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Everything posted by JapaneseWallpaper

  1. I thought that there was one in Iolia Vally. I'll try to find it for you. EDIT: My mistake, the location was changed apparently. It was replaced with a sableye encounter.
  2. You'll get walled by anything with a little defense. i recommend Meowstic or Jynx, as they're reasonably fast learn Psychic (and psyshock for meowstic) via level up.
  3. It is cheating, but you can revert to episode 13 to gain access to the 10th floor.
  4. That is an incomplete event, meaning that the ending is not gettable until such time as it is appropriate
  5. Tbh, it was Charlotte, she was easy as hell, rocks and rain son, rocks and rain
  6. G'day, Welcome to the reborn forums, people are pretty nice here, just as long as you follow the rules... id post em, but i've had a long day. How'd you find the game, if i may ask?
  7. Have you thought of training a fast psychic type? such as Meowstic or Jynx? Either that or a mamoswine, which is better than donphan in my opinion, but i am not sure if you can get it anymore, anyways, good luck with it
  8. The Herd-Unpredictable Catchy tune, and classic Aussie Hip-Hop
  9. I have been watching it, and he was the one who got me to download the game, cos i was looking for a game to take my mind off of school work... haha But i stopped watching it around the Route 2 saga, it was too straightforward for him to consistently fuck up. but hey, that is my 2cents
  10. Emolga, as much as i hate this little shit, it is so helpful. Basically, Nuzzle, Rain dance, support. fuckin easy
  11. I'm assuming you recently fought Kiki, and are going to Byxbyson wasteland. If you train in there you get semi-decent levelling from many poison types (?)
  12. I think having a wiki page would kinda defeat the purpose of having a forum related to acquiring [pokemon name] or doing [insert quest, thing to do]. also Wikis are a lot less user friendly, as you can't truly connect to people but hey, that is my 2 cents
  13. Hello all! Oh wow, i have not posted in ages, as school work and what not have snowed me under. So, my life... Not too much is going on, chugging along, nothing much happening, just school work, time with girlfriend and cricket. So, with the girlfriend, we have been doing very well! the 4 dates have gone splendidly. And cricket... all i can say, is that the 3 teams we've played have not scored above 100 runs... when their totals are added together. So how is everyones lifes? Feel free to share.
  14. Ayo So, My 2015 started off somewhat blandly, nothing much happening you know; Then a week before school starts my crush sends us a message; Hey Nick, do you wanna catch up? I think everyone knows what i say next. so, we go out, its chill, real good, lots of chat, ya know, the usual. then, school starts, talking to her on the way to the train station, she asks if i want to go out on a date soon, sadly I'm busy on saturday with cricket, and sunday with family commitments. So i suggest next weekend, as it is my brithday (Good plan, no?) I guess you could say; Things are coming out JapaneseWallpaper, eh? So, how has your new year been?
  15. sorry if i come off like that, but that is one thing i am particularly curious about. See, in Australia, we didnt have gun laws, until the Port Arthur Massacre and the Hoodle Street Massacre. After those 2 incidents happened, we brought them in, Banning High-caliber shotguns and automatic weapons. Would you mind telling me about the more 'pressing' issues That is what it is like in australia, Only Farmers and Police officers are allowed to own guns; Farmers so they can easily kill pests, and police officers for protection of the public sorry, i shoulda made it clear i was being sarcastic. (fucking poes law). The only real reason it was retracted was because Julia Gillard has lied about introducing it.
  16. I see, that makes a lot of sense. In Australia, we have basically the upper house and lower house. The upper house is where the more important decisions happen and lower is just dicking around. Is it stereotypical for people to be extremely patriotic about the Constitution? If my memory serves, Obama tried to change the 2nd amendment(?) as the cases of school shootings have increased a large amount. But people were against him doing that, wouldn't the regulation of sidearms, automatic weapons and shotguns be beneficial for the country? EDIT: Also, if it not a burden for you, would you be able to explain the senete system of America Wow, that seems very similar to what happens in Italy, but less covert corruption, a question for you personally, were you affected by many of the hurricanes/Typhoons that has been plaguing the Philippines in recent years?
  17. Wow, that is very awful, in Australia the worst thing that happened to us in the last 20 years was the Carbon Tax (because taxing the mining companies for their excessive production of carbon is wrong) It is alright and thanks for your short, input. I'm aiming to do well in this subject, but thanks for saying it!
  18. I see Is that in the cases of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin?
  19. Would you care to elaborate, if i may ask Would you say some of the ma in issues concerning America is not the acts of terrorism from Other lands, but Local terrorism from the unregulated Gun Laws?
  20. Hello Everyone. I have recently started Year 11 at my school, and have chosen to do a subject called "International Politics". My teacher is very knowledgeable on the subject as he has taught it for 20+ years. But i think it would be better to have an insight into another countries political system through the eyes of someone from that country! PLEASE NOTE: This is not like the "political soapbox", as that is everyone's general thoughts, this is more what everyone's countries political system is like, as it'll help me understand it more. Thanks for reading, and Writing if you do infact, respond. EDIT: please keep all discussions sane, so no outlandishly rude statements when someone rebuts your opinion
  21. What is your favorite Sub-Reddit? we all know it is r/gonewild
  22. G'day all, it has been a while, had a bit of a hiatus to focus on school work, etc etc Anyways, Happy Australia Day, or as we Australians call it 'That one day of the year other than Christmas where binge drinking is acceptable' So how is everyone doing?
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