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NickCrash last won the day on September 9 2019

NickCrash had the most liked content!


250 Altruist

About NickCrash

  • Birthday October 2

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  • Alias
    dedpol, gonkot
  • Gender
  • Location
    221B Baker St.
  • Interests
    Medicine, Psychology, Physics, Chess, RPGs

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  1. Happy Birthday Nick! I hope you'll have a wonderful day 😄🍰

  2. The distancing from the monsters in your comment could be interpreted as a Freudian slip. Therefore the vote against you. As it's D1, and we don't have anything more to work with, I just placed a vote. Creating some dissonance to potentially identify some pattern in the votes is potentially a more effective strategy than blind voting would imply, don't you think? In other words, had I seen an instant bandwagon against you, do you think I'd keep my vote on you? As for the Nano'd comment, essentially I mean whether anyone was attacked or harmed in ways that do not necessarily instantly induce a kill. (wounds, poison, kill attempts, douses, etc fit the norm)
  3. The monsters are the "good guys" in this game. Meaning... you aren't one of them? [Eliminate] Drago
  4. Straight into lynching the host, I see. Maybe gather up some info first. Anyone roleblocked/healed/protected/jailed/bewitched/nano'd?
  5. Don't worry. If the game doesn't end with Lía's lynch, Astra will cover our butts. Obligatory pingu @Anti-loser @Sopheria @LykosHand @Dragoknight @Astra125
  6. We could finally try the unanimous vote without disturbance, but I don't even know if it's going to work. Alternatively we can change our perception about this and think of it as a meme. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity? [Eliminate] Lía
  7. I used my bread on Lia [I got that when I guessed how many maf/town/tp were there] She was visited by Sophie, yet didn't visit anyone herself. My action on Jace didn't give info, because I submitted it too late. The phase post does imply she didn't die because she "was holding onto Yin", and we have lynched her 3 times so far. If it doesn't end today, please kill me. I won't bother any more. It has become ridiculous. Thanks to mimi, Lia can't even kill anyone. @Falirion you of all people should be weary when someone proposes a Gift.
  8. @Aldo what exactly were you testing when you gave me the fake gun? Still had doubts? A few days ago, you went out of your way twice trying to rebut me with the lyncher_role. Wouldn't I have killed you by now?
  9. I shot Yin as soon as I read Drago apologizing to Cass. Rationale: Even though they are confirmed townies, right now they are dead weight. @Aldo you didn't need to mention what the gifts were, unless that was the cue for the shot. Edit: @Astra125 would you mind eliminating Jace tonight, for good measure?
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