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a whole mess

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Everything posted by a whole mess

  1. Hello, Does Grubbin evolve through simply leveling up? Or does it require a certain location or item? Thanks in advance
  2. Edit: the rain stopped and I was able to catch one. Hey, I'm trying to catch a Fletchling on the Oceana Piers and the game is lagging a lot, to the point where I can't even use a move because the game is taking so long. I think this is due to the rain. I've switched the date on my computer multiple times, and each time, it is still raining. Could you possibly "turn off" the rain? Is the Fletchling event only during the morning or can I come back later in the day and catch one? Thanks in advance Game.rxdata
  3. Thanks for the heads up. I also didn't realize that events were actually triggered by what time it was. Not only was I able to find the kid's backpack at night, but I also found a purloin(on the school grounds) which was a nice addition to my team.
  4. I just downloaded the game today and now I am not sure as to what I am supposed to do. I chose togepi, explored the dorms and spoke to Cirrus(the rival) who told me to meet him behind the boys dorm. I wanted to do some exploring, accidentally bought a bidoof, started the side quest with Danny(finding the other kid's backpack) all before meeting him behind the dorms and now I can't find my rival. So, uh... help?
  5. Thank you! I think I am going to stick with roselia then.
  6. Early on in the game I picked up a budew and decided to use it on my team because I have never had any experience with a roselia/roserade before.Also, I figured having a poison-type would help for countering fairy-types. Some extra info: I just defeated the second gym, the rest of my team is growlithe, marshtomp, ursaring, mightyena, and electabuzz. So my question is: Is/will there ever be a Shiny Stone in the game or am I just wasting my time? If there is no Shiny Stone, any suggestions as to what grass type I can find to replace roselia?
  7. I believe I went to the Dojo and activated the Aegis Underground event after I had already found out that my father had been kidnapped, defeated Darwin at the tennis courts and received tyrogue. Hope that helps a little... Also, can someone please tell me where I am able to find Ducklett? I've been having a tough time with all of the ground types in the URN hideout...
  8. I believe he's supposed to give you an invite to that building with the sleeping guy in front of it, called the Alpha Elite House(I think?). Also, for better areas to train Tyrogue, go back to the Dojo and go to the back room to activate an event which allows you to go into the Aegis Underground. In there, pokemon generally range from lvl 13 - lvl 18.
  9. Thank you to those who helped me with my previous question...but now I have another one: Where/when am I able to get a Ducklett(I have not encountered one through trainer battle yet, so I couldn't check the pokedex)? Are they located in the various parks throughout the city or are they only available on 'Ducklett Rock'? I just defeated Hectobald and I am now fighting the URN grunts.
  10. How do I make the attack and defense equal though? Do I continue to train up the defense EVs? Sorry, I'm just so confused because I've never really done this before... Also, is it really necessary for the story for me to have the Hitmontop?
  11. Okay, I already made sure that both the defense and attack stats were trained to 31, but whenever I try to evolve Tyrogue, he becomes a Hitmonlee. Tyrogue's stats down below...
  12. Quick question: Where am I able to buy vitamins(ex. protiens and irons) so that I can evolve Tyrogue into Hitmontop? I am up to the part where I have to fight Hectobald in the Aegis Underground.
  13. Okay, it's not too much of a problem anyway since I have a windows computer. It's just that it is so much easier using my mac and whenever I touch the windows computer, I manage to give it some sort of virus. I have not heard of Boot Camp, but I'll search it up and test it out. Also, thank you for the spoiler tip!
  14. So, I read through this topic and noticed that the issue with the Mac running PMD hasn't really been mentioned in a while... well I just downloaded this game today and I am having the same problem. There is only a big blue screen and an error window(which I posted down below along with the info that appeared when I pressed 'details'). I am also aware that the server is down currently but I do not think that would affect me just opening the game. ps: How do I make that little spoiler thing to hide the images so they don't take up so much space in the topic?
  15. Go to the Help Center and do help requests, the last one 'Battle Me' rewards you with a Litleo. Also, they help with earning back the cash that you lost while battling Venam.
  16. I had the same problem and I solved it by deleting the sound file for Volcanion's cry. To find that sound file you go to the SE folder, and scroll all the way down to 719Cry.wav, remove that file from the Rejuvenation folder and you should be good to go. If that does not work, it might have to do with the track that plays during the battle. I can't remember the name, but you should be able to look up on Youtube someone's play through of Rejuvenation, listen to the track that plays during the battle and go into the BGM folder and listen to different tracks seeing which one matches. Find the one that matches, and remove it from Rejuvenation. If even that does not work, someone else will hopefully able to help.
  17. Do you know which sound file it could be? For now I'll just use the method of trial and error and see which one works. Edit: The file that was giving me trouble was the Wild Battle - Regular.mp3 .
  18. Hello, so I'm having a problem that whenever I begin a wild encounter, the game crashes and I get a little pop-up saying that wine had quit unexpectedly. This just started happening today, and I have already restarted my Mac a couple of times.
  19. Are there any recommendations starter-wise? Or should I just roll with my Bulbasaur and hope for the best?
  20. I find myself leaning towards Team Meteor being in the Champion room when you reach it. Maybe Solaris will be there, stating that he killed the Champion or something extremely gruesome and has been using that power as Champion to fund Team Meteor. That the whole region will have a similar fate as the Yureyu Building, destroyed from the inside out. But that's just my take on it.
