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Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. I think Bean is just having fun. A puppetmaster would try to use Bean to cast shade on someone. It wouldn't be his regular nonesense. @Alistair I agree with you in part. Drago seems to me like he's mafia trying to blend in. The way he spoke about the messenger and the puppetmaster would be something a mafia would do. Contribute to town by acting as if you deduced the info you already knew. [Eliminate] Drago
  2. @Newt the same applies to you. If you're puppeted, the only way to clarify is your vote. I propose a system. Anyone who's puppeted will post their vote first, and then any messages they are forced to post. The vote must be against themselves, and to disclose the Arms Trafficker. They can always freely change their vote later. So, Newt, tell us you're puppeted by voting against yourself. Just make sure to change it to whomever you wish to lynch before nightfall. Sidenote: I have no conflict of interest to declare. The arms trafficker has been chosen by RNGesus. It had to be a town-role, in case we end up with a mafia-ability that can end the day early, and somehow force us to disclose a mafia role a 2nd time.
  3. @Sopheria Just to eliminate all possible confusion. If you're puppeted, change your vote against me. @Mr. Knightly That seems quite restricting, to the point that I suspect there are more protective roles or that you're lying. @Alistair You seemed quite invested from the get go in reading people. How have your views on others changed with the new info we've got? Also, it also seems like you secured the lynch on Nano, effectively alleviating Newt's burden of choice. Whom would you have voted instead, had you known Nano was town? "UauiIIa oe OoOOeOia ie OaOia" eeeh, Macarena.
  4. @Mr. Knightly would you please clarify? Do you mean you avoided a double kill, or that you saved their asses on N1 and N2? You already claimed a role of protection. So, undoubtedly, you've gathered eyes on you. I don't know if a coyote-esque role exists, so don't reveal the name of the role. It would be helpful, however, if we knew how to use you to maximum efficiency. So I want you to reveal all you know, what you can do, and what urged you to vote against Nano yesterday. [Disclose] Swindler
  5. @CrimsonDragon21 if you thought Lykos was scummy, why vote against Bazaro?
  6. Since you thought Jelly was suspicious, I'll provide him as an extra target. [Unvote] Candy [Eliminate] Jelly
  7. LYNCH VOTES Newt (1): Kiet Nick (0): (Nano1) Anti (2): (Anti1), Nano2, Lykos Nano (4): Anti2, Knightly, Nicki, Alistair Bean (2): Astra, Sopheria Lykos (2): Bean, Drago Knightly (0): (Nick1) Candy (1): Nick2 Nicki (2): Candy, Bazaro Jelly (1): (M-Newt1), Jelly Alistair (2): M-Newt2 Lia (1): Lia Yes. But as you can see, your 2 votes can bring anyone in the 2-vote-radius into the tie. And given you are the mayor, you get to choose who gets hung in a tie. So you could force the lynch onto Nano, but also Anti, Bean, Lykos, or Nicki if you chose to.
  8. inb4 3 more appear and vote Alistair now. @Newt looks like you can force a no-lynch if you so much please, at least with the current spread of the votes. I definitely advise against that, but you should always prepare to make the important decisions in case of a tie. With great power comes great ... something.
  9. M bvsl th nl n sndng ths mssgs s blv thm ll Me ? the only one sending these messages , so believe them all? edit1: bvsl = Obviously? ...obviously so now it's a vowel? edit2: So there are 2 weirdos?
