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About SeizureSalad

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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  • Location
    Maryville, TN.
  • Interests
    Playing Pokemon, Writing, Drinking, Sleeping, Being a Nerd, etc.

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  1. Normal all the way. Easily my favorite monotype to play with. Double battles for the gym though. Slaking Kecleon Eevee Snorlax Porygon-Z Audino So many options for trolling with the proper breeding and held items.
  2. Any chance you'll be updating this anytime soon with the stuff after Serra? I think that's her name, the Ice gym lady. I'm running a Normal Mono team and it would be pretty helpful.
  3. Umm. I'm still new here but I can suggest a few things that may help you. One, catch an Ekans with Intimidate for the god awful Tangrowth fight coming up. I'd also suggest catching a Bidoof and evolving it, level 15 I think, for the Litleo you can get in Peridot Ward. If you get one with Moxie you can literally Headbutt your way through the first gym like it's nothing. Surprisingly enough, Rattata is OP for a while too. Hyper Fang at level 16 really rapes face. Hopefully this helps!
  4. PRAISE JEEBUS!! \('-' )/
  5. Oh my bad. Yeah this is for Reborn, I'm just new here and had no idea where to put it. Not really sure how to move it either. I plan on getting PorygonZ and Pyroar later on, maybe even the Heliolisk. But Snorlax won't really be as useful for the idea I have. I was just asking for advice on getting through the earlier parts. I don't really want to rely on Bibarel as Tangrowth will just eat him for breakfast.
  6. Oh that's fine. Lol. I'm still getting used to all the names. Right now I'm rocking a Tech Meowth, Rattata for Hyper Fang, Sp Atk Pidgey for that late game Hurricane, and I caught two Bidoofs. One for breeding later on an the other for Litleo which is OP with Moxie. I gotta go get my DovahPuff soon too. I just wish I could get Kecleon earlier on. He's part of my Dynamic Duo. '-' I'll check out Bunnelby and Helipotile though, so thank you!
  7. Terra still had the best idea for a move. Not sure I can say the actual name on here but her TM. Lol. Bulls***. Covers the field in bulls*** and slows down any enemy that steps in it. Why isn't this a move already? xD
  8. Just started a Normal Mono run yesterday and just curious if anyone has any helpful advice to offer. Such as, mons to pick up or check out or useful tactics. I already know at least 4 that will be part of my end game trolling spree, but getting there is the issue. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  9. Funny enough, my best experience has been with Normal types. When X and Y was the new thing, they had pages on FB that made their own "Gyms." Mine was the normal gym and I maybe had two people beat that team in a years time? Yes. DovahPuff is a proud member of that team. '-'
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