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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Darkforce35

  1. Yeah, school got me busy so I haven't been around much, trying to get back into it now that episode 14 is out!
  2. Lvl 68 Shiny Metagross (Starscream) Naughty Nature, Clear Body, Attack and Speed EV trained Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Agility, Zen Headbutt Lvl 68 Arcanine (Firey) Naughty Nature, Intimidate, Attack and Speed EV trained Crunch, Outrage, Extremespeed, Flare Blitz Lvl 69 Durant (Pound Town) Adamant Nature, Hustle, Attack and Speed EV trained X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Dig, Iron Head Lvl 70 Gogoat (Horny) Naughty Nature, Sap Sipper, Attack and HP EV trained Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Horn Leach Lvl 66 Gardevoir Modest Nature, Trace, Sp Attack and Speed EV trained Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball Lvl 68 Emperor Mild Nature, Defiant, Sp Attack and HP EV trained Scald, Agility, Ice Beam, Drill Peck
  3. Why does my character keep getting stuck on objects whenever I log into Reborn...

  4. Well i finished the episode in one and a half hours... now what am i supposed to do with my life??

    1. Abyssreaper99


      getting the stickers, new pokemon, grind, etc

    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      uhm... How about EV-Training? ^^

    3. Pokemon Princess
  5. How do I get Titania to come out of her room with the surf tm??

  6. In the matter of excadrill, i'd likely either have my empoleon set up with agility (in case of sand rush ability), or without sandstorm and given low defensive stats, arcanine with flare blitz (combined with charcoal and intimidate to lower excadrill's attack) should be enough for him
  7. Team 1 week ago: Lvl 67 Delphox (blaze) - Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball Lvl 67 Simipour (torrent) - Dive, Scald, Brick Break, Hidden Power Lvl 63 Magnezone (sturdy) - Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise Lvl 62 Arcanine (flash fire) - Extreme Speed, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Flame Burst Lvl 62 Crustle (sturdy) - Slash, X-Scissor, Shell Smash, Rock Wrecker Open slot Team as of now: Horny the Gogoat (Sap Sipper) lvl 69 ( with name) - Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Horn Leach Item: Miracle Seed EV's: 252 Attk, 252 HP, 4 speed Starscream the shiny Metagross (clear body) lvl 64 - Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Agility Item: Metal Coat EV's: 252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4 Def Emperor the Empoleon (defiant) lvl 64 - Agility, Ice Beam, Scald, Drill Peck Item: Mystic Water EV's: 252 SpA, 252 HP, 4 Def Gardevior (need nickname - trace) lvl 65 - Shadow Ball, Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind Item: Mind Plate EV's: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 HP Pound Town the Durant (hustle) lvl 64 - X-Scissor, Iron Head, Dig, Rock Slide Item: Silver Powder EV's: 252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4 HP Fiery the Arcanine (intimidate) lvl 67 - Crunch, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Flare Blitz Item: Charcoal EV's: 252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4 HP Backups: Lvl 64 Magnezone (mostly SpA and Speed EV trained) (sturdy ability): Metal Sound, Discharge, Flash Cannon, Magnet Rise (will probably stand in for Horny for Ciel's gym due to typing) Lvl 67 Delphox (blaze) - Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball Lvl 67 Simipour (torrent) - Dive, Scald, Brick Break, Hidden Power Also, much thanks to Etesian for all of his help with the team!
  8. Yeah, took me about 40-45 hours to go through the current 12 episodes
  9. How long did you have to wait for it to start downloading? I've waited about 15 minutes and its still only "starting"
  10. Shiny beldum caught!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

  11. Up for trade, will field any offers on... newly bred piplup.. IV's are(not perfect as i didn't breed for IV's, more for moveset): HP:26 Attack:29 Defense:31 Special Attack: 27 Special Defense: 0 Speed: 12 Preferably looking for a beldum if possible (preferably completely fresh)
  12. So a minor team reno turned into an entire team overhaul... my time = gone

  13. Does anyone know if the items that are "buried" and are found using the itemfinder respawn or are constantly appearing? Only reason I'm curious is because I used the itemfinder over the whole map and yet I still find new items sometimes when i go back to places I was sure I had cleared out. Am i crazy or do new items appear over time?
  14. Preferably guide, Im over in the chrysolia forest where I believe is the place to find it, but have no clue from there on
  15. I can't seem to find Mysidia Railcave and I need to get a smeargle for some breeding? Where can I find this place??
  16. Ok, so im not creative at all and need some help naming some of my team... Gardevior Magnezone Arcanine
  17. focus sash is also found inside the byxbixion grotto
  18. I've already gone through all 12 episodes so I'm left with only the grand hall trainers, which led to my curiosity on the future addition of re-battling haha
  19. Re-doing a whole team is so tedious :/

  20. I don't know if this has been asked before, I'm pretty new to the forums, but is there a plan to implement any re-battle system for NPC trainers in order to make grinding a little less tedious for players?
  21. This game just renews my puzzle hate, in so many ways
  22. Things like this are why i hate puzzles...
  23. Grinding can suck a big fat one D:

  24. Only reason I didn't look too much into him was due to the already enormous fire presence on my current team haha although after replacing delphox with gardevior he may now be more viable! Appreciate the input!
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