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Everything posted by canse

  1. canse

    High IV Mons

    I've got unlimited snivy's, trust me they'll never be over. I can take that golem would save me sometime in the pokedex.
  2. canse

    High IV Mons

    I'll take it, fish is good for the eyes. My ID is canse.
  3. canse

    High IV Mons

    The better ones are gone, but if you don't mind a 5x31/18 defense then you can have that one.
  4. Great guide, well done! Don't forget to copy your characters folder in case you wanna switch back.
  5. canse

    High IV Mons

    Same to you! Thanks alot, I kinda feel bad not giving you 5x31 ones, i dropped most of them in wonder trade before i thought of making this thread. ;_;
  6. canse

    High IV Mons

    It's totally fine, Trading you now.
  7. canse

    High IV Mons

    The Eevee has 31 in everything but sp.atk which is 30 and attack which is 9, The Larvesta has 31 in def/sp.atk/speed 30 hp/sp.def and 2 attack, if you dont mind the 30's then i'd take a Vulpix/Litwick.
  8. canse

    High IV Mons

    Not really, if you also breed i'll take any that aren't in my list if you don't i'll still take anything.
  9. canse

    High IV Mons

    For goomy, you can choose between a 5x 31/3 attack or a 5x 31/28 hp as for abra: 31/25/27/31/30/29, 30/25/27/31/30/31 or you can just wait an hour or two and i'll have a 5x 30/31 by then.
  10. canse

    High IV Mons

    I've got a few Pokemon from breeding so if you need any of the following let me know, Sneasel Snivy Larvesta Goomy Staryu Abra Eevee Drilbur Voltorb Most of them have 5x31 IV's, if you want a shiny i can trade you one that might be slightly worse, I'll update the list when i breed new ones.
  11. canse

    [Answered] Lapras

    You're right, i was looking at the V2 Guide, thanks
  12. canse

    [Answered] Lapras

    Ohh, alright.. I thought it'd had to be saturday since it says so in the guide >: Thanks!
  13. Uh, well with the update coming i figured i'd catch everything i can and i saw that lapras is in ametrine mountain at the largest dive area but.. I'm there and lapras isn't, any help? It says that it has to be saturday so i also set it on saturday but nada.
  14. Take your time! If you need any help we can post some locations here.
  15. It's available once you reach darklight woods, by the way how do you have an Infernape and a Greninja? >:
  16. It's not completely updated is it? I don't see Totodile and Cyndaquil in the list, plus some others that are obtainable. >:
  17. Ah right.. It makes sense now, Thanks.
  18. Alright so, i'm either missing something or i forgot.. Who's Mrs.Crash?
  19. Alright so, Does the mansion have anything else, other than the pikachu ball? Is the collapsed tower the same event with Spiritomb? ('Cause i'm not getting anything there, Also if it is what was Spiritomb replaced with?)
  20. I so want to play this.. but i'm at my parents until summer is gone so i have to start all over since the curiosity is killing me. >: ( I just got to thank Jan and his crew and i can't wait to see you guys coming back stronger, Take your well deserved break. )
  21. Someone said something about a dark aipom :c But i did lose them. anyone knows the exact location of every page so i can 100% verify that i did have all of them?
  22. Uh well i just f**d up, and i think i found a bug! The diary asked me to insert the pages and i clicked no first to save since i heared something about a battle.. and it took my pages anyway, after talking to it again it only says the same thing that the pages are missing, I tried leaving the house and talking to it again didn't work, resetted too and it didn't work. Now i was either missing one page, but i'm pretty sure i've taken everything silver forest has.. I've explored it so many times before i've lost count, Eitherway by clicking yes/no the pages disappear eitherway. (I've explored it all again, definitely had all of them, this is a bug.)
  23. Does this have to do with that Ghost mansion place? Didn't know i could find all the diary pages.
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