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Xiri last won the day on June 13 2017

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About Xiri

  • Birthday April 6

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    Fogbound Lake

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Rage Powder should not work vs Grass types but they do for some reason (during Lorna fight) Also, the Pokeball factory in West Gearen was open so I went into it - only to have the Aya event played again when I completed it last episode.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. They STILL dont know how to use the wacky Tauros in Route 1...
  5. How did Nappy get a Krookodile? Isn't Sandile only available in Tanzan Mountain and didn't he already catch something there?
  6. 1. I didn't know Sigmund's team had a makeover. Neat change but I didn't expect all of them to get thrashed. I always choose the Sirius route because I like the Hyper Beam scene so I would have never found out about his Psychic Terrain team if I didn't watch the penta-op 2. At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if they will ever abandon the nuzlocke rules. 90% of the comments section (probably all from the Reborn community) all tell them to play the game normally and the Youtubers probably know that too... but I guess Nappy and maybe Mo wants to continue on nuzlocking so thats why everyone is still doing the same thing (poor Twit tho. Had a pretty cool squad but rip) 3. Wonder what they will do about the verging pathway? Currently, they seem to think Sigmund's battle is optional but they might connect the dots if they see that Mo has to fight Sirius and the others don't?
  7. They said they already lost when 4 of them whited out at Shade but they are continuing it regardless.
  8. ...they forgot who Taka is? smh I mean, I can understand them forgetting Amaria (cuz I did too on my first ever playthrough) but how can you forget Taka and his devilish Chatot? O_O
  9. I usually like watching nuzlockers getting salty when they lose mons but idk. I'm getting tired of them complaining over every important battle because all they do at the end is just call everyone a bitch and hate on every character in the game. Then again, I don't really do nuzlockes so I guess from a nuzlocker's perspective, certain characters can only be remembered by being known as the 'asshole that took my OOO away from me'. However, I felt like they hated on Kiki way too much. Iirc someone hated on her because she talked too much in her lesson at the beach (wait till they reach the latest content because dialogue overdose lolol) - which seemed kinda unnecessary. I get she's not a really interesting character but still, her getting overly hated on kinda made me feel uncomfortable to an extent. They made it past her gym battle quite fine too - so :blobshrug: I wonder how they will respond to what will happen in (probably) the next episode - and part of me is not looking forward to it. As for gameplay, I felt bad for Nappy when his plan with the Skuntank for Shade failed because of a crit - but then he lost again afterwards so... lol idk. It's kinda funny how he keeps mentioning that battle when clearly hax wasn't responsible for the entirety of his failure. Some of them have too high of an ego but they get away with it by blaming it on hax which kinda describes half of the competitive Pokemon community but hey.
  10. That 'Corey' you saw is part of the Zorua event And I guess they already considered this nuzlocke as 'lost' since all of them whited out at some point. Good to see them continue though (although idk why they are still nuzlocking it rip)
  11. Oh I just discovered this thread so forgive me for sharing some of my Week 2 sets a tad late: White Kiss (Bronzong) @ Psychium Z Ability: Levitate EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD Sassy Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe - Hypnosis - Psywave - Stealth Rock - Trick Room Z-Trick Room combined with Hypnosis is infuriating to face since it gives it a +1 boost in accuracy. With no sleep clause in Doubles, and no Tapu Fini or Koko being allowed meant that Bronzong's role was to set up TR (Z-Trick Room also bypasses Taunt which is neato) and spam Hypnosis while its teammate heavily damages the sleeping foes. Unfortunately my opponent also brought a TR team so the plan didn't quite work Blossom (Ferrothorn) @ Wiki Berry Ability: Iron Barbs EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpA Brave Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Iron Head - Power Whip - Protect - Thunder Ferrothorn was almost always guaranteed to move first under TR and while it does struggle against Polaris's grass types, it was a huge threat vs their Water and Ice type mons (especially if they brought a Rain team). The last slot was kinda free so my teammates suggested to put Thunder on it so that it could OHKO a Pelipper with no HP or defense investments. Sadly, the meme never really came to flourish.
  12. The Sun Valkyries Committee: @Xiri, @Ironbound Members: @Archeric @Bazaro @DemICE @Epic C @Filthy Casual @FlameMasterInfernape @Ghost141 @Jelly @Mazino Divergent @Monochrome_Complex @Winter @YinYang9705 Get comfy with everyone peeps - these will be your fellow Nation members for the whole Season. An invitation to our team's Discord server will be sent to all of you within the next day or so, so please make sure you join that as it will be our main source of communication. A Leader has to be elected to represent our Nation - voting will take place on the Discord server.
  13. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day :D 

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