Greetings everyone.
This is a relatively new OU team I'm trying to make the most of. While in general capable of dealing with several major threats, it relies much on prediction and I've come across some hard time lately (can reach only up to 1400-1499 in showdown, then falls due to bad play and my mental breakdown after many consecutive battles). It might be that I can't see what to change because I'm focused on trivial things. I'd appreciate your responses, suggestions, and help in general. (just don't tell me it sucks, I'll get depressed)
The main aim was to create something that could deal damage hard and fast, while being able to take some hits. I enjoy the combination of a boosting sweeper which can stop a team on its tracks, and at the same time have a friendly bear who can confuse the opponents as to what kinds of moves to use, as tanks don't really care. Either I put too much of different strategies in this, or I can't properly use the one I have (again..sob.sob)
Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot / Nasty Plot
- Focus Blast
- Dark Pulse
Mainly used as a lead and a revenge killer. T-bolt is there for the powerful STAB and Dark Pulse is for coverage. Also it's quite nice when the flinch occurs, as Thundurus doesn't really give second chances. Focus blast is there also for coverage and can OHKO threats like Ferrothorn, Kyurem and practically anything weak to fighting moves. I tend to alternate between Grass Knot and Nasty plot, as I find them equally important. As sometimes I use it as an anti-lead, Grass Knot is there to get rid of Swampert, Donphan, Hippowdon and other bulky stuff. Nasty plot allows me to hit faster, harder. It's there to clean the field. I don't seem to pull it off very often though. Volt absorb is a must for two reasons: 1)Stops threats like Jolteon in it's tracks and 2) No alternative
Volcarona @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 240 SpA / 68 SpD / 200 Spe
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Water]
The second special attacker. Volcarona relies quite a lot on its dance moves, which stack on each other. I've invested a bit in SpD so that I can take a special attack of any kind if I'm not fast enough to do a quiver dance. After that, usually nothing outspeeds. Quiver dances can also be used consecutively, allowing me a great offensive and defensive setup (as I lack on special defense). Fiery dance is a STAB move that might grant me an extra boost and fire is hardly resisted. Its combination with bug buzz, a move that disregards substitutes gives me coverage and being STAB itself, deals that extra damage. The only problems it gets are from fast physical super effective moves, from attackers that somehow are either faster (if I didn't have a chance to boost), or durable enough to withstand a hit. HP water is there to deal with certain checks that think they have me cornered, like Heatran. Also, I needed something to take care of annoying fire types. Charizard seems to be quite durable against it (If only I could learn Scald...)
Dragonite @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 240 Atk / 68 Def / 200 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake/Iron Head
- Roost
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
That's my bulky offensive dragon which is supposed to rip holes in enemy teams. Weakness policy makes a lovely combo with Multiscale, and Roost makes sure that happens. Dragon dance is a move that can serve quite some purposes. Mainly it's there to support Dragonite's mediocre base speed, which I already put some effort into raising. Due to the fear of measly fairies popping up in front of me, I no longer use Outrage, rather Dragon Claw. Quite usefull STAB move, which other dragons don't think so highly of. The 4th slot is for another damaging move. Usually there is Iron Head, which exists for the sole purpose of dealing with the fairies. Sometimes I feel that a general coverage move like earthquake can do the job. The latter combination seems to find problems with Scarmory and Immunity to Togekiss, which is something devilish. Dragonite is there to do the same job as Volcarona, only on the physical side. It also happens to cover for Water moves that my dragonfly cannot cope with.
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 188 Atk / 80 Def / 240 SpD
Impish Nature
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
The foul mouth teddybear that everyone loves. Although mainly defensive, Snorlax has a tendency to boost up and be feared by many. (too bad he can't have Scrappy). The nature is there to help with his originally bad Def stat, and his constant Curses can verify that he lives several physical attacks. He has enough special bulk to stall even the most powerful special attackers (like Chandelure, which succumbs to struggle) and Curse can help equalize the gap between physical and special defenses. Only critical hits hurt a lot, but I've hired witches to grant him good luck. Body Slam is there for the nice STAB and paralysis check. I thought of giving him Rest and Sleep talk in order to heal fast and not waste the 2 turns waiting. Sure, Sleep Talk is not always reliable, but when in early game, a 2/3 chance of either boosting up the bulk or dealing considerate damage while asleep (apart from hilarious) is extremely effective. Even rock and steel types have problems (if ferrothorn is not killed by Thundurus, Volcarona, or Scizor). Ghost types mean him harm, but merely the physical ones (bye bye Aegislash, have fun in Ubers). The others can sit and enjoy. Leftovers can verify that. With 3 Curses, it can withstand two Close Combats from Heracross and laugh about it.
Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 240 Atk / 200 Def / 68 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Bug Bite
- Superpower
All out attacker. I noticed a tendency for boost, but these guys need it. Mega Scizor can take almost any threat (not named Heatran) if it manages to boost. If it can't OHKO something when it steps on the field, 1 SD can help. If that doesn't work, 2SD make it fearsome. Bullet Punch is the priority that Scizor needs and the only one in the team. In case it is not enough, Bug bite can deal some damage in certain pokemon and Superpower can clean up the mess. I've given him some Speed EVs, just enough to outspeed other bulky slow opponents I might face (like Conkeldurrrrr, Ferrothorn, Snorlax, Tangrowth and so on). The Def drop from superpower hurts a bit, but the Atk drop gets nullified by SD. He can take a hit and give it back with twice the power.
Rotom-Wash @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 108 Def / 148 Spe
Timid Nature
- Trick
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp
Last, certainly not least. I carry my washing machine with me everywhere I go. It's quite standard, although I'm not sure I gave the correct EVs. Effectively only Grass is in this guys way and I believe I have enough people to stop it if need be. Choice specs with STAB can make some serious hits. Trick is to mess up a bit with walls and physical attackers. I've also seen it used against me though. Hydro Pump has high power but low accuraccy. Also, I prefer T-Bolt over Discharge, just for the extra 10 in power that might be just enough to finish the opponent. Will-o-wisp is there to slow down potential physical sweepers, as the rest of the team cannot really stop them (apart from tricky Dragonite). Thanks for reading this :)