  10. Newt's on point there. The messenger is telling obvious lies to inform us about this. The last message is "I can". As for "Y" it's a vowel in 97% of cases, and a consonant in 3%. Baz pointed out that, but only Lrs can verify if he's the one regarding y as a vowel or not. I presume Alaris allows the messenger to either send only vowels or only consonants. So when they begun with "I cannot say consonants", in full consonants, they didn't expect to look like an idiot. So we have 2 restrictions for them i) Only vowels or consonants. ii) Only lies. Two restrictions are quite a lot for an ability as mundane as this. Therefore, if it is not a troll, I suppose this role has become quite powerful. Meaning (and this is mere speculation), their "messages" might be revealing stuff that they couldn't possibly know, and thus bank on them revealing info to town. So, I'm going to ask the messenger to say 2 contradictory statements, whose validity they couldn't possibly know. It's quite obvious that the messenger role is not the "Fighter". I want you to say "Bazaro is the Fighter" in consonants -> Bzr s th fghtr "Bazaro is not the Fighter" in consonants -> Bzr s n th fghtr Edit: made some edits, because I messed up the first time. mobile sucks
  11. Anyhow, got town vibes from Knightly from that. he's either too lazy to check, or too smart to reveal his "accidental" plan of creating a tie. [Unvote] Knightly [Eliminate] Candy
  12. Did I miss something? DISCLOSE VOTES Piercer (1): (Bok1), Kiet, (Knightly1) Swindler (7): Lia, Nick, Jelly, Nano, Anti, Lykos, Bok2 Puppetmaster (7): Bazaro, Astra, Nicki, Sopheria, Alistair, Drago, Knightly2 Immolator (1): Bean Caimie, Candy and Newt haven't voted yet.
  13. Placeholder vote, since I'll be really busy in the following days. [Eliminate] Knightly I'd like to see more of Newt, to be honest. He ran a campaign to become Mayor. He ought to be a prominent figure in "New Town"
  14. You are using a lot of 4-syllable words. Tread carefully.
  15. @Astra125 As soon as we're done with mafia, we can agree on whom to make OP. I trust we'll have at least a few roleclaims by day5.
  16. [Disclose] Swindler Given how weird the Immolator was, I'd rather go for the less obvious ones first.
  17. Wild Nick used Taunt "Maybe use the Immolator next night if you can't shoot straight"
  18. That would bring the Puppymaster to 7. Not enough. My first thought was that someone is a -1, meaning the 8 becomes a 6, and thus forces the tie.
  19. Immolator? Role Disclosing Votes may be cast every day along with Mayor Election Votes or Lynch Votes. They will follow the format: [Disclose] Role name or [Cancel] Role name. Information of actions and particularities of the most voted role will be revealed in the next morning. Once the basic information has been exposed, the role may be voted again (on a different day) to uncover the conditions to unlock the secret ability for each role. Abstaining is allowed. If there's a tie, no info will be disclosed. Puppetmaster (6): Candy, Jelly, Alistair, Newt, Drago, Astra2 Immolator (8): Sopheria, Anti, Lykos, Bok, Lia, Bazaro, Nick2, Knightly Assumptions: 01. Someone's vote might be worth -1. 02. The role does not allow it to be revealed. 03. A NA that we don't know of.
  20. On second thought, we could force a draw, not have a mayor, and not allow mafia to escape investigative results. [Unvote] Nick [Vote] Bean
  21. @Newt @Bok Choi The one who votes for me first will be appointed next mayor when I die.
  22. Given the circumstances, I might as well make my vote count. [Cancel] Piercer [Disclose] Immolator I could always bank on Newt dying and making me Mayor again. Let's see how the votes go till 10pm tomorrow, and if need be, I'll startle le waters. Puppetmaster (6): Candy, Jelly, Alistair, Newt, Drago, Astra2 Immolator (7): Sopheria, Anti, Lykos, Bok, Lia, Bazaro, Nick2 Astra going strong for that tie there...
  23. You people know we can spread our votes and practically reveal all mafia roles today, right? Just make it a 4-way tie for the 2nd revealed role. [Vote] NickCrash Because Kiet is promising to lower taxes, when there are none. That's fishy. My first action as Mayor would be to change the terrible name we've given to this town. Then I'll create our own local newspaper and use it as my own personal propaganda tool. Then I'll have everyone pay 50% income tax, while the news will tell you it's essential for our well-being. Then I'll distribute pie to all and accuse the opposition of populism. [Disclose] The Piercer [Eliminate] Poverty, Injustice, Kiet's regime.
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