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About TurboAura

  • Birthday 08/21/1996

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    Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    Video games(Obviously): Pokemon( Favorite Emerald), Yugioh, Fighting games, Sonic, RPGs, Platformers

    Mature, yet Energetic when possible

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  1. Claude's group w/ Kage "Sounds like a plan." Robert grinned and nodded, heading over to the remaining balloons and grabbing the green one's string first, opening the note to see just what clue it held for them.
  2. Claude's group w/Kage "Huh... I guess that settles that then." Robert let out a soft chuckle as he turned to Kage, ready to go. Seeing as the other Flygons were covered, the choice between Green and Yellow was left. "Hmm, guess we have two to pick for starting off. Do you prefer either, or should I chose which we start off with?"
  3. Claude's Group "That does make the most sense, though if we go now pairs and we have five people, won't that mean someone has to go at it alone?" Robert looks at Lucas and Kage curiously, wondering if he had just missed something. Even still, he was excited to see that something like this was the challenge they had in store, and was surprised that it was both a mental and Physical challenge. The Riolu and Espurr besides him were more so focused on the Flygons who were wrestling, seeming to cheer on the one with the Red bandana.
  4. I'm sorry that I didn't take a first step, and that I have been busier than usual. I do wish to stay as long as I'm able to, and I'll put much more effort into being around more and posting faster.
  5. Appoligies here as well. While irl has been a bit busy recently, I'll admit I should have put more effort into getting a reply off earlier.
  6. Claude's Group Hearing Lucas decide, Robert turned to him, a smile on his face. Before then he was stuck between all the options, ready to go with any. But... If he did have a choice, he better voice one. "That is a good choice after all. And if he's asking us as a group... Yeah, yeah I'd vote for challenge too if that's how we're doing it."
  7. "Top stories for tonight, the urban legend of the Vanilite line's snowbodies tasting like Ice Cream have been proved untrue by one dumb or risky child. Said kid is in the hospital now, being treated of Pneumonia due to the Vanilite's attempts to knock them away despite the child's tongue being frozen stuck to the Icier body underneath. Luckily, the child will likely recover, and the Vanilite has agreed to stop attacking after it learned the Scald-treatment would free it from the child's tongue. More on this story as well as others to come."
  8. [Claude's Group] "Hehe, as much as I'd love to see some of the wild Pokemon, Claude's right. School stuff that we could get in trouble for if we ignore it first, whatever we want when we have the time." *He smiles and gets up, feeling ready for the 'hunt'. "Besides, who says that the other groups aren't all different questions?"
  9. [Claude's Group] Robert grinned and relaxed as he looks around at the group he was in, nodding back to the apparent leader. "Hmm, yeah that sounds like a good idea to start with. You're the one with the tablet and the goal after all." Kiai himself chuckled the girl who was trying to catch the Cottonee, actually enjoying how much she tried to catch that think by hand.
  10. [Claude's Group] Robert turned in comfusion from looking around the area around them as he heard the unfamiliar chirping sound, being met with the sight of the Cottonee with a note that said 'Follow Me' stuck to it's head just before it turned around and headed away. "Huh... Well, I guess that's for us?" He shrugged and waved Kiai to follow as well, following the floating grass type to the table and arriving with the Riolu right besides him, looking around curious about the brand new area. "I was supposed to follow the Cottonee here, right? Or did I mess that up?"
  11. Robert lets out a sigh of relief as he walks out of the 'lecture,' his Espurr walking besides him as things sunk in. To think it had been about a month at the Academy. The battles they had fought, all they had studied for and had been tested on, while not exactly the imagined 'dream come true', and more into a very nice reality. Especially with a second partner by his side. What kind of Pokemon do you wish to obtain during the excursion? Dragon Type Beldum or Larvitar Other And with this new message, it seemed to mean a third will likely be on the way. 'Esp?' Hearing the curious sound Robert looked down, the Espurr looking up at him with her usual wide eyes. "Oh, it's nothing, just about the trip, a question about a new possible partner for you and Kiai." She nods and stand still besides him, leaving Robert to look back to the Pokedex and answer the message. The Dragon option was defidently alluring, there were quite a few good Dragons he could choose from, so that's an easy yes. Other, that seemed great, though the type box made it seem they wanted a specific answer, which he didn't really have... "Let's just hope this fits In the text box..." He made sure to put 'undecided, all depends on the Pokemon personally'. After all, he wouldn't have felt right 'deciding on' Kiai or making Espurr be his, why start now. However, he didn't check the middle option. He wasn't really too interested in those two. Not exactly against it, but that box seemed more like 'if that's the goal'. With that he sent the answer, heading back to the dorms with Espurrtrudging along besides him.
  12. Apologies for now seeing the update until today, things got hectic the day before and I saw a lack of activity every try before hand. I'll get a reply up ASAP. As for Dragons, if I do get one I'll likely get a Noibat, since Jetstream was ironically my best set Pokemon character. If someone else wants Noibat though, I'm sure I can get something else if even getting a Dragon.
  13. Pokemon Crystal was my origin. Have played it many times, though I never got past the Snorlax In that game, and don't know it it works any more.
  14. "Hehe, defidently was." Robert smiled back at Johnny with a nod, feeling that they did all they lost fair and square. Letting out a sigh of relief, he went onto the field to get to Izzy. She sighed when she saw him, disappointed that she lost the battle, that he had to make his was over to her. Her face changed, though, when he pulled an Oran Berry out for her. "You did good during that Izzy. Guess today was just one loss, hmm?" He grined the the Espurr with the Berry held out to her, and eventually she took it in her stubby hands and started to eat, much to both of their delight. As she finished she tried to get up once again with her regained strength, surprised to see the Riolu's paw held out to her as well. With a few cries coming from the Kiai, she nodded back and took the help, stumbling back to her feet as she grinned at her similar sized partner. Yes, this would be her team. And hopefully, it would be for the better, at least in her mind.
  15. Johnny vs Robert While being able to hit with the Scratch, the Tackle had thrown her back and into the ground. While she did try Izzy failed to get up this time, stuck on her back with no energy left. While Kiai sighed from the sidelines at the loss, Robert smiled at how close they got. "Welp, guess you and Sylvia won this time Johnny."
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