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Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. Actually it is possible. I tried my backup save which was right before Samson, and it happened again. I could normally enter Route1 and then Reborn City.
  2. It is. The Pinsir should be right in front of Heracross when battling it and when you beat the Heracross, it should break the log.
  3. Sawk and Throh are essentially the same character. They could put them like Christie/Eddie were in Tekken5. Personally I'd love to see a Nidoking, a Golurk and a Krookodile, but none of them have a mega.
  4. It seems that I was doing my research and writing down stuff at approximately the same time that Void answered. So, my apologies for any repeats, I just saw Void's post after I finished mine. As far as the rare mons are concerned, I didn't expect you to change your direction towards them, as you might probably open up to new threats which are more common. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes, I like to check how several UU (or even lower tier) pokemon do in general OU, where you see more or less the same teams (sometimes even the same exact pokemon with exact movesets and EV spreads). I found out that they can be underrated threats, which are put to a lower tier, just because they don't have many different uses (like Landorus, Tentacruel and Clefable). Hell, in gen5 I even used Sandslash for a while. Comparing them to Scarfbok is mere hubris. All I'm suggesting is that you keep these names at the back of your head, so IF they come up, you'd have already thought of a way of coming around them. That Rotom wasn't fully defensive, so even if it's supposed to kill a Mamoswine easily, it can be also worn out and even lured by something else. In general, yes Rotom is a beast that kills Mamoswine on the spot (except for the quirky one I like with endeavor and wish support). This was also supporting the defensive Rotom, as seen above. I can understand you passion about these things and I've faced similar opponents. Sometimes overthinking may lead you to do the wrong move or the correct one in situations that such a move would never be expected (for instance, I was even called "stupid" for staying in, predicting his prediction of me switching to Volcarona. I just had to be using Jellicent at the time, so their water move healed my mon and I killed them ). Hax is always there. Once, my Gengar got paralyzed for 7 turns in a row (guess what happened to the outcome of the match). I didn't tell you to take into consideration how people might play because I thought you were a beginner, it's just that when I create teams, I tend to think of gameplay at the same time, because it often seems that things that look nice on paper, might not have the expected outcome.
  5. I'm just waiting for Delta stream for Ciel...
  6. I did some damage calculations on Ferrothorn and Rotom. It seems that as it is, Ferrothorn can't be OHKOed, but it seems that certain (albeit rare to see) mons can force themselves through your physical defenses without much of a problem. I mean, obviously special attacks will wreck it as it is, but there are also things like Absol, mega Medicham, Honchkrow and Mamoswine (focus on the latter two), that can pack a punch and cause problems. As it is normal for high momentum battles, you can't expect your pokemon to be at full health at all times. Therefore, if you bump onto the wrong switch (with the above names), you'll have nothing to counter them with. The biggest threat in my opinion, is Mamoswine, as it can withstand a -50% (given he tries Superpower and then gets intimidated) decrease in power, and use an ice shard to bring the incoming landorus-t down, or an icicle crash (depends on the set they use). In the case of Honchkrow (which can assume a mixed set), you just need to stop it before it boosts. Keldeo is indeed a problem, which will pack a punch against your mons. It can't OHKO Ferrothorn, and your best bet is that power whip. You can keep it as it is, but you'll need instant recovery, which will force you to switch and might lose momentum. You'll know what to switch to, as your team provides you with options. Since usually fire comes to finish an already weakened Ferrothorn, you can even bring ZardX in, if you had a chance to mega evolve it before. You can solve this by putting some defensive EVs on Rotom (I'd take them from SpA, as it's not its main purpose to deal major damage). Play with the numbers a bit. I didn't have time to see for myself, but with the set it has, a misprediction about Keldeo will cause problems. Since (as mentioned) you make no use of toxic or paralysis, your strategy that forces people out may return to you (just in case of threats like these). Also, don't always expect people to make the right moves or the most logical choices. When they see that they can check you with a mon, here Keldeo, they most probably will continue with the attack and just try to find out what you'll switch into (if they see enough volt-turn, they get used to switches), so surprise them and stay in (to take the hydro pump) for example. I will also suggest substituting Chansey with Clefable for the certainty of no status, defensive capabilities and typing. You have many things to deal with poison and steel already. You could run it with Calm Mind or Cosmic Power, if you're still afraid of physical blows. Right now, the only example that comes to mind and might be problematic is Volcarona. It can set up to your Clefable with quiver dance. Don't be fooled and let it set up twice! In the case of 1 dance, the only check is Scarfed Lando. When 2, you can't do anything, with any mon on your side. Also, watch out for CurseLax, which doesn't really care about special hits, and after 3 curses, all non-fighting hits become neutral as well. It can and it will stop ZardX in it's tracks (even with 1 curse) and hit back hard with body slam. Just my two cents. As I told you, your major threats are not that common.
  7. The closest guess is D: all of the above. In more detail, I believe that the first megas we'll see will be from the Elite 4, or from some random stranger that made their debute in the Grand Hall (given the existing trainers are swapped). Personally I wish for a trainer with a mega Slowbro and Audino. Since we have already seen certain challenges, as a 75lvl Garchomp with 3 full restores and a 80lvl Arceus with 3 full heals, it wouldn't surprise me to face a 95lvl mega Gengar or mega Scizor in a swamp field (or any place that stops fire, like...endless storm, or whatever Kyogre's new weather will be)
  8. Well, we do know that Correy had a wife. Something happened with Sigmund, bla bla bla, ends in the cave. It could just be her spirit (which Pikachu's tears keep alive), or a Victiny, because why not?
  9. I second Switzerland! Try to visit cities like Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne. They are all beautiful and you have a nice view from the Alps (some photos I took were amazing), if you don't feel like exploring them yourself.
  10. I've met both male and female individuals named Ari, so you can choose whichever you like. Decibel could be a discount Steven Stone,
  11. Not necessarily. When I did it, I only had to beat Samson for the guard to disappear. When you enter, you won't get back to Agate city, but straight towards Route 1
  12. Alright. When I did the puzzle, as long as a Crustle came out, it said the cave is empty, so I didn't bother checking again.
  13. It's not meant to be funny. Bird Jesus is our savior!!! I believe you've also seen this reference in "order of the Helix" in 7th street. Search for Twitch plays Pokemon, which is a social experiment on whether people can finish the game by working all together at the same time, with actions being... chat commands! (I'm posting this in case you just found out about Pidgeot and for the others who didn't know). May Helix bring us happiness...
  14. Do you know if the caves will respawn other Crustles?
  15. Both of you are quite rich. We'll be knocking at your doors, bringing biscuits with us, and taking your belongings as we leave.
  16. Check the log. Everything is explained there. Having practiced with mono-poison myself, and also having used it the previous week, I can say that several things there are huge threats. Back in Gen5 it was much stronger in my honest opinion. Since this is only a game though, staying passive only to survive is not worth it. Risk a bit, put "monotype battle" as a clause and have fun.
  17. NickCrash


