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Everything posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. Pokemon Insurgence's ost has a lot of cool original themes. So why on God's green earth do they only use the BW2 battle theme for every trainer why. And the wild theme jesus christ 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      Did I even fight the timeless my first playthrough idk but of course then they had chamption themes for the PWT because that makes sense. 

      The original town and route themes I know came from the dev's first game, Zeta/Omicron. Although the Insurgence Route 1 theme was actually a late game theme in those games what

      I think they borrowed some from BW2 also. They must really love BW2. 

    3. DemICE


      Vietnam flashbacks of the house theme

    4. SnowGlaceon


      all eight beats of the house theme melody sigh

  2. Wait okay just out of curiosity what does Ame have against Budew?
  3. Thoughts on TGCO? Thinking about playing it

    1. Wolfox
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its gx spam. the theme deck format is pfun until you assemble a half decent deck, and standard is pretty cool too. youre also not locked behind too much of a paywall- given (admittedly a lot of) grinding you should be able to get most if not all things.

  4. Wait already?!? Spoiler lock hasn’t even ended, that was fast! Not that I’m complaining but don’t overwork yourself, k? Alright let’s get discussing. Based on the categories up for e19 development (mapping, eventing, and story), and how these have gone in the past, I actually don’t think e19 content will take too long. Postgame though... I have no idea what to expect for post game content, just because of how expansive Reborn already is. Usually games have a separate area to explore or something Mysidia rip but all I can truly come up with is the Nightclub. I think that’s where gym leader rematches will happen. Maybe we’ll have a battle frontier type of deal? Also curious if the final level cap will be 100 because I think that may have been up in the air. Food for thought.
  5. Sometimes...fire beats water https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7monotype-796768677 now if only i could get ice to beat steel....
  6. This club has the Glaceon seal of approval
  7. The sound of styrofoam rubbing against styrofoam, or anything rubbing against wet glass.
  8. This might be just me, but I find Ranch/Farm areas in Pokémon games terrible. The one in alola literally made me fall asleep and the one in bw2 is just annoying 

    1. Wolfox


      I personally quite like them, but that's all subjective

    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Hoo, boy! Looks like you wouldn't have enjoyed My Pokemon Ranch all that much before it got discontinued, eh? Well, it isn't exactly gone quite yet, but that's only because the Wii Shop is amnesty at the moment...

    3. SnowGlaceon


      Idk maybe it’s the music or something I’m just not a huge fan. It does give the world variety tho so points for that.


      I heard about that a bit after I got Pokémon Platinum in 2009, but I didn’t have a Wii so I never looked into it. Wasn’t it basically a storage system?

  9. Crunchy peanut butter: yay or nay?

    1. seki108


      Yay!  Still prefer the extra creamy(?) kinds, but crunchy beats regular for me.

    2. AtheaOfAltea


      Definitely yay. That extra texture is always nice

    3. Wolfox


      depends on how I feel, so I'll say both

  10. Restarting Insurgence. Maybe I'll do a delta mon run? Or should I cave and go with eevee again 😛

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seki108


      If you aren't using the Deltas what's the point?  Even on hard it shouldn't be too challenging, so might as well.

    3. DemICE


      did a delta run on hard mode it was pretty dope.   although you kinda struggle early because not enough deltas. 

    4. SnowGlaceon


      @seki108I’ve always used a delta or two, this time I’m just going to use only deltas. Sounds dope

  11. My personal favorite is Turtwig. It's a great all-rounder once it evolves all the way. Good bulk, nice attack, and earthquake does wonders (plus curse isnt that bad of a boosting move lets be real). As long as you keep it away from ice it'll do you proud.
  12. Hey man, it's been a while. Welcome back. Basically what Lexi said. But hey we're all about second chances eh? You could say you were.... REBORN! HA! I'll show myself out now. See you around
  13. Not gonna lie, I was skeptical about Xenoblade 2 at first. Monolith Soft just shamed me

  14. Wipe that grin off your face you stupid overpowered asshat of a pokemon. Have fun playing e18 everyone. 

    1. Zargerth


      Which one is that?




    2. SnowGlaceon
    3. Zargerth



      I took that thing down with Incineroar's Z-move and Bewear's Superpower. Honestly the Weavile was much worse.


  15. *realizes he has new fear*

    *preceeds to look up fear for validation*

    *contiues to look at images of fear as if that’ll cure him*

    *cant unsee images and is now terrified*

    why am I like this

  16. Nah I must be making things up At any rate, that’s not a bad start for your team. I’d recommend sacking Ninetails’ Nasty Plot, it’s not built to be a sweeper, and putting something more fitting its investment. Maybe Hypnosis? That would also mean you’d be free to put one of the other status moves on pyrr’s chimeco set. Or maybe something else entirely Bc you have will-o-wisp and toxic already on your team. Perish song could be very useful for phasing out anything that wants to set up, and healing wish could help restore a heavily damaged teammate. Psychium Z or Grassium Z are good for volcarona. Depending on what other coverage moves you have I’d pick from those. Hell even go with Firium if you wanna nuke something. @pyrromanis Fair point, but it was still a “PU” Pokemon that did some work. Of course I’m not discounting that it was a doubles format but come on pachirisu?
  17. @Zander Never forget Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu in the 2014 championships. Sometimes using an unexpected mon can really throw an opponent off. Also haven’t you just been a fun bundle of positivity recently. As someone who firmly believes in playing because it’s fun, I’d caution you against letting the current metagame structure (or your OU bias) lead you to insult another player’s choices and experience. As for the topic at hand... It’d be helpful if you could post what you have on your team thus far? Just wanna see if there’s any holes to fill
  18. Why is this website broken on my everything ahhhh 😭

  19. And that Beast Boost ensures that the bodies keep dropping. Let’s hope this isn’t in our future
  20. I need a new monotype team for showdown. Currently I have fire, ice, electric, steel, fairy, dark, and bug. Open to suggestions

    1. Seal


      How about Flying?

    2. CodeCass


      Seconding Flying type! 

    3. SnowGlaceon


      That could be fun, I'll give it a shot. Thank you!

  21. Lol we lowkey suck Welcome! Glad you don't hate us
  22. Aww i think im too late to vote. Oh well, hopefully we havent lost yet.
  23. It was painful to play too. Longest battle ive been in thus far Oh no doubt that umbreon is a very annoying set. Normally, I just send it in to use wish, then switch to something I want to heal. But that milotic could outlast every other member of my team by stalling, so i chose to out stall it. Tbh toxic would have been foul play, but i didnt find it all that useful when i used it. also why did I have detect and not protecc idk Honestly I was laughing at the sheer ridiculousness the entire time. He only got mad because I beat him at his own game
  24. I’ve heard rumors about fe conquest chapter 20. Let’s see if they’re true

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