  21. To roqi, Thank you for the link! Also, I'll teach noivern boom burst and dragon pulse asap! I was thinking about it before but I was worried that noivern might learn it within the next level cap (lvl 56 - 60) and it would pretty much be a waste of heart scales. To Qaaz, I'll keep the natures in mind, thank you for those recommendations! Also, should I go to smogon for movesets or do you have your own recomendations? Also, I noticed that mudkip can learn sludge wave, should I use that to counter fairy types or just leave it alone? As of the current moment, I have no pokemon or moves that are super effective against fairies. To Kelazi5, Yeah, I'm glad I grabbed the numel early on because it was a big help. As for fighting style... I'm not sure I I really have one except that I knock out the pokemon I can quickly and then just sort of hope for the best afterwards(please don't shoot me). I am well aware that I have a lot of areas to improve in. To Smok3iT, I know, I went for the easy mode. To phoenix_fire, Wow, thank you for all of that! I also like know about the competitive battle stuff but it never quite makes sense to me. Like the whole smogon tiers and ev's/iv's and which nature is best and stats- the list can go on. I used to watch competitive battles, breeding tips, ev/iv training, move-pool advice, team building, etc. on youtube but then high school hit me like the Hulk and now I don't have time for really anything(with the exception of my outside of school activities). About me not playing to my pokemons' strengths, I'm starting to get the hang of it now. I have began look at the stats of the pokemon to see which one is the highest before teaching a move or using a move in battle. I go on serebii quite often for updates on the games, but I do remember seeing stat charts for the pokemon in the pokedex, so I'll start paying attention to those more often. As for the whole bite and super sonic on my noivern, well both moves came in handy in the beginning when I would either confuse my target or flinch it with bite. However, Noivern has obviously grown out of those two moves, also Pachirisu's sweet kiss lands much more often than super sonic so I'll definitely get to work on that. Thank you once again!
  22. To Qaaz, Okay, so the natures are(please take note that I know basically nothing about natures, except that Jolly, Timid, Modest and Adamant are the preferred ones): Blaziken(Bold), Noivern(Careful), Pachirisu(Relaxed), Ursaring(Sassy), Meowstic(Gentle), Camerupt(Lax). I guess I'll list the natures for all of the recommended ones that I do have: Mudkip(Hasty), Scraggy(Modest), Tepig(Adamant), Vulpix(Careful), Magnemite(Quiet). To Helia, Thank you for telling me that! To roqi, I have 4 heart scales so I'm probably going have to be picky with which moves must be learned and moves that can be learned, but not urgently. Also, I will most likely train Scraggy up first as he seems to be the most popular candidate, then maybe the others eventually. Lastly, thank you for the complement on the metronome/ rock smash thingy/strategy! To Knight_Teutonic, I will most likely take your advice with Mudkip, but I'm not sure about just totally dumping more than half of my team down the drain and starting over. Lastly, how am I supposed to obtain a Gardevoir/ Ralts if that event was replaced by Espurr early on in the game, unless there is a new event for Ralts?
  23. Hey there, so before I even start talking about my team, I am most certainly not a competitive battler in anyway, shape or form. That being said, I have one team currently in this game, with no pokemon "in rotation", and going up against Noel made realize that there had to be some changes made. So I guess I will just list my team: Blaziken(Fawkes) lvl 55 Ability: Speed Boost Held Item: Black Belt Moves: Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Strength, Brave Bird Noivern(DarkestDream) lvl 55 Ability: Telepathy Held Item: None Moves: Super Fang, Supersonic, Air Slash, Bite Pacirisu(Pachi) lvl 54 Ability: Volt Absorb Held Item: None Moves: Discharge, Nuzzle, Hyper Fang, Sweet Kiss Ursaring(Boo Boo) lvl 55 Ability: Quick Feet Held Item: Metronome Moves: Rock Smash, Feint Attack, Cut, Slash (I find the metronome to be helpful when spamming rock smash because as the defense of the target is lowering due to rock smash, the power of the move is also increasing) I hope that made sense. Meowstic(Ethereal) lvl 54 Ability: Infiltrator Held Item: None Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Charge Beam, Sucker Punch (Was kind of hoping she would learn a Fairy - Type move) Camerupt(HumptyDumpty) lvl 54 Ability: Magma Armor Held Item: Hard Rock Moves: Flame Burst, Yawn, Rock Slide, Earthquake (He comes in handy sometimes, but I want to switch him out with something more useful overall) Okay so some extra notes: -In the daycare, vulpix is at lvl 40 or something, I kind of put her in there and then forgot. Also in the daycare, is a lvl 35 magnemite which I was hoping might replace pachirisu someday. -I grew tired of waiting for the mudkip event, so I snagged the numel that was near the train station early on in the game -I have a number of the event pokemon, for example: Mudkip, Chikorita, Tepig, Scraggy, etc. -I have one ability capsule(used another one that I found in one of the toxic cans in Perodot ward to make my shiny female blaziken have speed boost) I think that is all, so if you have any suggestions or questions that I did not address, please do comment! Thank You!
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