    You can find other early psychic types before Aya. All you need is patience to bring them up. Also, try a Klingklank.
  18. I think you are skipping the dialogue. Sometimes it tells you precisely where to go. That guy in glasses is not always good help, but he tries. Go to the subway and try to find a way into Tanzan.
  19. I have ep12. The only thing removed was Bulbasaur, which was replaced with Chicorita.
  20. I see how it came to this. However I believe that if they had no rep they instantly bet 3 Cores at each type instantly (as soon as they get out). Not a steady plan, but...
  21. Welcome ExLink. Sorry to be late to welcome you here. Have fun and feel safe in our family. About the other stuff, I was morose to find out Violet crashed that way. Bagel is 90% to blame, but I'll also blame the alliance the rest 10% for letting them represent them. They could put someone else, someone from the inner circle, someone of trust. I can't even hope for Cyan not to survive next week, because there are people there who are not to blame, they are just unlucky to be in a tight place. We also had Nagato's 2nd account, Nexus, try to infiltrate and take a type away from us, so we knew to take care. Have fun in the games, but please refrain from using such methods. Clean Vermillion out!
  22. At first I thought you were saving Cores for the big ones, but then when flying, fighting and water were given away and you still were nowhere to be found, I started questioning myself. Then, next morning I open up and see you disbanded. Tough luck, some might say, some others would say you didn't manage yourselves well. All I can say is that up until yesterday I saw a balance of players and Cores. Then, nothing. Be more careful next time. Please stay out of alliances for a while, chat among yourselves and get over it. I too am sorry, due to how unhonorable your fall was, and I'll be happy to fight alongside you. It is up to you. Stand back on your feet and thrive through the contest or just give me your cores all I wanted was a healthy competition
  23. I have a lot to learn

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Aurorix
    4. NickCrash


      Liar. You don't know why breaking bad does these things.

  24. At least the total selection of types was worth it.

  25. First type: Grass

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