So my team consists of: (NOTE: im not putting in th names because they're quite... rude i guess)
So I'm up to the 2nd fire gym. (Can't remember her name lol)
1. Emolga@ Motor Drive (Lv. 68)
moves: Nuzzle, Rain Dance, Discharge and Acrobatics
is quite speedy 177.
2. Golem@ Sturdy (Lv. 60)
Only stealth rocks... for killing fire types quicker.
3 Primeape@ Anger Point (Lv. 67)
Moves: Thrash, strength, Assurence and Close Combat
much attack=205
4. Arcanine@ Intimidate (Lv. 67)
moves: Outrage, Crunch, Flamethrower+heatwave
Is good on all respects
5. Greninja:@ Protean (lv. 68)
Moves: Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, Surf and undefined(Not sure yet)
6. Kilnklang@Plus (Lv. 67)
moves: Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Zap Cannon (Hasn't missed yet xD) and Rock smash cos YOLO.
Much attack and speed.
7. (Swapping with Golem after gym battle)
Alakazam@ Magic Guard (Lv. 57) In training.
moves: Psychic, Charge Beam, disable and shadow ball.
training but speed and special attack for reasons.
8. (Current Psychic type)
Jynx@ Dry skin (Lv. 66)
moves: Psychic, shadowball, frost breath and Blizzard.
much speed
So yeah, what could i improve on from here?