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About ピカ♥

  • Birthday 05/24/1994

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  1. So, a friend referred me to this game. It's a bit hard, but it's fun! (If not a little cheap...) To introduce myself, I'm really just your typical lazy American, playing games that I probably shouldn't be at age 20. Aside from this game, I also have Pearl, SoulSilver, and Y. I play other games as well (I'm a frequenter especially of the Sonic fandom), but for the most part all I'm going to talk about in my stay here is the one and only Pokémon Reborn - if I have any questions or the like, that is! You can call me whatever you'd like (my name says 'Pika' if you want to refer to me as that). I think that's about all I have to say about myself. Oh, and Cyndaquil is my favorite starter.
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