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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. If nothing else works, use something to taunt that Umbreon. Now that Metronome is available, you can also use a Pangoro with power up punch.
  2. We will be able to use Waterfall in ep.21 "I'm on a boat", however its implementation in the game will be in ep.17 "Rolling in the deep", when the final fixes of Dive will be made. Be patient.
  3. We are Legion! We cannot be defeated. We cannot be beaten. Welcome to Vermillion. Here we use Notus's hard earned money to become Ver-millionairs ourselves.
  4. When is the PZA auction going to start

    1. Chase


      Sunday 7 o'clock EST

    2. Nagato17


      Oh thanks hilda

    3. NickCrash


      Thank you Hilda

  5. No, for a name I most probably wouldn't do it. I did it though to get the Rotom and visit a library I had neglected to.
  6. I knew I had forgotten something. Thank you Mikzal (Oh you, stop it)
  7. Problems with Noel? Muk or Heatmor can help you with that (poison or burning field)
  8. I was under the impression that after you finish with the ep.13 storyline you could go back to Reborn city. I can walk through the map to do various things as long as I carry eggs with me.
  9. Hello and welcome to our community!!! Here you'll find lots of interesting things. Ask Hukuna if you're interested in role-playing. There is a rate my team section and a team showcase section where the Etesian is being held captive can help you if you need it. Ask Hilda, Sheep or Vinny if you need something in specific. Have fun!
  10. You can rename it afterwards. The name rater is in Peridot Ward, accessible from the very early stages of the game. Ame just wants you to hone your memory
  11. I recommend you read Timber Dragon's description of the game. Welcome and Welcome!
  12. You will always remember that this was the day that you almost recruited via video (which seems actually pretty nice and might have taken very little time to be made)
  13. Perhaps she already gave it to you, but due to the bug the dialogue didn't change. Check your trainer card
  14. Greetings from the beautiful Greece! Πόσο πολύ είναι για μένα οι λίγες στιγμές μαζί σου. Fun Facts: 1)Greece has zero navigable rivers because of the mountainous terrain. Nearly 80% of Greece is mountainous. 2)The word “barbarian” comes from Greek barbaroi, which means people who don’t speak Greek and therefore sound like they’re saying “bar-bar-bar-bar 3)Our national animal is the Phoenix
  15. A Cofagrigus or a Mismagius would fit nicely there (covering any holes that you have defensively)
  16. I don't see any problems with this team. I'd like to ask a question though. Since you like trolling and using leech seed against them, why keep rapid spin? None of your pokemon get significant damage from rocks or get their sashes ruined. I'd suggest you substitute that for toxic spikes (or toxic) for extra poison damage (and destruction of sashes after the first turn)
  17. Just keep a backup save if you want to be extra careful. I don't believe we had any incidents of people losing their save files by upgrading to ep.13 . edit: I mean, apart from saving in the specific areas that Ame mentioned (if there are still victims, I don't know how or why)
  18. No, it's good to know. We are going to get water anyway...
  19. I have fished a lightningrod seaking (with almost perfect IVs (the only one under 30 is spA)) and it can be really useful early game. As soon as you get to Route1 it stops being so special. If you need a special attacker, Ludicolo is always a choice
  20. Apologies, I just didn't want the post to get too long. I'll edit it right away. edit: I can't find the way to delete the post. I assure you I'll refrain from double posting from now on
  21. I heard that Trapinch got available in the wild in some area added in ep.13, so is it worth it buying it?
  22. Whoa! Many things happened. Welcome to our new members!! You shall find nothing but glory here (and fun. actually more fun) Bad news: My cookies got deleted. I'll have to built teams from scratch. Excellent idea on fighting each other. I propose we also do monotype battles to see which types suit us and find out what we can do in harsh situations, when we'll have to bring up pokemon from types we don't really use. More on the chatroom!!! Nice one Notus. You earned us a player. We can decide who goes first rep in the autions, as soon as we decide on the types to bid. All in the chatroom. Edit: By the way, for the mascot pictures, I've got two that I'd like to nominate. I've got one that I love and one that's just the thing
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