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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Halife

  1. Just luv Rob's stream :D

  2. Halife


    Your last post tho... man you are hilarious i already like you
  3. Yeah right, i want to see more pulse forms *-* they look so badass. I think i like them more than the normal megas. This evil thouch make them look so much more powerfull. I hope there will be much more of them.
  4. WAAAIIT i just recognized that the armor of Abra looks like the Armor from Mewtwo O.o Woooaaah this is siiick O.o source: bulbapedia
  5. The interesting about these 3 Pokemons is that they are more or less immune against toxic^^(pls don't tell me how to poison them >.<)
  6. Tangrowth is Grass/Poison Muk is Poison Abra is Psychic/Steel Edit: well...Guardian was faster ^^
  7. actually they are exactly like megas ^^ Imo Muk is the most dangerous of them. He can use his protean ability for his defence....in addition to his sky hight sp.def and his good hp and an acceptable def he is a monster. While he is a tank he can deal crazy dmg thanks to stab.... But i like it, this is how Boss-Pokemons should be ... challenging...
  8. While browsing older threads i saw topics how to beat Tangrowth, Abra and Muk So i thought it might be interesting to know what the base stats of these Pokemons are. The Pokemon in the screenshots have 31IV and 0EV and a neutral nature in case you want to check for yourself. Tangrowth(Total 610) HP:100 Attack:70 Defence:200 Sp. Attack:70 Sp. Defence:160 Speed:10 Muk(Total 700) HP:105 Attack:105 Defence:70 Sp. Attack:130 Sp. Defence:250 Speed:40 Abra(Total 650) HP:25 Attack:20 Defence:115 Sp. Attack:195 Sp. Defence:155 Speed:140
  9. chess is no different than tic tac toe

    1. zimvader42


      And yet, I almost always lose at tic tac toe... so sad

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      No, if you go first in Tic Tac Toe, and you're not a moron, you can't lose.

    3. zimvader42


      Since I'm not a moron, it probably has something to do with (almost) always going second. Chess is harder for me, though.

  10. Halife

    Hi :)

    Thanks for the greetings and advices Ehm i haven't completley understand what Pokenations is, sry >.< Is this a PO server ? Or a standalone game ?
  11. Halife

    Hi :)

    Hello everyone I am glad that i found this forum and this awesome game. I saw pkmrob streaming Pokemon Reborn and i was immediately hyped I finished the game after 2 day but i couln't get enough ^^ There are so many interesting topics that i decided to join this forum. It is fascinating to see so many people that are also enthralled by this game helping each other. About myself...i love playing Pokemon against other people I like co-op games in general. And i love to hang out with friends. My english isn't really that good since i am from germany and i never made much effort to get better :/ So i hope you guys can forgive me. By the way does this forum have a chat ?
  12. Oh, that sounds great Sry even tho i searched in different topics i didn't see that
  13. I know the title sounds strange. Why would anybody be against the quick save ? Here is the reason. Even though the quick save is really convinient it can break the game. Being able to save on places where you are not supposed to is dangerous. Many people are saving in cutscenes or in autoscripts. It is possible to restore save files that are stuck. But it is not possible to restore save files that are caught in an script which has a never ending loop. For example the last preview scene for episode 13. Even if I edit the script and edit the map of 'Delete Later' it is not possible to stop the script. Even if you add a new event to this map with a teleport... the script has to stop first. But it won't. Which means that the save file is most likely gone... I tried to edit raw save files with a hex editor... but this procedure is just to time consuming. So the quick save command should not be executeable while other events are running. Since i didn't watched to much in to the code i don't know if this is an option but if it is it would be great to implement this.
  14. Working on next tutorial :)

  15. Mega Tangrowth has the "Filter" ability, so even with fire attacks(or any other supereffective move) you will just deal 1.5x dmg. So if you have better stab attacks use your stabs.
  16. It is a Carracosta And yeah imo these puzzles are really hard.
  17. Lol episode 16 Ame i jut noticed that the mega pokemons are too small. Is there a reason why you guys made them so small ? They have a different size than 160*160. They are just 96*96. Is this also because you updated from 4th to 5th gen ? (Btw i love the individual shiny idea *-* like wartortle *-*)
  18. It is a really nice hyper offensive team. You could even use this team in competitiv play super fang is a bit odd for hyper offensive teams... since you will never use this move against sweepers and if you face a tank your team has enough coverage to swap your noivern out. For example if he gets walled by a chansey you would just switch to azumarill or arkanine. Shadow sneak on greninja is not optimal for a playthrough imo. It is fun if you are afraid of a mach punch and just troll the enemy in competitive plays. But what are the chances that a npc will have mach punch ? So you would go immediatley for extrasensory. You should breed a new greninja with ice beam. It is worth it Ice is such a good offensive type. But anythingelse seems solid for me.
  19. jim, the problem is that these few pokemons are too small ^^ So they are to low in their frame. They just get covered by the Battle-Menu. You can go in to your Battlers folder and search for your Pokemon. Open it with a graphic programm and just adjust the sprite by your self . Be aware you need a programm which will keep the transparency.
  20. You have a big ground weakness there Sir. I would recommend you a Gastrodon with Storm Drain. It has much Sp.Def an Hp, exactly what your team needs, a special tank. Or I would recommend a Tropius. It is immune to ground and hits them super effective.
  21. Just go to your Pokemon Reborn Folder. Open Graphics. Than Battlers an replace this item 527sb.png. With that file that i attached When you save the file, you have to name it 527sb.png Have a nice day =D
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