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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Mint_Spaghetti

  1. Banned for playing Pokémon Reborn. ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . Wait what?!?!?!
  2. First time playing emerald. Just finished talking to dad and wally caught the ralts. Go to petalburg woods. First slakoth I find is shiny. No idea what a shiny is. LOL MY POKEMINS R TEH 1337!!!111!!! Kill slakoth. Years later found out about shiny pokemon. mfw: to this day I remember the tragic events of petalburg woods
  3. Sup. You have alot of surprises waiting for you later on in the game...
  4. Sucker punch with a dark boosting item or the expert belt... I think toxicroak might be useful. You might consider focus sash too.
  5. Banned for anonymous reference EXPECT US!!!111OENONEOEN
  6. 1:22 onwards have fun, smeargle is a random encounter and at levels 20-30. Also if sketch doesnt work it will use struggle. There is also a TM100 inside. other wild pokemon are high leveled ~39-42
  7. Would you like a guide or some hints?
  8. BANNED for being a dark type
  9. Fury cutter kricketune is very good for 2 of the eevees and the tangrowth. He is a beast early game
  10. Sunny days: tropius on rhodocrine jungle (not sure if night but definitely day) confirmed budew also works during a sunny day as well as clear windy days: emolga near pokemon center at jasper ward during the night (its asleep) zorua is hide and seek through all the alleyways across game drifloon by shade's gym (start of lost boy sticker questline) think murkrow event only works at night (needs confirming)
  11. Get kricketune and fury cutter like a boss vs that tangrowth (disregard if axed as of ep 12)
  12. Also budew requires to be clear weather (not sunny) AND you need a rose incense
  13. TheRoaringRight is correct, you can find them mining. I'm tired of them since all I want is the dome fossil d:
  14. Try focusing on one of the trainers first then the others. I found it easier to take out all of ZEL (the eevee family) then taking out Taka. And yes like it has been mentioned before train more Pokemon. This game will get harder and it will be difficult if you have an unbalanced team
  15. Corsola at Apophyll beach (near cave) to the left of the academy during a thunderstorm
  16. Hahahahaha I hear you Derek. Ame make it happen... I need more rare candies C:
  17. Hi Reborn players. Have you been to the arcade alot? Made alot of money? Hate voltorb flip? Well I'm here to help. Also can't resist but boast my results after just half an hour of it (please don't kill me). Ultimately voltorb flip is the only guaranteed way of making money since slots are all down to luck. For those of you having trouble I will share some advice so you can make levels and more coins. Starting off assuming you know what the numbers on the side mean skip this part. The numbers on the side on top mean how many coins in that row and on the bottom how many "bombs". You have to find all the 2 and 3 cards to win the level. You can exit at any time during a level and keep any coins earned. Rewards per level: 1 - 20-50 2 - 50-100 3 - 100-200 4 - 200-500 5 - 500-1000 6-8 - 1000+ Level 8 rewards can go as high as 3000 coins "BUT I'M ALWAYS STUCK ON THE LOW LEVELS!!!111!ONEONEONE" Shh it's ok shhh calm down. The best levels to be on are 4. They pay well and aren't the most difficult. If not, this is how you win... Step 1: Cover all the lines with 0 bombs. Any line without bombs clear it out. Simple. Step 2: Put the bomb sign on all the lines where bombs+points = 5. This means that the line only has 1 or bomb cards and so is irrelevant to pass the level. Step 3: Educational guesses. High points with few bombs usually have an intersection. For example a line on the horizonal with 9,1 (9 points, one bomb); is likely to share points in common with a line on the vertical with 10,1. High points few bombs. Step 4: Work with what you know. Here are common patterns 4,2 - will always have a 2 point 5,1 - will always have a 2 point 5,2 - will have either two 2 points or a 3 point 6,1 - has either a 3 point or two 2 points etc... A 6,1 usually intersects with another 6,1 if the rest of the board has low points. Step 5: Guess. The game isn't perfect. Most of the time there will be a 50/50 chance of getting winning at the end. Just remember that even if you lose if your coins are high and you make a "understandable play", the game will keep you on the level. Step 6: SAVE. Yes I lost the coins in the picture because I forgot to save and just Alt+F4. This game can get addicting as you go for "one last round" for the next hour but just make sure you don't waste all that time. Yes this is a bit of a crude guide with not many pictures to help and a bit of confusing mess but if you guys really want I'm more than happy to make a video guide. Either way hope this brings you some help at getting those prizes at the Onyx arcade Also Ame hurry up and put more precious prizes *cofcoflegendarycofcof* in the arcade so I can snag them all
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