As far as Luna is concerned, go with a Machamp, a Durant and a Skuntank. Bisharp and Tyranitar(with unnerve) are both X4 weak to fighting, Malamar is X4 weak to bug, Honchkrow cannot hurt Durant (especially if he uses iron defense), Umbreon and Sableye need to be toxiced to be done for sure, as they rely on 75% heal from moonlight and boosted dark pulse. You can always get a Scrafty, but I prefer full-tank skuntank, as it can heal from the black sludge you get from wild Trubbish, can toxic and decrease their special defense with acid spray. Then you switch to a Swoobat (weak defense, huge speed), which makes Umbreon/Sableye decide to attack, and hit first their already low defenses and kill.