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Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. Adding onto what I mentioned earlier, I suppose that an attacked + healed person would be notified. The same should apply in the case of the jailed + attacked person. Nicki will clarify, when she gets the chance. I asked what would happen and she wasn't 100% certain, so I suppose that's not what happened last night. However, if you were attacked and you know it, say so. List of ways to survive N0 A. Don't be Kiet B. If you are Kiet i) Be healed by the Charger ii) Be jailed by the Smoker iii) Have the Smoker roleblock the attacker iv) Have the Jockey roleblock the attacker v) Be the Tank who found the doctor - needs clarification: I assume we would not be notified. I also assume the doctor heals first, then gives a vest. vi) Mafias decide not to attack, for whichever reason v, vi are less probable, nevertheless possible ii is the most probable, because it's Kiet.
  2. I suppose they didn't. The chances of hitting 1 mafia out of 15 possible targets is pretty low. Like 6% low. Oh yeah. I just noticed the red part in your text (which I totally didn't put there myself). [Eliminate] Alistair Best case scenario: I get shot. Worst case scenario: I get shot.
  3. Was anyone else roleblocked, apart from Kiet? Let's see if the jockey/smoker is inactive...
  4. That was a very interesting read. Great game Alex! Host again soon! As for the rest of you... well played, I guess. Nicki died for nothing. Newt's awesome. Were I juror, I'd give Nano points for being the good kind of Bean.
  5. DAY FOUR -- Early Farewell Welcome back to a beautiful day! There have been some unforeseen circumstances forbidding my immediate attention to the happenings around here, but I have returned, and thus the show must go on. You were eager to play with each other, and a lot of you succeeded. Some, however, became impatient, and others, trying to battle with their inner demons, were not exactly focused on the "game". I shall not take too long. I'm certain you are all dying to know of the great fire. It started around 4am. It was coming from Alistair's house. The poor fellow had been trapped. He had been working on a very important project. However, the fumes had already filled the room. CO is a silent killer. You can't see it. You can't taste it. You can't smell it. You can only feel dizzy, but even then, even if you have an idea what's going on, it might be too late. Alistair couldn't make it. When we got there, the whole house was on fire. Alistair's body had been burnt to a crisp. Even if we could see inside, we could not understand what he was doing, what his profession was, what were his motives, or even his favorite colour. All was red and black. All was ash. On the other side of the city, the same phenomenon occured. Seal was not exactly the most outgoing fellow, and nobody would dare club him. However, we saw the exact same smoke coming out of his house. We ran, and as before, we couldn't do a thing. The water doggo had made his last trip to the vet. The feeling of uselessness is not pleasant. It's foreign, it's personal, and it fucking stinks. You can't do anything, but people you cherish vanish. Alistair and Seal were dear to all townsfolk, and some might be planning a good revenge. Maybe some others won't. Maybe in hindsight they didn't deserve it. We might as well quit, because we'll never know. Going to the city centre, passing by the main square, I noticed a notebook falling down from the sky. Before dropping in front of me, at around the height of my shoulders, the wind ripped it open, and the pages flew in the wind, an eary weary dance of paper and shadow. Among them, 1 yellow page was shining. It only had 1 word on it: WITCH PLAYER LIST 01. Anti - Mayor 02. Alistair - ??? [Killed N3] 03. Jelly - Transporter [Killed N1] 04. Lykos - Serial Killer [Killed N2] 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra - Investigator [Killed N1] 08. Nicki 09. Nano - Sabbat [Killed N1] 10. Arch - Jester [Killed D3] 11. Bean - Jailor [Killed N2] 12. Newt - Sheriff (Naive) [Lynched D2] 13. Falirion - Vigilante [Killed N2] 14. Bok - Clown [Killed D2] 15. Kiet - Bulletproof [Killed N2] 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria - Coyote [Lynched D3] 20. Seal - ??? [Killed N3] 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] It's now Day4. You have 48 hours to discuss and lynch someone. Remember: You won't live forever.
