There's actually a second one hidden near the house with the Panpour, and I'm pretty sure the house with the Panpour also contains a visible Common Candy. Honestly I think the hardest battle pre-Julia is the trainer with the fucking L9 Noibat, that guy should not be allowed to exist.
  12. Combusken can solo Julia, no problem. If you fight only the required battles, you need exactly 1 Common Candy to prevent Combusken from reaching L21 during the Julia fight. It's a little harder right now because Double Kick doesn't work properly in Julia's field and Flame Charge doesn't quite OHKO her Voltorbs.
  13. Most casual players (and I'm assuming you're a pretty casual player) don't plan out a route meticulously. The kind of thing where X Pokemon needs to be at exactly Y level for Z battle is something that you won't often even see in speedruns. Like, I'm not sure how anyone can think this is a good idea. Some poor guy is going to get into one too many battle with a Pokemon that would be useful at the upcoming gym and then his only option is to catch something else and re-train it. Hiding Common Candies is a terrible solution because most players don't find most hidden items pre-Itemfinder.
  14. Charlotte doesn't lead with a Ninetales anymore.
  15. I cannot begin to express how terrible this idea is. A game should balance accommodating diverse playstyles and presenting respectable difficulty. This suggestion would restrict playstyles without improving difficulty. I think if this idea were to be implemented, a significant number of players would no longer put up with the game.
  16. Since you would probably be interested in team diversity, don't pass up Meditite (after 4 badges), Exeggcute (after 4 badges), and Inkay (after Kiki).
  17. He probably means Seed Bomb. Curse + 3 attacks is probably best overall.
  18. I argued awhile back that Litleo was a superior in-game Pokemon compared to Growlithe, and I can't help but feel vindicated when users make statements like the one above.
  19. Who's Radomus??? EDIT: I don't think the tone of this post was conveyed as well as intended...
  20. Strange, I never hear anyone accuse the player of cheating because he has access to a brain whereas the game is stuck with a hobbled AI. Maybe someone needs to be a voice for the game. "No fair, you set up with Bulk Up because I'm not programmed to switch!" "You're sacrificing low-level death fodder in double battles? That's cheating!" "Why do you get to use Cotton Candies when I'm stuck with 4 Hyper Potions?"
  21. In the vein of actually good suggestions like the one posted above, how about hotkeys for the Pokemon and Bag menus?
  22. Just haircut a bunch of times unless you are low on money; they give you good bang for the buck. The Central Salon gives +10 happiness for 1500G and the Glamazonia Salon gives +13 happiness for 1400G. Unless you've made Azurill faint a ton, you need at most 7 days' worth of haircuts at both places to reach 220 happiness for friendship evolution. That would cost you about as much as a single Blue Moon Ice Cream.
  23. There's no point running Agility as Porygon-Z; it's fast enough such that X Speed lets it outspeed everything.
  24. This is not true. After defeating Charlotte, an Ultra Potion still heals more than 50% of my Diggersby's HP (L69, max HP 218), and they have been available for 2 badges already. If and when Hyper Potions become available, they can't possibly be outdated because Porygon2 can't have over 400 HP. You really don't want to waste a slot on Recover, especially since Charge Beam is more of a setup move than a coverage move.
  25. Did you just not read what I said? The topic of discussion was MGlalie and then you chimed in with some irrelevant statement about Greninja. I assumed that you were trying to make a relevant contribution that took into account the context. There is no indication that you had in mind a specific Greninja against a specific Dragonite. It's important in these discussions to be as clear and unambiguous as possible (in addition to staying on-topic in the first place) to avoid these situations. Dishonesty entails showing meaningless damage calculations to divert attention from the important calculations. In your post with the 6 MGlalie vs. Dragonite calcs, 3 were totally irrelevant because they used an unobtainable move (the ones with Return), 1 was irrelevant because it didn't address the topic at hand (the one vs. uninvested Dragonite), and 1 was posted without the necessary caveat that rigging a boosted Facade is pretty difficult in-game given that MGlalie can't hold a Toxic Orb that's not intended to be obtainable in the first place. Clearly some of the calculations were included for the purpose of winning points instead of shedding light on the subject. That's dishonest. The focus of the discussion here was, "does Refrigerate make MGlalie super broken?" and not "can MGlalie OHKO a flavor of Dragonite?"
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