Hello everyone!
My name is NickCrash, or Nick for short. Even though I started playing the game a couple of months ago, I have just joined the forums. I surely hope I am welcome here.
I have played some hacks of the original games and been practicing on showdown for quite some time. I found out about Reborn quite recently from some friends, as I was looking for something harder than the usual. I can honestly say that I came across something that exceeded my expectations. I believe this such deep story, logical difficulty (that needs strategy) and character development is on a completely different level than the official games. I'm very interested in competitive battling, and, in my opinion, Reborn shows how pokemon should be.
A bit about me: I am a young adult boy, full of joy and inspiration, in my second year in med school. One day I hope I'll become dr. Sigmund Connel . I like playing video games, watching anime and manga, playing chess, minecraft and Pokemon of course. Also, I adore Ground, Psychic and Dark types (Sandslash, Gallade, Honchkrow being my favorites from each).
I look forward to speaking/battling/debating with all of you.