  6. DAY THREE - OVER The legend says wizards are never late, nor are they early; they arrive precisely when they mean to. Well... obviously not this one. This one was delayed. The heat of the balrog held him behind. The threat to the Fellowship forced him to take initiative, stay calm, calculate, make the right decision when it matters. Like the wizard, fighting monsters, you have been in his situation over and over these past few days. And just like the wizard, you fought the human monsters among you. He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. The day was nearing it's end. The people were pointing fingers. They were angry, because their plans had been foiled. They were desperate, because they didn't know whom to trust. They were receiving lessons, how to react in difficult situations, yet they were being constantly rewarded, because no decision was either final or detrimental. To reign supreme in such a throne resting on a paper tower is a meaningless goal. To earn others' trust is the ultimate goal. My days in the office have tought me a few things, this one included: You can't win them all. Sometimes you have to lose before you ultimately win bigger. The townsfolk dragged two people to the podium, after a long day, and an even longer list of suspects. Anti and Sopheria were handcuffed, forced to kneel before the city council, begging for their lives. Anti was desperate, trying to come up with plans to fool the coyote, but he was outright denied by Aldo. He then tried to force Amber to roleclaim. Needless to say, he gathered a lot of attention. His final plea was what kept him in check, almost at the same fate as Sophie. She, on the other hand, kept her cool. She asked we got rid of Anti quickly, because she had an appointment and didn't want to be late. Lia chuckled: "I bet your going to the laser practice to remove all that gross body hair". Sophie didn't respond to the taunt. She kept looking at the others with her big eyes, seemingly begging, like a puppy. Anti, however, was not going to die today. "I demand a trial by combat", he said, with confidence one could only envy. With a swift movement, he jumped up straight. Sophie followed, slowly, but surely. Anti's eyes glowed and his left hand reached for something in his pocket. It was only then we had realized, he had already broken the chains. He took something that once belonged to me. Something that cannot be counterfeited. A Mayor's Badge. "He is the Messiah!", shouts Seal, only for Aldo to respond "He is not the Messiah, he's just a very naughty boy! Now go away." The decision was now obvious. Alistair dragged Sopheria up. Unmade her hoodie and revealed her face. She was not ugly, but you could discern some canine traits mostly on her nose. Drago suggested we burnt her. Anti said he wishes this honour to be kept only for the witch. As per werewolf fashion, Sopheria will be put down. The rest gathered around her, forming a circle. Sopheria's attitude didn't seem to change one bit. Anti would do the honours. Before executing her, he asked: "You have already killed 2 men. They were scum, but we cannot let you escape. You are still a threat. Any last words?" Sopheria looked at him, smiled a bit, shut an eye, leaned in and whispered "Rawr, nuzzles you XP" Anti just shot her in the head. He asked we didn't move the body, certain there will be more after tonight. PLAYER LIST 01. Anti - Mayor 02. Alistair 03. Jelly - Transporter [Killed N1] 04. Lykos - Serial Killer [Killed N2] 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra - Investigator [Killed N1] 08. Nicki 09. Nano - Sabbat [Killed N1] 10. Arch - Jester [Killed D3] 11. Bean - Jailor [Killed N2] 12. Newt - Sheriff (Naive) [Lynched D2] 13. Falirion - Vigilante [Killed N2] 14. Bok - Clown [Killed D2] 15. Kiet - Bulletproof [Killed N2] 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria - Coyote [Lynched D3] 20. Seal 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] It is as of now, NIGHT 3. You have 24 hours to send in any Night Actions. With 3 evil roles remaining, I think we're approaching the endgame.
  7. People ask questions, and I provide the answers. Events that happen in the middle of the day phase, regardless of when the player sent in their Day Action: i) Coyote Shot ii) Haunting You still have ~9hours to discuss.
