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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Harryuiop

  1. I would like to know where should I level up crabrawler to evolve it.
  2. I don't mind to wait decades, I am very pacient. I mind if I would wait in vain.
  3. @Amethyst, I would like to know if you gonna to change the clefairy from Noel in future episodes cause if so I would like to wait it before battle to noel. Sorry for bother you, and Thanks.
  4. okay, but where is the rock that I need mine to get the "rare candy" for get piplup? and what about eevee? The tree don't disappear
  5. I read the location guide, but I can't find these pokemons, plis help me.
  6. Harryuiop

    Yureya Key

    Okay, thanks, I thinked was in tanzan cave x_x anyway, I am seaching for stunfish and piplup and i already read the location guide v2, but I can't find the rock to mine in berly ward and I an in apophly cave a entiry day and cand find then
  7. Harryuiop

    Yureya Key

    I need evolve my magnetone but I can't find Yureya Key, plis help me!
  8. i have seven badges, why? how much is needed to help the girl? and how i can go to the 7th street?
  9. yeah! the door of the move tutor are unlock, but it was unlock BEFORE I get the key.
  10. I want to Know what is the sides quest of magma gang, I alredy did that I pick an buizel and a water stone, and I pick the houndour, how I can go to 7th stret? And other thing: I met a woman in the entrance of lapis ward that want to wke up her husband, but the solution in unthinckble of somethig like this, someone can help me saying what I can do to help her?
  11. No boy, I just pick the key and I already had enter in pokemon reminder and in the cassino, what is the unique 3 doors to open.
  12. have no door no unlock in Onyx Ward!!! plis, someone help me! sorry, I forgot I can't send two mensages...
  13. I was in underground Railnet and I found thoug rock smashing the walls a house key and a corrupted pokeball I am trying to learn what they do, you can help me?
  14. Thanks! ^^ I found Drilbur You can close the Topic
  15. I want to catch dribur and magikarp, where they are?
  16. (^u^) Thanks. This help​ só much. I'm anxius to fix that pokeball And thanks to don't ask me about the monkeys in streets, here in Brasil we Don' have monkeys on streets, unlike the americans think. only in electric wire ( you know, the wires in poles.... My english is the worste) Anyway. I didn't undestood what you try mean which :"sanity joke"
  17. hey... I'm new here.(and I'm Brasilian. Here in Brasil pokemon Reborn is famous, and so sorry for the bad english) I wanna know which are the new itens in Pokemon reborn (itens that don't exist in other games) and know what its do. exemple: blast power and magnect power I REALLY wanna know what them do. Thanks
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