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Everything posted by canse

  1. Um, i have to note one thing with pansage, While you fight it to catch it when you throw a pokeball to catch it and it fails it won't attack, so you can throw a pokeball over and over again.
  2. canse


    If you hold another shadow pokemon you can purify it but it's a bug way >:
  3. ahh, well if that's the secret then it's cool (If you think it's hard I spoke to the fastest npc dialogue the guy that's Near narcissa's gym, It's a one click dialogue and It's really fast, better than most events imo.)
  4. Thank you! I hope i do D: I can't tell if it's the same secret that a certain gym leader has or if it's something else. >: Also have fun! I hope you catch up fast.
  5. So i spoke 300 times to someone and caught Spiritomb, (not sure if it always comes shiny but mine was ) I also spoke 500 times, but where's the "secret"? >:
  6. Just noticed that route 6 has a kingdom hearts music in it, Brought the memories back. :c
  7. canse


    FINALLY after 50+ defeats I beat her, At least confusion is on your side even if they have skill link and stuff. :c
  8. canse


    I hope Marianette's Cinccino gets cancurrrr Why does it always hit max number of times on all it's attacks? >:
  9. or we could get two episodes as a surprise and get all of them. >:
  10. canse


    Is mudkip out of the game? I've tried in every weather and it never shows up. Never mind, it was the time.
  11. "Fifth gen and Sixth gen don't fit in the post so they will be posted a little further in the guide." You could write the number of the page that it's at. q_q
  12. For me the hardest was luna. >:
  13. Just used surf, The steam lowered the accuracy of the enemy, the rest was easy.
  14. I think it feels shorter because we don't have to walk much, but yeah.. it felt really short. >:
  15. @Charlotte, all i did was use surf, because of the heat it decreased everyones accuracy and the rest was easy. Didn't even need rain dance.
  16. Before updating to Episode 13, make sure you are NOT saved outdoors in any of the following locations: Reborn City Agate Circus Chrysolia Forest Rocky areas of Route 2 (Grassy areas are OK) so being in reborn city but in a house or pokemon center is safe?
  17. As you continue in the story so far some people battle you again, or new ones show up in the first maps, most of the time there are some strong ones in the main center which you get your starter, aside from that not really but there will definitely be a way in the future.
  18. Mine's hiding pretty good then.. can't find it. v_v
  19. Whether it leads to legendaries or not, the doors alone can't give all the legendaries, we'll probably have new maps, i think it'd be kinda stupid to get legendaries like zapdos, articuno and moltres from these doors, they should be in some islands like they are in the story, having only two locations with the boat is kinda stupid right? i think some of the doors, like the one arceus is in and the one under the stairway probably have legendaries, under the stairway i believe there's a whole city AND a legendary, as for the rest, they'll probably lead somewhere else along with more secrets and legendaries. I just hope that we'll manage to finish this game while we still live.
  20. I'm too lazy to read all that, i read 'til 3rd page, most of the things were answered anyways, i'm just gonna say this: Growlith/Arcanine kicks ass, so it's right to be considered strong. Mine surpassed my Typhlosion in lvls and power. :'(
  21. Well it wasn't as bad as some others, after a few tries i solved this.. and it was quite worth it. :x
  22. Has anyone done this yet? it's getting on my nerves. D: Well i just finished it and now there's a ladder puzzle. >_>
  23. Well, i'm just curious what this is because it happened for the first time, i usually play at night so i don't know if it's because of the time but like the whole screen glows, is that the sun or is something actually happening? o.o (too lazy to put a screenshot)
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