  8. INCIDENT I was sitting on a bench, looking at the people. It doesn't look like they notice me. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. They have their own troubles, I'm sure. It was a beatiful evening, the sun had already started hiding behind the mountains, and a few romantics had already been to the park to enjoy the orange turning purple. These few days have been hectic. Everyone needs a break, once in a while. Good, evil; meaningless words, if you ask me. Everyone is on their own journey towards happiness. I happened to be sitting next to Aldo, or rather the very next bench. I could read the determination in his eyes. He was looking at the distance, planning his next move. Across the park was Candy, eating her sweets, talking on the phone, not really appreciating the sunset. I suppose she also came here to relax, although it doesn't look very much like it. Then, shy to approach, sitting alone behind the bushes, was Seal. I remember Seal was never the most outgoing person, nor the most talkative. So even if I thought for a moment I should approach and get an insider's view on the city events, his glare told me he didn't wish to be disturbed. This was a break for everyone, almost sacred. Then it happened. Arch was following Alistair and Amber towards the park. The two were quarreling whether there was something fishy about their relationship, and Amber demanded to know what Ali's thoughts and feelings were. Arch was seemingly amazed by the conversation, read their lips, didn't seem to be bothered they'd find out any time. He was a bit weird, occasionally drunk, but nevertheless, harmless. He had tried to strike a deal before with the "town", and it looked like it was going well. Arch didn't know he himself was being followed. An arm was extended, a piece of cloth was felt on Arch's mouth and nose, a few instances of drowsiness followed, a fall ensued. Yet, it was a silent fall, as the same arms that drugged him were strong enough to hold him. The coyote avoided the attention once more. Arch was dragged back into the alley. Ali heard 3 gunshots. Amber was too preoccupied with his accusations he didn't immediately understand what was going on. Everyone in the park snapped back into the reality we have grown to endure. Another death had happened. We all ran towards the location of the noise. First arrived Ali. He saw Arch's body next to the dumpster. The blood stains were obvious. Ali understood what was going on, and waited for the rest to reach the scene, to discuss together what to do, to bury the body, to find the culprits. They searched through his clothes, and found a note, seemingly written by Arch, inside a sealed envelope. You could say I stole it. I unsealed it and read it at the safety of my safehouse by the lake. It read: "I want to die. I am a coward. I never told anyone what happened, and I don't plan to anytime soon. The events have taken a toll on me, and I can no longer bear them. Please, someone help me escape this constant hell. I know I can't do it myself. I can't do it alone. I'm afraid, but I'm also very confused. The only way to win... is not to play" It looks like the deaths have been normalized. I didn't hear any screams today. Nor did I see instant accusations or paranoia. The citizens have been accustomed to people dying in the streets by the numbers. They didn't care a person they knew their whole lives was no more. Some people are only interested in their own survival, no matter the cost. Derry has once again changed. I don't want to be absolute, but this is not human behavior. This is something else. It's something... distasteful. Derry has become a city of demons. And that's not okay.
  9. DAY THREE - Western Troubles As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear... a lot. The villagers had left Newt's body in his house, since Falirion never told them exactly what happened. I wanted to investigate myself, but as I passed through the front door, I noticed it was ajar. Somebody had already been there. I didn't dare take a look. "What was going on there was none of my business", I told myself, in an effort to rationalize my fear. The truth is, my legs were not going to move one step closer. So I left. I went towards the square, naively thinking I'd find anything bar death. There, I saw them. Lykos on one side of the square, Falirion on the other. It was a deathmatch. Both were eyeing each other menacingly. They were emitting such a bloodlust, I could only hide behind a nearby barrel and watch in fear what was going to happen. The two men were determined to blow the other's brains off. And that's what happened. Fali shot first. Hit Lykos on the shoulder. Unfortunately for him, it was his non-dominant hand, and Lykos, using the stolen gun from Newt, shot back. He got Falirion in the throat. Fali couldn't breathe. One hand grabbing his throat, trying to stop the blood from gushing everywhere, the other stuck pointing at Lykos. He sat down in agony. Lykos dropped down as well. He was holding his wound with the arm he could move, while Falirion was gasping for air. His windpipe had a hole in it, and the end was nigh. The dog didn't look so damaged, but his pain prohibited him from moving. In terms of life threatening scenarios, he was a lower priority. I ran to Falirion, trying to assist him. My days beside the doctor could come in handy. Alas, in moments his eyes turned white. He had lost consciousness, choking on his own blood, his body twiching and kicking uncontrollably. I could not save him. Failirion was already gone. Immediately I turned towards Lykos. I was going to, but the way he looked at me, froze me, for the second time tonight. His face had an unearthly expression, a madness I could not comprehend. He