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  1. Hi all! New member here I'm Inazuma (I also go by XSpeedGodX, Speedwagon, and R. Kelly). I'm an artist (sorta) and I love animating and playing Pokemon, Sonic, and TF2. I would had added League of Legends if rioto stopped being a sperg and match me up with bad people that made me drop from Gold 1 to Silver 3 in a span of a few weeks. I've been a BIG fan of pokemon ever since I was a little kid. When I first encountered Reborn, I was very curious about it because of how different it looked compared to other pokemon fangames. I'm now hooked :x Oh and uh, I can ask questions right? How do I do those pokemon trainer cards in your signatures. I want to do those so bad. :X
  2. Let's do this!

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