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About Companion

  • Birthday 01/03/1994

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  1. Thank you, you two, for the warm welcomes! And thank you Dobby for the tip!
  2. Haha! I love it. Thank you very much! FFFF WELL THEN. Are you not entertained?! Holy Toledo that is a lot of drama. WELL I suppose better on here than... I don't know... Some place else. BUT Thank you! For the colorful welcome, kind sir! : D
  3. Oh, thank you so much for the warm welcome and the tips, I will certainly be sure to check everything out as it all sounds wonderful! I'm a big fan of those people who are waiting for the questions to roll in because I'm sure I will have plenty. : )
  4. Thank you! I have been doing my research, don't you worry! Thank you for the tip! I see your from Holland. I'm currently taking up the task of trying to learn Dutch. Dank je wel!
  5. Wow, that's awesome! Yup, I can totally dig that. That was probably one of the craftiest greetings I have every received on a forum. Thank you! : )
  6. Hello all! I'm Casey, your average 20 year old girl with a severe Pokemon addiction. (Here's where I bore you with details about myself, right? This is the worst part... Think, think...) I'm from a small town in the lovely not-so-lovely state of Massachusetts (yay, baked beans, Samuel Adams, and taxes!) I attend a pseudo-military college, majoring in Emergency Management (AKA keeping Team Meteor at bay... insert lame failed joke laugh here.) I do stuff like draw (digitally) and watch a lot of Netflix. When I'm not being a couch potato with that stuff, I have chickens and a horse that need tending to, but hey, where's the fun in that when I could have a Torchic and a Ponyta instead? I've read through some other intros and I'm sorry (not sorry) to say that I am not a fellow LoL player, BUT I used to play a lot of Mabinogi and Tera Online, if that counts for something? I love to add lame commentary with parentheses (which I'm sure you have all picked up on) and am full of really lame jokes and stuff. I've been an avid Pokemon fan since... Kindergarten... So like, 1999? And as I got older when I would do well on report cards my parents would get me a new Pokemon game as bribery to keep on doing well, so I had them all because with THAT reward I was obviously going to be a star student (until, of course, I hit highschool.) And now, as a broke college kid, I had to pay my little sister 30$ to use her 3DS and rewrite her X version just so I could try it... ha~ But yes, that's what kind of level I'm on right now. I kind of stumbled upon Reborn on one fateful Google search typo when I was looking for other fan games, and let's just say curiosity got me good and here I am. I am a big post-apoc geek and since this game kind of had a feel of that, plus Pokemon, I was so beyond sold. Since I always played Pokemon at leisure and not competitively, and since I started playing so young and all that, I never was really big on stats... Like, as a kid I just wanted the cutest darn Pokemon that I could get my hands on. I'm just starting to kind of get the hang of it now, so that's my biggest downfall in the game, I guess. (But I did manage to score a shiny Charmander as my starter, with an Adamant nature, so I'm not complaining.) Okay, that's all I can speak of about myself for at least a couple months now, sorry to bore you all! But I am happy to be here and hope I can make some good fellow Pokefan friends!
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