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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. Always a pleasure, CG BULKY MANDIBUZZ IS BULKY http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-409984725
  2. "A bit" Well we did have Ditto-Arceus, so there's that. If there's one thing you don't have to worry about, it's how hard epic the climax of the story will be. You don't necessarily need legends for that, we have PULSEs. Just Stick Lin's Hydreigon in there or something and we're good. Lapis is the most...intact of the wards. Also the RCPD better do something about 7th street, I want my Magikarp dammit! inb4 it's actually a goldeen
  3. Congrats Marcello! Your're one step closer to taking over Reborn! Here's a song for both you and Kuro, the Boss and the Bawss Watch at your own risk
  4. Oh my luck.... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-408915209 I was...reeeaaally confused during this battle http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-408937493
  5. Time to try and get not-terribad at teambuilding. Here goes...

  6. A shelter wouldn't be of much use if you're stuck there, right? If the protag were to get stuck in a shelter, they would have to sit there a wiat the sandstorm out....forever. Also I'm calling a PULSE Hippowdon right now. Prepare your ice types. The factories were in the Peridot ward, right? That's supposed to be the industrial ward, so from an economical standpoint, I feel like they'd be refurbished. From an Ame standpoint... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well, after e16 is done, and more importantly the city is redone, the story will pick up. Episode 19 is definitely going to be the last story episode, but I don't know if that'll include postgame stuff too. If it doesn't...we might get episode 20 yet. I'm looking forward to side stories and such. I mean, we joined a gang right? There's some good potential right there.
  7. Oh snap good point. I think I missed the Indriad one, and Neved too. Don't remember those. But wehaven't met Saki's father yet, he's only been mentioned.
  8. I think so. At this point, we've only met one father, Keta, and spoilers he's pretty dead right now.
  9. The only problem with this is that if the sand was enough to stop a moving train in it's tracks, wouldn't it completely bury the player in moments? Yeah, Mysidia is kinda gone now, so as of e16 (if not e15 already) it'll be out of the game. RIP.
  10. I kinda want to make a monotype rmt, but I feel like that may be too gimmicky.

    1. Jacobliterator


      I'd help. I'm a pretty skilled monotyper.

  11. Eh, that seems too...repetitive(?) for the game. We've already seen that trick before, and add to that the fact that (at this point in the story) people are well aware of Team Meteor and the threat that they pose, I feel like a bomb won't quite cut it this time. It'll be more cruel and unusual creative than that. My money is on that PULSE Clawitzer changing targets or something. That'll be interesting.
  12. Not quite. You can find Corphish in the Wispy ruins. Try looking there. If that doesn't work out, you can find them in the Sheridan wetlands, but iirc you won't be getting there for a while.
  13. Today I learned that dodging in Pokemon Go is a lot harder than one would think. Also I learned that it isn't a good idea to take on a CP1390 Leader when your strongest mon is (no joke) CP666.
  14. I never understood why Christmas in July is a thing. At least make it June, right?

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I think they celebrate Christmas during the summer in Australia. Not sure, though.

    2. rustytengo


      because July is pretty much the middle of summer. a time which shouldn't have snow, and Christmas is a winter thing so snow.

  15. Added my top 10 favorite boss themes to my profile. Thought about a weekly list, but it probably wouldn't be updated weekly.

  16. I'm never using windows 10 again, so help me God.

    1. Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo


      Yes, know pain. Know the pain that is Windows 10

    2. Tempest


      Come to the dark side... come to Linux.

    3. SnowGlaceon


      To be fair, someone warned me about this

  17. Honestly, Comfey reminds me too much of Klefki

  18. Well, it was a fun theory while it lasted. That said, I'm pretty relieved because I like Crawli's character.
  19. Does reborn have a steam community? Because if not, we should make one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      Ok we need to make this happen now

    3. Gyaradoskiller


      We do have one

    4. Simon


      There is one. You should ask Eternal Edge or even Kaito about it.

  20. Spoilers, I guess Also, Jan said your decision will affect the story for all of Act 2, but I wonder if it has a major affect on subsequent acts also. Unless act 2 is the final one...
  21. I mean, a poll COULD be added but I want my post count to go up Team Valor looks a little empty there. Honestly, I was expecting Instinct to be the least populated
  22. Technically fly isn't supposed to even work in e15, so I'll take what I can get honestly. My only issue is route 2. God I wish I could skip route 2.
  23. But... But I already started over in v7.... Ah well, it'll be worth it just gonna have to get another 5000 coins from voltorb flip There's a spoiler lock, right? How long will that be for?
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