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Everything posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. WELL this is a fun 85 turn battle! Umbreon was actually meant to be a cleric, but had to turn into a partial stallmon for this battle because of milotic, that hellspawn of a pokemon. It takes stall to beat stall notreallybut https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7rususpecttest-783517604
  2. The following message is intended for Jim Boonie only

  3. Fuck chapter 17 and your ninjas. God dammit. Ugh. Stop. Please. Enough.

  4. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, which I gripe about at least once a day but actually love. Also playing FF15, but because of work progress on that is really slow. Same with all the fangames I've been playing (mostly reborn/spork)
  5. I hate Vanity Judge as a music theme just saying

  6. Washington D.C. area. Its WET. and still very humid. sigh when can it be winter again please
  7. Conquest Chapter 15: But why tho. I actually hated this one, it was pointless.

    Chapter 16? This decision would be way easier if I didn’t have a conscious 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      Only took me three tries. Even used the Dragon Vein. 


      so yeah i got lucky

    3. Wolfox


      There's a reason it's dubbed one of the hardest in the 3ds fire emblem Era

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Then I'll enjoy it a lot when i do my lunatic run rip

  8. And now my dear friends, we've reached the point where there are characters I'd like to use, but chapter limits cap me. sigh

  9. First paycheck tho 🙂

  10. Finally playing Pokemon Spork! Almost died when I saw Guzzlord as a starter option 😂

  11. Let’s just give all of the archers counter! Isn’t that just a great idea? Who needs the rainbow sage anyways 😤

  12. Didn’t realize how bad I’d feel fighting against the characters from Birthright. Ouch.

    1. Hect


      I gotcha. Playing Fates as a whole was pretty difficult.

    2. Wolfox


      I had that feeling too


      though not as much as Mingled Tears


    3. SnowGlaceon
  13. Mozu! You’re a freaking liability, can’t hit for beans, and you’re a complete experience whore you better be worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      I was thinking I'd be able to get an archer out of her. I've heard the late game of Conquest is inundated with enemy fliers

    3. Wolfox


      archer works too, though I personally like MoA better due to being able to wield axes, lances and swords while having the speed of the Samurai class

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Life an Death could make or break her too... I'll consider

  14. Ah don't worry too much about it. I played it at first after 5 years of playing Pokemon and it still ruined me... It takes some different thinking than normal pokemon games, but once you get the hang of it you'll be a better battler, just give it time. In the meantime, the forum is full of people who will give you tips, so just ask around.
  15. Monotype is screwing me over. No matter what team i pick, the other player has its weakness. Bug? Rock. Fire? Water. Electric? Ground. Dark? Fighting. Goddammit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      Unfortunately, each type still has that innate disadvantage. Sure you can pack one or two mons to deal with it, but you're still pretty screwed. Bug vs Rock wasnt too bad. Stall toxipex walling my entire fire team? What am I supposed to do with that?

    3. IntSys


      Delphox and Rotom-Heat are excellent choices for that. Other Fire-type setup sweepers like Houndoom-Mega and Salazzle (with HP Ground) can also set up against Toxapex with Nasty Plot with relative ease, especially under sun.

    4. SnowGlaceon


      I use Victini instead of Delphox, because I wanted a physical attacker other than Infernape (plus bolt strike is nice), Charizard Y is my mega, but Rotom-Heat is an interesting one I never considered. Thanks. 


      Too bad im in a sour mood after all those losses

  16. Wow, haven't even gotten to the story split before getting wiped. Chapter 5 shouldn't be this bad

  17. Started FE Conquest for the first time. On hard. Pray for my soul

    1. Wolfox


      oh you sweet summer child...

  18. Heracross used Close Combat! https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7monotype-775741576
  19. I wish I could say I perfectly predicted him, but honestly half of this was luck. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7monotype-775331776
  20. RIP Santa Hat Glaceon 2015-2018, finally.

  21. Forum Name: SnowGlaceon Showdown alt(s): SnowStormX Discord: SnowGlaceon#2524 Availability: Weekdays from 5pm-11pm, All day weekends. GMT-4 Favorite Types: Ice, Electric, Fairy Least Favorite Types: Bug, Rock, Normal oh boy
  22. Last time we saw a swirling vortex of doom, we got sucked into the distortion world and experienced what can only be described as 2.5D... So I'm looking forward to this. I think it's safe to say we'll be seeing a bit more of our Ultra Spacy friends. My only concern is if they (Gamefreak) decide to make this a sequel to SM or just an updated version (like Platinum). I wouldn't be too upset either way, given how SM felt rather incomplete to me.
  23. Let's get down to business....

  24. Just one more battle just one more battle just one more battle just one more....

    1. Wolfox


      just one more xmass hat

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