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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by JapaneseWallpaper

  1. Will Dongers be raised on this, your birthday? Just making some gags, Happy Birthday mate
  2. Babe, chuck us a hat please, the Oiler needs some xmas cheer
  3. Welcome mate People are pretty nice here, so most questions will be answered pretty quickly
  4. So my mate thought it was 100% legit to share a private conversation we had to all his friends... looks like he is off of the Christmas list

  5. sheep, have you considered sticky-ing this post? seems like it'd be very helpful for everyone
  6. A thing, if i may; The Skuntank is something of interest, because it reveals some of Corey's back story once an item is required
  7. I think you can get it from department store Floor 6/7/8 or 9
  8. to acquire Croagunk, you must get the silver ring from Corey's gym. If memory serves, it is in his secret room.
  9. Welcome Mate I'd assume Amethyst and her crew would appreciate the praise given to them. if you ever need any help, there'll always be people up to the task
  10. $5 says it's something terrible like Roar or taunt, to ya know taunt us
  11. Name: Nick Age: 16 Birthday: 7th February Location: Strayaaaaa Height: 1.87 Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue Live With: Parents Pets?: Had 6 Yabbies Relationships?: None, yet Crushes lately?: Yes, although it's... annoying Dream Job: Idk, History teacher maybe Currently Playing: TF2, Watch_Dogs Favourite Food: Spaghetti Favourite Drink: Lemonade Favourite Color: Redrpg Favourite kind of Music: EDM, Metal, Rock, Aussie Rock, Alt-Rock Favourite Band: The Bennies #photobonging Favourite Album: oooo, Tough one... Imma go with Rainbows in Space, by the Bennies Favourite Game: GTAIV, 100% that game Favourite Genre of Game: FPS, Puzzle, Favourite Hobbies: Cricket, Gaming, chatting Favourite Movies: The Fockers trilogy, LOTR trilogy umm, step brothers Favourite Shows: Parks and Rec, South Park, Al Jazeera (no h8 plz)
  12. Bahahaha. Also, Glitch City is supposed to be confusing
  13. House Key anyone? I've checked all of Everywhere, or nearly anyway... any one found it's use yet?
  14. That is so wrong, for emolga is great. Acrobatics+ Nuzzle and Rain dance work wonders. move 4 can be anything, i use flash. Nuzzle is broken, Acrobatics is high damage and Rain dance for pissing off other effects. Also speed. Lv 69 Emolga with 64/24 Ev Iv spread outspeeds Typhlosion and Ninetales in Charlottes battle.
  15. yeah, that move by Cal was deep as fuck, man i felt it on an emotional level
  16. Heh, no worries, I aim to please (thanks for clearing it up)
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