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5 Fledgling

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  1. Have to agree on Excadrill. On my current playthrough i had the same luck as you with obtaining it from the Mystery Egg event. And DAMN! With his decent speed and massive attack as well as access to Earthquake he utterly destroys trainers. He's actually so good that at some times i find myself trying not to use him during certain battles as he would just sweep at least half of the opponents team. Destroyed Call, Kiki and much more. Would also like to mention other Pokemon that i found useful while playing Reborn. Donphan - I have mentioned this waaay back somewhere on the forum but i didn't really care too much about this Pokemon until Reborn made me fall in love with it. Nice stats, access to that important EQ and the Sturdy ability helped in every single one of my playthroughs and I always make sure to get one as soon as i can. Also many boss encounters were cheesed thanks to Sturdy and EQ, two examples being PULSE Abra and El's Arceus. Archeops - Recently tried using it and i was impressed. The defeatist ability doesn't hinder it as much as one would think as it has enough speed to outspeed a LOT of other trainers pokemon. And I've found that the STAB Acrobatics with it's atk stats KO's a whole bunch of stuff.
  2. Palpatine


    Although in this playthrough i don't really wanna use pokemon that i can get outside of the normal obtainable methods i really don't wanna wait till the late game to try out having a Golisopod on my team. And since my 'Julia gym rain event' was a Blitzle I'm gonna have to ask if anyone has a Wimpod to spare. It can be any kind of Wimpod, I would use it to breed my own. Thanks
  3. Yea i'm available right now, a male would be awesome Just PM me your name
  4. Hi guys I've started a new playthrough and i wanna use my favorite pokemon that i have been waiting for years in Reborn hahahah So i was wondering does anyone have a Scyther to trade, i could give away a Gible i got in a wonder trade Thanks in advance
  5. Is there anyone out there willing to trade a Gible ? I can give a Deino in return
  6. Palpatine


    Ghost types are the key
  7. Palpatine


    While i know obtaining him isn't ''legitimate'' and stuff i was wondering is someone who already has him willing to trade a Deino over
  8. Palpatine


    Getting a shiny one then.
  9. Palpatine


    I was looking through the graphics folder and noticed a lot of Silvally sprites.
  10. I knew it! And yea it was always nighttime when i tried it. Is there another way to get him somewhere else in the game (hopefully not too late)
  11. If there is a way to obtain him other than the mystery egg event, i'd be glad to try that out too. But since I'm not sure about that that's why I'm here. Nothing special, I would be more than satisfied with any Rockruff regardless of the EV's/IV's
  12. I can't help but hope to finally see Scyther in the next episode. Been waiting for him since when i first found Reborn, which was episode 10 or 11 or something :'D
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