stood up, determined to finish the job up close. The gun was gone, and in his hands was his old trusty knife. He was even smiling. As he reached a few meters away from us, a loud explosion could be heard. It was coming from behind Lykos, near the Jailor's house. The sky was filled with red and grey. Lykos turned around, presumably in shock, but I think he was just admiring the spectacle. Amidst the chaos, I picked Fali's gun and shot Lykos in the back. The beast screamed in pain, and dropped to his knees. I got the opportunity and aimed at his head. This time he went down for good. Not losing any more time, I approached the jailor's house. The blast had come from the inside. All that was left of the door were smithereens. Peaking through the remnands of the door, all I saw was a carnival of death. Body parts everywhere. Blood spread on the walls. A floor covered with all sorts of bodily fluids and pieces of organs. Carefully treading through the mess, I tried to identify the body which remained most intact. Unexpectedly it was Kiet's. A face still recognizable, what he had for a brain, spread through the house. I suppose a few will be delighted he's gone. He still was one of us. A second body was obviously Bean's. Although I couldn't recognize his face any more, there's only one person in the town who's wearing fleece instead of clothing. He had a suit on him, full of C4. That must be what caused all this mess. You can't blame me for not staying longer in there, can you? It was too much for me, for one night. A lot of you had quiet nights. Let's hope the following ones are actually quiet. PLAYER LIST 01. Anti 02. Alistair 03. Jelly - Transporter [Killed N1] 04. Lykos - Serial Killer [Killed N2] 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra - Investigator [Killed N1] 08. Nicki 09. Nano - Sabbat [Killed N1] 10. Arch 11. Bean - Jailor [Killed N2] 12. Newt - Sheriff (Naive) [Lynched D2] 13. Falirion - Vigilante [Killed N2] 14. Bok - Clown [Killed D2] 15. Kiet - Bulletproof [Killed N2] 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria 20. Seal 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] 6 town, 5 evils remaining. Remember, however. With this setup, no faction ever has the upper hand. It's as of now, Day Three. You have 55 hours to discuss and lynch one of you.
  10. Btw @DigitalAmber and @Candy have received a warning because they didn't vote. Please at least leave placeholder votes next time. It's a shame to be active yet indecisive and ultimately dead
  11. DAY TWO - OVER After a dramatic start, an unexpected shot, and an admittedly weird turn of events, the townsfolk have managed to work together. They set aside their differences, and tried to pursue the evils, albeit without concrete evidence or remote knowledge of their deeds. I pay them no mind, however, as they seem to know what they are doing. I ought to encourage them, especially the newer members of the town, for trying. And try they did. They lynched the kindest person amongst themselves. Maybe the evils are changing us in ways we never expected. You can't condone, nor condemn. You might even find it hard to understand. After all, when there is no organized evil faction, anyone could be a foe. Newt had been absent most of the day. He was at home drinking tea, watching his favorite TV show, occasionally looking at the paperwork waiting to be filled. "Maybe I'll do those later. After all, I have people to talk to, places to be, drinks to be had". His tools were still set beside the wall. The handcuffs, the ropes he used to grab horses and humans alike, the old gun, no longer functonal; all set aside. Newt was an aloof sheriff. He always saw the best in everyone, and believed in them, even when they didn't believe in themselves. He trusted all this was a misunderstanding of sorts, things that could be solved without violence. He even asked me to check himself (true story), in order not to offend anyone else by questioning them! He was against violence, and everyone knew it. Alas, the town thought otherwise. They deemed him suspicious. They even called him a jester, hours after an actual clown had perished. Newt's heart was broken into a million tiny crystal clear pieces. He could not take the shame. When the mob surrounded his house, torches blazing, he didn't answer their call. He never exited the door. The crowd stopped, thinking of the possibilities. Alistair was checking the windows. Anti was hiding behind Lia, expecting a shootout. He didn't show his fear too much. In fact, only Sopheria noticed, and touched his shoulder encouragingly. "We're doing the right thing ", she said. Falirion was the braver one to approach, turn the handle and check inside. He was expecting an ambush, a last minute fight. What he saw was far from what he thought he'd see. Newt was there, facing him. Wearing a blue suit, his new well-polished shoes. A table was overturned. The ropes from the wall a bit off. The floor was creaking, and the ceiling as well. Falirion looked up to Newt, and saw him still smiling at him. His tie was undone a bit, but that didn't bother anyone. "Maybe now you'll watch over us", Falirion mumbled. As he exited the house, he simply said that the case is closed. We're having no lynch today. PLAYER LIST 01. Anti 02. Alistair 03. Jelly - Transporter [Killed N1] 04. Lykos 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra - Investigator [Killed N1] 08. Nicki 09. Nano - Sabbat [Killed N1] 10. Arch 11. Bean 12. Newt - Sheriff (Naive) [Lynched D2] 13. Falirion 14. Bok - Clown [Killed D2] 15. Kiet 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria 20. Seal 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] It's right now NIGHT TWO. You have 30hours to send in your Night Actions.
