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Everything posted by Paperblade
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
either new one or mystery egg mystery egg already offers things that break the game far more than Gengar (Volcarona and Haxorus) so it wouldn't be unbelievable -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Gastly to Limited event, Haunter and Gengar evolution/breeding Vibrava and Flygon from evo/breeding to catchable in wild/repeatable event -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Minior obtainable Absol from event to catchable in wild/repeatable event -
Decidueye probably the worst but it's still good for a grass starter. Ghost is a good typing and it gets some flying/dark coverage, which immediately puts its movepool above like every other Grass starter Primarina vs. Incineroar is hard to say. Water/Fairy and Fire/Dark are both good typings, Primarina's pure power is better, but Incineroar has coverage options + Intimidate and Bulk Up but takes recoil from its good Fire move and its second best is pretty far behind. Both decently bulky but slow
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Other change is Skitty+Delcatty from event+evo to wild/repeatable event -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Rowlet and Zangoose today -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Talonflame without SD is gonna struggle to kill anything that's not weak to its attacks, and even then its big damage is recoil so it can't sweep fights -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Well, it's a bare minimum based on the rules Ame posted Although since we've had days without any gen7 mon I doubt we'll get a double gen7 -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
That's why I said at least :^) Anyway, other update is Cinccino in wild -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
+12 gen1-6 lines. From those 26, we'll be getting 20 So at least 10 more days unless Ame ups the rate -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Other change is Lilligant to wild/repeatable -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Emolga is now wild/repeatable Oranguru is also in -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
btw if you leave an old tab open with obtainable mons and open a new one, you can tab through them quickly and find the changes in like 15 seconds For example, I have the 10/26 update tab up, and when the 10/27 updates, I open a new tab for that and can just switch between them rapidly. Since there's only two changes (and one is generally a gen7 mon) it's pretty easy to notice -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
New stuff is Comfey added and Maractus is now catchable in wild/repeatable event -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
latest update adds Crabrawler in the wild/repeatable event, and its evo by evolution Escavalier is also now a wild/repeatable event -
Venusaur's lack of coverage options hurt it a lot. Grass is a pretty bad type offensively in general, and in Reborn there's a lot of stuff good vs. Grass as well. Venusaur requires support to do stuff (needs something to set sun so it can sweep with Growth+Chlorophyll), so it feels difficult for me to justify it in the same tier as Lilligant, who has the same offense problems but is pretty self sufficient in sweeping (Sleep Powder + Quiver Dance). fwiw I haven't used this line yet. Also, while I haven't finished my playthrough with Infernape (waiting on ep 17 before heading over to Spinel Town), it's been really good so far. It gets Close Combat relatively early, which lets it nuke pretty much anything neutral or weak to Fighting. It's pretty quick and has decent attacking stats, and its movepool and stats support both physical and special builds. I'm having trouble seeing it fall off, Fire/Fighting STAB is just so good in this game
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Roggenrola is set to "Obtainable through evolution or breeding" now, so the 7th street mon has changed. Could just be replaced with Boldore with wild ones obtainable later, or a different line entirely. -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Drifloon and Drifblim are both wild encounters in the renovated city in Episode 16 The changes are Pikipek line and Roggenrola line -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Yeah, most recent change looks like the entire Charmander line is now obtainable in the wild/repeatable event. Sandygast line is the other -
E17 Obtainable Pokemon List Changes [Potential Spoilers?]
Paperblade replied to Endstrom's topic in Reborn City
Spewpa doesn't show up in the wild encounters text file for EP 16, but there is a random trainer that has it -
The only way it can get Dragon Dance afaik is from breeding with Horsea line (or Dratini's but yeah), which you can't do til you get back to Reborn with Fly, right? I'm basing that info off bulbapedia so correct me if it's wrong. I almost never breed so if there's a daycare in the Agate Circus-Calcenon area I don't know about it. My Crawdaunt is Jolly with 252 speed EVs, although it has 0IVs which would've helped a lot
fwiw I consider mystery egg Staryu A rank, but OP moved it down because mystery egg is RNG My issue with Crawdaunt when I used it was it was outsped by most things (despite being 252+ investment) and frequently got OHKO'd, especially since its Dark typing gave it weakness to Fighting and Fairy coverage moves. 63/55 special bulk is terrible, and 55 speed means it gets outsped by a lot of things. Check this: You see here a pattern of even max Speed Crawdaunt getting outsped by things, facing tons of SE attacks, and generally struggling to trade 1 for 1. What makes Clawitzer so much better, you ask? A big part is the lack of Dark typing. This lets it contribute more in fights like Samson and Blake. The other is its special bulk is significantly better (Crawdaunt takes about 50% more damage from special attacks as a %, that's absolutely massive). Does Clawitzer get a setup move like Crawdaunt? No. But Crawdaunt never gets a chance to setup anyway. It's more likely I overrated Clawitzer than that I underrated Crawdaunt. Crawdaunt was just frustrating to use, frequently getting sent in and dying without doing much of anything. Clawitzer should probably be B or even C Also wrt a Water for A rank, Simipour. Scald is silly--Simipour is fast enough that it can outspeed everything Cal has and strong enough to OHKO since the field boosts Scald with the investment you get just from leveling it up. Acrobatics is a great coverage move. It's one of the fastest Water types (only slower than Floatzel, Greninja, Starmie, Mega-Sharpedo, and Keldeo; the latter 2 aren't even obtainable, Greninja is starter only, and Starmie is either super late or mystery egg RNG).
Goodra should probably be unranked for now, since you can't get it until after all current major battles. There's not really anything to actually... do with it. Samurott - B Lilligant - B Rhyperior - C/B tbh only reason I consider this for B is it felt really strong vs. Charlotte, which is one of the more annoying fights in the game. However that might have just been the rest of my team sucking. idk, I don't train backup pokemon or rotate stuff depending on the fight because I hate grinding grand hall trainers/clowns, so I just EV train stuff after I get Power items and try to power through that way. fwiw mine has max spdef EVs/IVs and still felt super squish vs. special attacks Drapion - C Espeon - B Heracross - B/A +Heracronite maybe for whenever we get Mega Ring
imo the only thing keeping Feraligatr out of S-rank is its lack of good Water STAB until Aqua Tail/Waterfall. Ice Fang means it can still contribute vs. Florinia/Fern (and also covers Fern's non-Grass mons--Haxorus, Krookodile, and Scyther are all weak to it). The only fight where you really feel the lack of a good Water move is Cal, but in turn you get a 104BP Dark move for Shade and Radomus. For what it's worth, I'm assuming that the Strength glitch is allowed to get the Celestinine Mountain Life Orb (since you can't get it at all otherwise afaik), which probably makes a difference in its ability to kill stuff