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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by JapaneseWallpaper

  1. Randall. Hands down. He is gold, also helps with the asshole puzzle
  2. Protip: before making more Charlotte Topics, search for some, because I personally don't think Charlotte is very hard. Think and test and try before coming here. also STEALTH ROCKS ARE YOUR FRIEND. (eg) Golem with study destroys.
  3. very nice, i suggest posting something concerning Charlotte as there is many, many posts about how to beat her.
  4. so i was bored, and looking through the picture files and saw this. All i am saying is that this is gone be a bitch Edit: this was in trainer files, not pokemans.
  5. 1 Move Stealth Rocks. Volcarona stood no chance after she withdrew it from the first batch
  6. any specific day/time like night time of daytime? or just random
  7. thanks sheep, very knowledgeable as per usual+ its great to see another aussie on here
  8. Note: don't correct my spelling, i don't care enough to fix it. Ok. So, this'll sound extremely vague, but the place where you find the key to get Rotom, there is another Blue pillar thing(the things in Corey's gym). is there any way at all to change the color to pink/red or is it there for kicks. Also, the trees in the background, is there any conceivable way to get to them, or not? (i'm not telling anyone where it is cos it a surprise for everyone) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9. i agree, it just didnt notice it on mu first playthrough, weird huh.
  10. all i can say is that i was doing homework for 5 hours before this, so i needed a break xD no really, but accounting is ez
  11. whats up with dis, i think its a dodgy moment (of many) in reborn
  12. Yeah, i was looking at obtainable Pokemon and noticed that they're both obtainable, is it via event or...? cos i know that magby was but was changed with pansear. what about elekid?
  13. ahh, true true, ill try your method, thanks for the help
  14. thanks, but what about a rock type like graveler or something like that as it can have sturdy and use rock moves for bird pokemons and i dont know where to get steelix
  15. Yeah, as you can see Noel and his bloody Clefable is annoying as hell. My team so Far. Blaziken@ Speed Boost (No hate plz) lv. 52 -HJK -Blaze Kick -Brave Bird -Slash Emolga @Motor Drive lv. 53 -acrobatics - nuzzle -discharge - pursuit Sharpedo @Rough skin (tryna find a ability capsule) lv. 44 (training) -Aqua Jet -Ice fang -crunch -Slash Mamoswine @Oblivious lv.53 -Earthquake -Blizzard (killed the steelix bastard) -Thrash -Strength Meowstic @Infiltrator lv. 51 -Psyshock -psychic -shadow ball -charge beam maybe training a Sandile cos Krookodile is baws, but if anyone has any thing that will help me kill... i mean faint noels bloody clafable that'd be great _______________________________________________________ / Please do continue, dear friend. \ | I am waiting with bated breath for your response. | | I mean you no harm, you can trust me. | \ I can help you let it all go and release your spirit. / \ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | / / ∠_/ /╲/\╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/\╱\ NOTE FROM LEGAL: sorry for swearing, i can't help it I'm from convict land (Aus)
  16. thanks for the feedback, i really need a solid wall to combat all the things
  17. thanks, i had trouble against his team on ep 12
  18. Uhhh... Hi... 2 Questions; 1. What the hell is the Ill-fated doll used for? i mean i found it and was like... neat. but i'm super cereal guys (insert Al Gore joke here). and 2. I'm looking to find a decent member for the troope of moi (hue) and Chysolia forest is full of GLOOMy Pokemon (Pokemon puns). My team: Blaziken Meowstic Sharpedo<----- training rn Mamoswine Emolga (dun judge is gud pokeman) i'm looking to get rid of clafairy as it has fainted more times than it has 'killed' an opponents Pokemon.... so yeah, any suggestions plz. also if Ame reads this (highly doubt it) but in Shelly's gym you can clip the walls in her room and the 'foyer area'. also i'm getting some lag here and there
  19. Hi.... So my team consists of: (NOTE: im not putting in th names because they're quite... rude i guess) So I'm up to the 2nd fire gym. (Can't remember her name lol) 1. Emolga@ Motor Drive (Lv. 68) moves: Nuzzle, Rain Dance, Discharge and Acrobatics is quite speedy 177. 2. Golem@ Sturdy (Lv. 60) Only stealth rocks... for killing fire types quicker. 3 Primeape@ Anger Point (Lv. 67) Moves: Thrash, strength, Assurence and Close Combat much attack=205 4. Arcanine@ Intimidate (Lv. 67) moves: Outrage, Crunch, Flamethrower+heatwave Is good on all respects 5. Greninja:@ Protean (lv. 68) Moves: Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, Surf and undefined(Not sure yet) 6. Kilnklang@Plus (Lv. 67) moves: Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Zap Cannon (Hasn't missed yet xD) and Rock smash cos YOLO. Much attack and speed. 7. (Swapping with Golem after gym battle) Alakazam@ Magic Guard (Lv. 57) In training. moves: Psychic, Charge Beam, disable and shadow ball. training but speed and special attack for reasons. 8. (Current Psychic type) Jynx@ Dry skin (Lv. 66) moves: Psychic, shadowball, frost breath and Blizzard. much speed So yeah, what could i improve on from here?
  20. *hype intensifies* praise the helix for this update
  21. Can i say Hype? Also Amethyst I absolutely love this game, It is near perfection, just some puzzles are annoying. I'm eagerly waiting for Episode 13 so my trek through Reborn and the surrounding regions. Thanks for this great game
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