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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Mint_Spaghetti

  1. Literally 1/10 of the Sun's surface. Also earthquake. And how easy they could kill people. Seriously even ember: you set someone on fire. And like many people have said - how can you possibly explain the creation of energy from thin air to blast another pokemon?
  2. Champion was close between Wallace/Cynthia, Trick Master was close to Mr Briney. Ayy lmao.
  3. Gastly getting axed in EP 15 so no longer viable. Don't forget the Drifloon event!!!
  4. I think I still run magical leaf on mine for coverage. It's quite useful on my team tbh. Don't have moonblast though. Sorta switch up TM's on it.
  5. Golem sez "Take my rock slide son"
  6. Binding of Isaac. Checking that new Hardmode
  7. Lanturn you might want water absorb since all the Amaria speculation. Got Chinchou in earlier eps so he's been huge asset to my team, though not sure if you want to keep him. Classic Arcanine.
  8. Rare candy you must take Amethyst portal. You have to take Ruby first and then instead of taking second Ruby, take Amethyst.
  9. Fucking loved the Australian themed game Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 and played the absolute shit out of it (can run WR speedruns on it). Really looking forward to this one, please make it happen guys! If you are ever stuck just ask the Reborn Forums, the people here have been so helpful and resourceful in the past that it could make your life alot easier. Thanks.
  10. Earthquake missing. Seriously. Magcargo. Nuff said.
  11. True but money is scarce in reborn and that amount of cash would be useful. Also a rare candy in the building if you consider that important.
  12. I think we'd be pretty fucked to be honest. Terrorists with Voltorbs... Thieves with Abras... Don't even get me started on Magcargo...
  13. I've never had trouble with the last download link from the list, and no viruses or anything popping up.
  14. Just download the new episode and run the game from that folder. Be sure to backup your saves though, I CANNOT stress this enough!
  15. Make a quick edit on Beryl Ward. On the picture you provided, there is a free pokeball for quick look on the 2nd pumpkin right of the staircase (bottom of staircase, small pumpkin) Did tell you to check Citae: Just found 4 more star pieces lying on entrance alone.
  16. Reinforcing the Nuzleaf event. You can take all the little shits as they are scared of you.
  17. I'll go check Citrine, Pyrous Mountain, Citae and under stairway.
  18. Confirming Beryl cave. Go left after entering.
  19. Overlooking Iollia Valley (Far right of route 1). None on the wasteland, even though I thought there was...
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