  12. INCIDENT The townsfolk were discussing how to react with the deaths. After the initial shock and the expected accusations, they began to converse regarding the identity of the evils. Little did they know, that the strings were being pulled while they were fighting each other. After all, some people talk about what they'll do, whereas others decide to act. Bok was walking around the people, minding his own business, deciding how to spend the night. He was giggling, seeing the chaos ensue before him, yet a little disappointed Kiet was trolling. He approached Kiet from behind, malice in his eye, flower in his hand. He was going to cast a "blessing" onto him. Before he could reach Kiet, a hooded figure slipped out from the closest alley. Wearing a long coat with a hood covering their face, they took a few steps. Bok knew he was being followed, and tried to turn around. The cold touch of a pistol on his back stopped him. The hooded figure leaned closer and Bok looked over his shoulder, getting a glimpse at the hairy arm threatening him. "Omae wa mou... Shindeiru" "NANI?!" There were no screetching noises. Only a muffled gunshot. The others heard it, and rushed to Bok's side. The hooded figure ran fast back into the alley, before anyone could see them. Bok was gushing blood from his mouth. The bullet was in his stomache, quickly drawing him into shock. He felt cold and weak. As he was drawing his last breaths, Bok reached for Kiet, held his hand and closed his eyes. Kiet started crying. Turning his back to Bok's lifeless body, he took a look at what Bok left inside his hand. It was a red nose...
  13. DAY TWO - We are all Nanos I gave them weapons. I gave them power. I gave them all the tools they needed to stop all this death. And what do they do? They create chaos. A ladder they chip out fast. Last night you really enjoyed playing aggressively. Some locked themselves into their houses, avoiding trouble, whereas others were roaming the streets fully loaded. Blame you, I do not. Nor do I understand. After all, I'm here to document, not judge. I decided to take a walk through my city, during the earliest hours of the morning; a time even the evils take a break to sleep, not to be direcly identified the following day. As I walked by the Jailor's house, I heard some screaming. There was intense interrogation happening in there, but I knew best not to peek through the window. As I moved further away, I found blood. I followed the trail, waiting to see Kiet, but instead found Astra's body in a dark alley. He was still holding onto his magnifying glass. It looks like he found something, and the killer chased him down. Eventually he caught him. Astra's face was carved from ear to ear. A long thin bloody smile, with two pieces of string holding the corners of his mouth in place. A note beside him wrote "You aren't a baddie this time, are you?", signed The Boy. The killer left their knife on the note, presumably to keep it steady, not to be blown away by the wind. He wanted us to know it was him who killed Astra, and I fear he's not going to stop. Then a loud noise behind me made me turn around. I wasn't expecting too much to happen at this time of the day. I peaked around the alley. The door from the Jailor's was open. Suddenly bodybag was thrown out. They treated their prisoners like trash, and apparently disposed of them likewise. I was too scared to look. Nevertheless, I had to. I had to find out who the poor soul was. I couldn't trust my eyes, so I rubbed and rubbed again. It was Nano. He had been executed by the jailor. He had claimed his role, not only during the day, but also to the jailor, but they were not convinced. Nano had asphyxiated. I could tell because of his blue skin, and the foam coming out of his mouth and nostrils. Looks like the jailor kept the rope, hoping to reused it later. Thinking this was over, I decided to go by the river, visit the Transporter and bid him hello. He was the one who ensured I had a safe escape outside this hell of a city. I trusted him like no other. I hoped he was going to save them, with his strategic maneuvers. Alas, outside his house I found his car, crashed onto a pole. The car's windshield was cracked, and the bumper dented. I saw a man inside and quickly identified him as Jelly. His face was on the wheel. Thinking he might have been in an accident, after long hours of working during the night, I rushed to his aid. His window was down. I reached inside with my arm and unlocked his door. He didn't respond to my calls, so I shoved him a bit. In my panic, I thought he had just lost consciousness. Raising his face off of the wheel, I noticed a bullet hole between his eyebrows. This was no suicide. Inside the car, I found a second note. This one read "Get those shits and clowns outside my town. Your disguises fool nobody. Come by my cabin if you dare, I'll pop a bullet in your head just like I did to this one". I always knew that crazy shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, but the townsfolk admired him like a hero. Granted, he's a war veteran, but he's also clearly insane! This time I can't do anything, though, as the town is left to another's hands to rule. I can merely hope they do well, and they survive this madness. PLAYER LIST 01. Anti 02. Alistair 03. Jelly - Transporter [Killed N1] 04. Lykos 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra - Investigator [Killed N1] 08. Nicki 09. Nano - Sabbat [Killed N1] 10. Arch 11. Bean 12. Newt 13. Falirion 14. Bok 15. Kiet 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria 20. Seal 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] It's officially Day Two. You have 48 hours to discuss, and vote for a lynch. Remember, death is not the end.
