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Raviel the Phantom

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About Raviel the Phantom

  • Birthday 06/20/1990

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  • Alias
    Gentleman Phantom
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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  3. I had plans to cut my hair the week of lock down. Since I hate having long hair I bought a clipper and had my friend cut it. Hopefully it will grow out by the time the quarantine is over.
  4. With the world swept in a pandemic, a lot of us have holed up in our houses to protect ourselves from COVID-19. Some of us are able to work from home, myself included, but for others there is a lot of free time. So, what are you doing to pass the time while stuck at home. I myself have been practicing coding/messing with artificial intelligence, while fostering a dog.
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. Anyone need a Zeroara?  I got an extra code

    1. WSGreen


      If no one has claimed it then I'll take it 

  7. Now that I got Charizardite X, should I turn my Charizard into a physical attacker?

  8. After struggling to beat Adrienn and now at a point where I have not played the game before, I begin to worry my team may not be up for the rest of what Reborn has to offer. The Fairy Gym leader was the first I actually had to swap out party members to stand a chance (I added Metagross to my party and still it came down to the wire). Now, is Adrienn an exception or the rule to a difficulty curve waiting for me. The Pokemon I use are not maxed out EV wise, but are close. IVs are all on the high end for all of their stats. My Main Team: Charizard Nature: Modest Ability: Blaze Moves: Air Slash, Fly, Heat Wave, Scary Face Primarina Nature: Bold Ability: Liquid Voice Moves: Icy Wind, Hyper Voice, Waterfall, Moonblast Magnezone Nature: Bashful Ability: Sturdy Moves: Tri-Attack, Flash Cannon, Discharge, Thunder Wave Alakazam Nature: Timid Ability: Magic Guard Moves: Trick, Reflect, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam Silvally Nature: Quirky Ability: RKS System Moves: X-Scissor, Multi-Attack, Surf, Iron Head Krookodile Nature; Jolly Ability; Moxie Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, Brick Break
  9. I'm a robotics engineer developing autonomous vehicles.
  10. Well I just got done playing both Bayonettas (1 and 2) for the switch. Had a blast and loved the absolutely insane story. I'm currently in a gaming limbo while waiting for the next Reborn episode and Monster Hunter World to come out. Might get Hollow Knight.
  11. It's been a while, but I'm back baby!

  12. It has been a while since I've been on here.  A lot has happened.  Travelling and a new job are to just name two.

  13. I got a 9/10, but the question I miss the quiz was wrong.
  14. Always read over contracts, and ask questions.

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