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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mint_Spaghetti

  1. Damn true that. Sorry guys my bad. Mod feel free to pwn my post from the webz
  2. iirc there is a nature changer in 7th street. Pokemon psychology guy?
  3. No... Caitlyn (last name Fisher) was always her name. Her team meteor codename was Eclipse. Hope that clears it up.
  4. Mine was indeed Anna (absorb from soaking up the medicine). I'm at a complete loss here, best guess is Farfetch'd on steroids (CH'DING!)
  5. Funny, I think she took some pop-rocks/red hots off me
  6. True it's just a saying but it would be a fun addition Also I believe you can since you get mining kit WAAAAAAAAAAAAY and tons of rocks to mine.
  7. iirc eggs now contain egg moves? Don't quote me on that though. Like punch move tutor alot, maybe at Apophyll. Another: some sort of ability to turn one of your Pokemon into a shiny sacrificing another shiny of the same Pokemon and some shards. Also some flavour text when interacting with moss and ice rock to be 100% sure they are what they are (ie this stone is blooming with ever verdant energy or something)
  8. Yeah basically as title says, just some stuff you think would be cool to see in the game (not a suggestion thread for devs or anything, just wanted to see some ideas from other people). I'll start: Remember that meteor guy in Beryl Ward just before ? The no one will throw him a bone? Well I think it'd be pretty cool if we could have the option "throw" if we had a Rare Bone in our inventory then he'd thank us or something and unlock one of the "rare item" vendors who buy stuff for high price. Be sure to keep it spoiler friendly m8s. Serious ideas and joke ideas accepted equally!
  9. Why is "Pokemon: My Ass Version" not in here? Hella funny.
  10. Kiki.? She's usually sick so needs to rest alot... also the aura. Edit Ninja'd by cheater deadpool Cain...? ???@Poké doll -Present -Absorb -Helping hand -Protect
  11. Main: Wattson/Norman/Blaine - just something about those guys I like. Norman friendly dad, Wattson and Blaine cheerful ass old bros. Reborn: MAH NIGGA SHADEEEEEEEEEE.
  12. Golduck. Focus sash + soak = dead Swalot. Noivern/Blaziken taking care of the double battle onslaught. Lanturn for sweeping Ciel after alot of x-drugpowders and Gardevoir for getting that pixilate boosted STAB fairy type Psychic finish.
  13. Sup. Shame you ended the lurk streak D:
  14. Good point. Titania could have mega Steelix though.
  15. Yeah read the script error and figured it out. Anywho, got any ideas where the Ice Rock is? Just cause some people say its pre Circus area and doesn't seem right with the Ametrine/Citrine cave and the whole route by Calcenon and Ametrine peak... Bet you're happy about that Sneasel tho :^)
  16. You go girl! Good luck, and don't forget you have the whole community behind you to support you!
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