  14. DAY ONE - OVER The situation in Derry remains the same. People are panicing over the dead body of the Shaman. They started pointing fingers left and right. They don't want to work together. All they care about is their own survival. I suppose that's normal. That's their primal instinct. However, that is not the way to go, if they wish to survive this. I have always been fascinated with humans. How they act, why they do things, how they prefer short-term enjoyment to tertiary benefits. They might have found peace with their short lifespan, or they simply do not care enough to cater to the community needs, to the town needs. Being one of them, I understand. I too have fled. I have kept my distance, but I can't exactly feel all the emotions they must be having. I can't empathise with them. Almost as if they cannot touch me. Almost as if the bad guys also deserve a chance. Let's take a look at what happened. It wasn't pretty. There isn't really any good way to put it. Kiet was lynched. The townsfolk were bloody. They had already decided they wished to take a life, and it might as well be Kiet's. They went for Nano first, then Astra, then they were undecided. They didn't know whom to finish. Until Nano stepped up. He punched Kiet in the face and kicked him in the groin. Kiet fell on the floor in agonizing pain. He curled up in a fetal position, asking them to stop. "I'm not the Jester", he pleaded. "I don't really want to die". But they wouldn't listen. Bean raised him up, only for Jelly to strike him down again with a crowbar. Bok approached. He laughed in Kiet's face and gave him the final slap. That one felt personal. The trio left, after thanking Nano for ensuring the lynch. Nano simply nodded, yet a wry smile was visible on his face. The rest followed. A lynch is a lynch, and the majority has voted. They simply have to respect the result. They hit him, one after the other, in the face, in the extremities, but mostly the torso. Kiet was enduring the pain, until Bok approached again. He drew a gun and shot Kiet where he thought his heart would be. Kiet fell down once again. The mob dispersed. The streets cleared. Then Kiet got up, staggered till the doctor's door and knocked. The doctor shocked, instantly apologised. They didn't know... or so they said. What else would you say, anyway, if a person presumed dead was knocking on your door? "Please understand", the doctor said. "I will treat you. I hope it's not too late". Kiet took off his jacket, and a huge metal plate dropped. Dented and scratched, with a hot bullet piercing it halfway through. "You're lucky to be alive" "I've been worse. Now please help me get through the night". [...] PLAYER LIST 01. Anti 02. Alistair 03. Jelly 04. Lykos 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra 08. Nicki 09. Nano 10. Arch 11. Bean 12. Newt 13. Falirion 14. Bok 15. Kiet 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria 20. Seal 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] This concludes Day 1. It is as of now, NIGHT ONE. You have 24 hours to send me your Night Actions (if any). Sleep well...
