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Everything posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. ^Yeah ok I missed that. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  2. I still haven't found that one, thanks for reminding me. So I know Ame addresed the issue of Gen 7 pokemon being in the game before, with the answer being "no but maybe someone else will make a mod that adds them in", right? Does this still stand? Because in your post it sounds like you're planning on adding the moves in. Hope I'm not missing something obvious here.
  3. So far we have only electric, misty, and grassy terrains right? I kinda hope we get more terrains. Like an icy one. Either that or gamefreak fixes the atrocity that is the hail weather affect. (Literally all it does is give blizzard 100% accuracy. There isn't even an ice move damage buff...) Dunspace could totally be the pre-evo to Drampa. It's about time that they added new evos and pre-evos in. That was supposed to be LAST generation. Hey, maybe we'll get a dragon eevee, finally.
  4. Ah e13, those were the days. Back when Drought caused infinite sunlight and her Pokemon had illegal moves. So much carnage... Oh, and I'm looking forward to finally getting that magikarp so I can box it for the rest of the game
  5. Okay, almost done with Birthright. What's next, Conquest or Revelation?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cepheus


      and still there is a DLC-Map in Map-Pack 1 that tells you "you should have completed revelation before playing this map"...

    3. Cepheus


      and I'm still at Chapter 21, because I'm doing all the Child-Chapters right now... my Orochi is already Level 10-advanced because I bring her for potential Capture of a named every time xD

    4. SnowGlaceon


      *prepares for incoming difficulty spike*

      I have so much to learn about this game...

  6. Alright. It appears I have this thing called "time" now so put me in, coach. Wherever there's a spot. Looking forward to it. Beating you guys is the perfect way to get me warmed up for the rest of the season.
  7. So fire emblem is pretty fun. Not quite sure how to manage all these troops tho

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      You don't. You pick the ones you want to keep and manage your team.

    3. Shamitako


      It takes a good bit of practice, but it's a lot easier than it looks at first

    4. Commander


      It also boils down to which one you're playing. Fates outside of conquest training is really easy.

  8. What to buy first… Bravely default or FE: Birthright?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      Well, I did the demo for bd and that was fun. I think I'll go for fates so I can get revelation too. That's like 2 games in one, right?

    3. Shamitako


      Don't get me wrong, Bravely Default is super fun. But the majority of the game is repeating the same fights over and over, just harder, so it does get quite repetitive

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Yeah I gotchu. The music got me sold on bd, so I'd honestly play it for that reason alone. It just helps that it has good gameplay too.

  9. Forum Name: SnowGlaceon Server Name: SnowGlaceon24 Joined Reborn:2014 Favorite Type: Ice, Electric, Water Least Favorite Type: Bug, I guess First Installment: Nope! Availability: Never For now: Weekdays 7-11 pm EST. Weekends always. Summer: 24/7
  10. Oh my gosh 77% already my body is not ready. Thankfully I'll actually have time, and a decent computer, this time.
  11. Generally I chose the grass starter for my first run through of a game, save for RSE, so it looks like it'll be the birb for me!

    1. Jacobliterator


      Yay, birb master race!

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      By the way, this is why I recommended you wait for Ep 2 before you try Se7en. Our Grass starter, Eufur, was noted to be underwhelming by many, so we improved its offensive abilities in Ep 2.

    3. SnowGlaceon


      Ah, gotcha. Good to know because I was planning on choosing that grass starter as well.

  12. Yo, Cold Steel has some good music. I kinda wanna buy a ps4 now.

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Or maybe I should say Cold Steel has some good...tracks! Eh? Eh?!?

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I was about to welcome you to the fandom with a hug. The pun killed my enthusiasm off <.<

    3. SnowGlaceon
  13. Holy mother of flinch... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-368425938
  14. I feel like I'm gonna have a bad time. So uh... Any way that we could maybe freeze the flowers to death? Plants typically don't like cold, so it could work... Also I don't have a pokemon with any of the above fire moves rip.
  15. Can't help but feel really worried still. Just have to keep hoping that it'll all be ok, I guess

    1. TimTim


      I hope things turn out to be okay for you as well

    2. dead account

      dead account

      I don't think Snow was talking about himself...

    3. SnowGlaceon


      Honestly, I'd much prefer to be the one with problems rather than someone else.

  16. Honestly, yeah... But you don't usually see dragons carrying steel or poison type moves so I expect a field either or something negating the immunity or the super effectiveness of fairy moves on dragons.
  17. Hello, and welcome to our nuthouse. Leave your sanity at the door, keeping will only make your head hurt. We are pretty nice people, but don't steal Ame's rupees, k? If you need something, feel free to ask!
  18. Hi Arya! Welcome to the circus~ We don't require sanity, so leave it where you stand. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask! As for games that you can try.... The mystery dungeon ones are pretty awesome, except GTI, but thats my opinion. Oh, and pokemon Insurgence is another fangame that's pretty cool.
  19. Pffffft

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      I didn't plan on even ever having a "favorite Pokemon". It just sort of happened. One day in the Battle Chateau I ran into one on a trainer's team, and it was the first Pokemon I felt real-world SORRY for killing...er, fainting. Maybe because its faint-cry sounded genuinely sad, maybe because it reminded me of my family's pets.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      Mega Gallade actually has a legitimate reasoning behind it.


    4. SnowGlaceon



      I don't really remember my reasoning behind liking Glaceon. I sorta relate to it, I guess.

  20. So close....http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-354135596 Glaceon has Snow Cloak+ Bright powder, so I can pull off some major hax pretty often.
  21. School... Tomorrow... Nooooo ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      y'all's statuses make me so glad i'm not in real school anymore

    3. SnowGlaceon


      I'm a freshman in high school so I have eternity ahead of me ;-;

    4. starkidcosmo


      Oh honey... good luck

  22. You think you're strange? Good, you'll fit in perfectly. We're not big on the whole "normal people" thing. Anyways, hope you like it here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask~
  23. And suddenly... an octopus Hi guyz. Hi TRHS
  24. Welcome to the forums! Leave your sanity at the door, you don't need it anymore~ If you haven't already... Check out the fangame Exposè for even more Pokemon "fun".
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