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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. I wasn't serious when I suggested you make a 3d gif for all pulses (muk, tangrowth, abra, mr bigglesworth). When I'm under the influence of coffee 100msec are too many. Alright then, keep up with the good work.
  2. Sorry. The other Reborn DJ's name (Arc-light), confused me.
  3. Just wander around for 3 minutes max. Caution! Don't minimize the Reborn window, as it doesn't work if you do. Keep it working. Relax for 3 minutes, let it be and then come back.
  4. Oh Moxie, right. Disregard my previous comment. Go clear the woods and level up a Heracross. For those of you who chose Pinsir (yes, all 3 of you), see above.
  5. Food for thought ---> make 3D sprites for the PULSEs Are you sure it doesn't cause the game to lag, because you have a monster RAM? My game lags a bit as it is now, so I don't know... and they look so nice...
  6. Will there be special dialogue when they meet Cain and Adrienn?
  7. Just rememer to go back t ep12, as TM moves now cannot be given as egg moves.
  8. As far as Luna is concerned, go with a Machamp, a Durant and a Skuntank. Bisharp and Tyranitar(with unnerve) are both X4 weak to fighting, Malamar is X4 weak to bug, Honchkrow cannot hurt Durant (especially if he uses iron defense), Umbreon and Sableye need to be toxiced to be done for sure, as they rely on 75% heal from moonlight and boosted dark pulse. You can always get a Scrafty, but I prefer full-tank skuntank, as it can heal from the black sludge you get from wild Trubbish, can toxic and decrease their special defense with acid spray. Then you switch to a Swoobat (weak defense, huge speed), which makes Umbreon/Sableye decide to attack, and hit first their already low defenses and kill.
  9. Try clearing the whole forest. If you clean only the Southern part, you can get the glasses. If you also clean the Northern part, you get access to a cave and the Pinsir/Heracross sidequest.
  10. That gave me an idea. We can make this series much darker. Instead of having the standard Trainer Card with the badges, you can include a unique image everytime after you beat a major character (gym leader, meteor leader, big pulse, former leader) and instead of putting a plain badge, but something like a creepy picture of a more sadistic version of a pokemon, eg a zombie Cradily with an open mouth like it's attacking the viewer, and show it after each next episode.
  11. Not sure if you can delete it. Perhaps you can fill it though, so you get distracted from the name. Anyway, welcome back. We'll be happy to accomodate your needs here. Go to RP, and perhaps you'll find happy stories to participate.
  12. Welcome Hitomaru. (for some weird reason, I read "finally black")
  13. Welcome Shy guy. Stay with us and consider us your pokemon family. Enjoy the stay and if you are a mazochist, this game is for you.
  14. Greetings newcomer, Now... WHERE IS ARC WITH THE SONG??? Not that he's obliged to provide us with one, it's just that I liek them. I believe we have at least 2 more Greeks here Jericho, though I've been wrong before. Anyways, you're most welcome here. Visit Hukuna to RP and try the PZA challenge if you really like competitive battling. My favorite words are : wry, antidisestablishmentarianism (which is short to medium compared to some Greek words) and aurora (guess where I learned that one from)
  15. We are here for you. Come and tell us what's bothering you. I know Ame holds many souls, so know the feeling.
  16. Well, as long as it's not Bieber Fever, I can live with that. Welcome to the Reborn Forums. We are all a happy and loving community that accepts people from all races, all ethnicities, all sexual preferences and all planets. Feel at ease and at home. Hukuna (matata?) can help you develop your acting and writing skills, the Etesian and Lord Emvee for your teams (in Reborn and not), Mikzal, Hilda, Sheep and Vinny are there to help with your inquiries, Arkhidon can always provide you with music and there are lots of other characters to find out and interract with. Make sure you visit the challenge section (aka PZA, Nations and PCRL) if you're up to the competitive scene and make sure to download PO to issue challenges (which you will play on Showdown anyway).
  17. He also has full restores. I suppose you mean he wasted them too. I believe Cottonee is back into the game, so with Prankster you can use that leech seed it has and another guy with sturdy (preferably a lvl4 Pineco), who will go max HP after the seed.
  18. I was trying to help, because the way things are going, this might end after a couple of weeks from now, due to drastic rise and fall of certain alliances. Where you merge is completely up to you guys. I'd suggest you stay as you are for another week and see how it's going.
  19. Yes, when you check their stats, you can press Z and see their EV/IV. Here's an example. His name is going to be Isaac Netero
  20. Damn people with their good Dittos. Mine has the awesome IVs: 18HP, 6Atk, 11Def, 13SpA, 6Spd, 23Spe.
  21. The moves that sacrifice one's self like Final Gambit, Healing Wish, don't work properly yet. Also Last Resort, If I'm correct. You'll see that some abilities have not yet been completely implemented, but they are up to being fixed. Don't try to use Dive. Also there are tons of sidequests that the youtubers have not done because they are doing this in a speed run.
  22. Could it be that it's an addition in ep13 then?
  23. 2nd week: 1 type then 1 alliance get the many Cores. Since they have nothing to lose, they attack you You win some Cores. Make it to the 3rd week continue Or merge with another alliance that has few Cores left.
  24. I can verify this. You get a lvl30 Meditite. I believe it is triggered only after Kiki's death, because I'm almost certain I spoke to that girl after I read the 4 books and she only told me about Zen, as long as Kiki was alive.
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