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Everything posted by Darkforce35

  1. Hahaha i know, I was just in a rush to train a strong fire pokemon to get through the bug gym (like i said i went through all 12 chapters in 4 days so it was all about time rather than perfecting moves - which bums me out now) so i wasn't able to get the best move-set I should've from growlithe, and now im kinda f'd haha
  2. Haha yeah, just as i posted that I went to check and saw it doesn't... Hmm, will definitely have to look into both of those two! Appreciate all of the help Etesian!
  3. Well with the sludge wave TM given by, I believe Aya but I could be wrong, that gives Roserade a second STAB move, so that was the thinking with her. Definitely appreciate all of the suggestions and will use them all when making my decision. Gonna wait till i finish EV training my Gardevior before I start working on a grass type so that'll give me some time to do some research and thinking. On the Crustle note, I think I'm probably going to replace it as well with another rock type Pokemon, but that'll be a bit farther down the road for clear reasons haha
  4. Yeah, makes sense... guess the only thing i still need is a few more grass recommendations to choose from, wanna fill it out right! Maybe a roserade?
  5. And i am switching the Delphox for an EV trained gardevior I will spend the next couple days grinding out (noob EV grinder).... which moveset sounds better to ya'll? Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Calm Mind, Psychic
  6. Ok, I think i want a grass Pokemon to fill the last slot, but don't have the time and ability to breed a great Venusaur (mostly for move-pool).... any other grass/anti-ground suggestions?
  7. Ight appreciate all the suggestions! I'm still fairly new to the game, that's my team after going through 12 episodes in 4 days. Haven't really had time to catch/grind lots of Pokemon to fill roles. Hardest part will now be going and finding Pokemon to fill, but I appreciate all the guidance!
  8. As of the end of episode 12 my current team is: Lvl 67 Delphox (blaze) - Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball Lvl 67 Simipour (torrent) - Dive, Scald, Brick Break, Hidden Power Lvl 63 Magnezone (sturdy) - Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise Lvl 62 Arcanine (flash fire) - Extreme Speed, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Flame Burst Lvl 62 Crustle (sturdy) - Slash, X-Scissor, Shell Smash, Rock Wrecker Open slot Any advice to revise current team and/or what else to add is much appreciated
  9. I had pretty good type coverage on my team so i ended up just switching around to deal with him... annoying but it worked on my first try
  10. How long would you say until the shop is open again?
  11. So i finally got the Oddish weed to complete that quest, and I know that the lady has to be in 7th street for it to be complete, but she will never appear down there for me; she's always in her house. Is there only a certain time that she is down there or some other way to get her down there?
  12. Ight, well I appreciate the help!
  13. So that ability is available? I wasn't sure if it'd been implemented yet... that changes everything haha
  14. You have to go in the main grand stairway, and go down the path that takes you down all of those jumps. Then when you get to the level on the stairs of the item, head left and you will be able to go above the rock that appears to block the path and you can make it to the item. Hope that helps.
  15. That's part of the reason I had been thinking Dragon claw instead of crunch, esp given I've already beaten the psychic gym leader. Appreciate the input.
  16. I didn't think rock head had been implemented yet? or am i wrong on that? Either way, head i'd either need to replace EQ or dragon claw for crunch, want to keep dragon dance...
  17. so take out EQ would be your suggestion?
  18. Where did you get dive in the circus??
  19. Darkforce35


    like rage-inducingly harder
  20. Looking to add a tyrunt to my team, but debating on the moveset I should give him... Its either: Dragon Dance, EQ, Head Smash, and dragon or replacing DD with crunch for strong jaw bonus... any suggestions?
  21. That seems to work better, thanks!
  22. Yeah, i figured as much! I've spent hours trying to figure out ways to get back there haha after every gang related event i tried to talk to the people around the building to try to get in, but nothing haha
  23. Just out of curiosity, is there going to be any future purpose or way to get to the back of the building in north Obsidia ward with the kricketune lady and the gang activity behind? it appears to have trainers but I havent been able to figure out a way to get back there, or if there even is one.
  24. Still no change when exiting the hall and returning, even tried changing date while outside... trainers older than 1 week won't battle again
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