  15. DAY ONE - Death is only the Beginning The parties were happening as planned. The people were out on the streets, celebrating. They were having fun. Some students were drinking, but the police paid them no mind, because nothing ever bad happens in Derry. Nothing ever bad... We have been attacked. Derry isn't safe any more. I wanted to make an announcement full of hope, be optimistic. You know... appear as everything is fine. That's what a proper mayor would do. However, it looks like I can't keep up. Today's spectacle was horrifying. Hence, I've given my title to someone I trust. Long live the new mayor! I hope they do well. I'll be watching from a distance, recording what happens in Derry, minding my own safety first. It appears that out of fear I haven't yet disclosed what happened. I know you all must be shocked. It was supposed to be D1, everything was supposed to be fine. We hadn't even started re-opening the city for the feast. As I was cycling to the borders, to invite the indigenous people, I saw the Native's establishments ruined. Most had already packed and left. Smoke was rising from the big tent. They aren't typically happy to see me, but this time it was even worse. These strong people... they were crying. Bean and Nano had already reached the scene. They informed me that the Shaman was gone. Nowhere to be found. Just a few drops of blood inside the tent, and a fire put out not long ago. Among the charcoal I noticed what looked like... No, it can't be. The official report will be that Nightwolf has gone missing. Whoever claims otherwise will face the consequences. Of course, the basic suspects would be the ones to have found the body. Although, a monster like this wouldn't allow to be seen, let alone be found in the murder scene. Nano sweared it wasn't him. Bean was talking about some character traits. I paid him no mind. He hasn't bean the same ever since the previous incident, 27 years ago. Some say he's faking it. I prefer to believe he's still struggling to overcome a clown's curse, or a traumatic event. I guess we'll never know. One thing is certain. Derry isn't safe any more. PLAYER LIST 01. Anti 02. Alistair 03. Jelly 04. Lykos 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra 08. Nicki 09. Nano 10. Arch 11. Bean 12. Newt 13. Falirion 14. Bok 15. Kiet 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria 20. Seal 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] You have 24 hours to discuss what we're going to do. For D1, lynching is optional.
  16. Welcome to Derry! As your "newly" elected mayor, I'd like to say a few words. I believe we all remember the incidents from 27 years ago. At least, those of us who stayed here. For those who have just set foot here, let me tell you a few things you need to know. Ever since the massacre of 1990, Derry has grown. It has become a metropolis. A center of entertainment and wisdom. A place everyone is accepted, and a place everyone takes a little risk daily, in order to succeed in their lives. Nothing like the redneck town of the 80s and 90s, where mayhem could start at any time, and the outside world would never even know, lest care. I feel proud of my city. I feel proud it has entrusted me to lead it into a far better future. Therefore, since we've reached 27 years from the last time, and because I wish to break the cycle, as my first act for my 6th term. I will re-enact Ostracization. Each day, you will be able to vote whom you wish to remove from our happy city. Each day you'll get the chance to purge the city of all evil. your tools; your vote, and night actions. What is Mafia (Here Ostracization) Opening Narrative Roles (This is what your character may be able to do) Rules & Important Info PLAYER LIST 01. Anti 02. Alistair - ??? [Killed N3] 03. Jelly - Transporter [Killed N1] 04. Lykos - Serial Killer [Killed N2] 05. Drago 06. Aldo 07. Astra - Investigator [Killed N1] 08. Nicki 09. Nano - Sabbat [Killed N1] 10. Arch - Jester [Killed D3] 11. Bean - Jailor [Killed N2] 12. Newt - Sheriff (Naive) [Lynched D2] 13. Falirion - Vigilante [Killed N2] 14. Bok - Clown [Killed D2] 15. Kiet - Bulletproof [Killed N2] 16. Candy 17. Lia 18. Amber 19. Sopheria - Coyote [Lynched D3] 20. Seal - ??? [Killed N3] 21. Nightwolf [NPC] - Shaman [Story Kill] You have at least a week to sign up. Remember, we start at D1. Discord: https://discord.gg/VFQHtGg
  17. Besides, we could simply ask the granny to reveal themselves, and save us the trouble. It's Amber, isn't it?
  18. Not at all. The premise is that you are the leader all along, not a measly cultist. I think Kiet means that even if Bok was culted, he's still a secondary target. Tonight, I'll know which targets are possible. @Jelly I'll be shooting Nicki. If they remain alive, please pick either Nano or Drago. 01. Jelly (Drunk) 02. Nick (Vigi) 03. Soph (Cop) 04. Kiet (Lover?) 05. Amber (way too inactive to have culted so many) 06. Bok (Celebrity) None of the above (possible exception: Kiet) is the cult leader. 07. Lykos (Apprentice) - Dies tonight. Brings one of the following to hell with him 08. Nano 09. Caimie 10. Drago 11. Nicki I'm shooting Nicki, so we eliminate 1 possibility. 4 remain: Kiet, Nano, Caimie, Drago. One of those dies along with Lykos. Given you've already blocked Kiet once, had he been a cult leader, the math wouldn't work. So... 2 remain: You have 1/2 chance of getting the right one. Of course none of this matters if you're already converted. I'd be talking to a thicc wall
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