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69 Samaritan

About mar_mar

  • Birthday 05/26/1995

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    meow :3

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  1. Hi! I'm a huge fan of the game. I've been playing it since the first versions. First of all, you have done a great job polishing the game. I love the art, the story, the aevian pokemon etc. Thank you all so much for giving us such a polished and well-made game! So, question number one.. 1.Will the protagonist always have so many souls inside his/her body? 2. What will happen to Melia? Is she going to have a happy ending? 3. Is Madame X someone from a parallel timeline? 4. Which pokemon are the most requested to have aevian forms? 5. Is someone of the main cast going to die in the end?
  2. Yeah, true! Been busy with work and life. How have you been?
  3. Hi! It's been a loooooong while since the last time I posted anything on the forums. It feels so nostalgic to post something here! Many may know me as Light or Maria (which is my real name). The newest members don't know me at all though. The first time I saw this site and the game I was like 17 years old. A high-school girl getting ready to start my career path in university. I joined the forums almost a year later, after my finals. My life has had so many ups and downs, so many things have changed. I grew up, started living alone, finished university, I took my degree and finally...after so many years I am currently working as a teacher in a primary school and in general my life has taken the hectic, grown-up route. So, one day, since I'm getting closer and closer to being 30, I had this idea but since I had a really hectic schedule and I wanted to let it ruminate in my head before posting anything, it took me longer than what I expected. This is directed more towards the older/veteran members but everyone else is welcome to answer ofc. How has your life been so far? What has changed in it since you joined this forum? Many may have gotten married or have kids already, or may have gotten expertise in their professional life. See it as a small reunion of some sort. I wish you all had a great day so far! ~
  4. Hi again! I am trying to find the team blight hideout because I want to get riolu. I am much later in the story than the first time you enter there. Do you know where I can find it?
  5. Happy Birthday Mar!! I hope you'll have a wonderful day 🤗🎂

  6. Galarian Jellicent doesn't exist. Maybe you mean Aevium.
  7. Hello! Yesterday something weird happened. I played the game, I saved in Axis High and I after that I closed it pressing the x icon and my computer bugged. The problem is that after that I tried to play today and I got this thing... What should I do?
  8. Yeah, the castle with the regices and the maids when you try to unlock the door with the chains. They mentioned about finding something related to Alexandra.
  9. Hi! Does anyone know how to fast forward the game? It isn't with alt anymore..
  10. Hi guys and girls! So, I recently and accidentally discovered my "soulmate" pokemon and I thought why not make this a topic where you can all say your corresponding one and have fun. My soulmate pokemon is Morpeko because of its eating habits and the tantrums it makes when it's hungry. It reminds me of myself quite a lot. So...which one is yours and why? (I'm expecting to see a lot of answers and not a warning about reposting).
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