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Everything posted by JapaneseWallpaper

  1. I checked Onyx, Obsidia, and Coral. All the buildings could be entered. i'll either post here or make a new topic for people when i've found out To be fair, i tried that strat many times
  2. I used the most broken move in the game; NUZZLE
  3. Yeah, it was surprisingly easy, Just spammed earthquake with mamoswine.
  4. Ahh, thanks, i thought it was like the Mr. Bigglesworth thing, a token gesture
  5. Yo, as ya'll know, Episode 14 is out and all. Anyways, i was exploring Reborn City, lazily, and came across the House Key in the underground Railnet. Anyone have any ideas where it leads to? Also, is it worth destroying pulse Avalugg? It is a beast and a half.
  6. Fix USB port or download ep14

  7. What about acquiring Scolipede or Druddigon, as they learn Rock Climb via level up
  8. Oh shit, i guess being out all day doing xmas shopping payed off. Ame, you're a fucking legend
  9. If i wasn't so lazy, i'd have joined this.... but Good job Vermillion
  10. I tend to use words over violence in most cases, because I'm not a violent person. I mean, the only time when I've needed to use violence was years ago. which i broke someones nose in 4 places. With the death threat thing, after talking about it with some friends, i learned that the person who said it meant it as a joke. but still, it was pretty fucking annoying. ok, i guess my classes suck for 2 reasons. 1) the people in the classes aren't exactly the nicest people, because of reasons which i do not feel like talking about now, it is for another time. 2) 2 out of 6 teachers can't write properly, Do not know the course very well, and lack some knowledge on the subject. For example, Chemistry; I know a large amount of the year 11 chemistry course, as my brother did it, and mother teaches it, so i've always been very good at it. i had to teach a large percentage of the class, teacher included how to balance equations and the charges of ions/ionic compounds. (We did 2 lessons of this as the school year had ended on the 5th of December) As for the death-threat thing, read above, (after talking about it with some friends, i learned that the person who said it meant it as a joke. but still, it was pretty fucking annoying ) Yeah, friends standing up to for me was a really good thing to happen. Thanks for all the support.
  11. Yeah. again with the last one of these, it is relevant to something that happened on the Showdown server. So yeah, as mentioned in http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11116, things only got worse. I'll keep it short and sharp. Ok, so reasons from Wednesday onwards. 1) My teachers for the new school year are very, very, very boring, and a couple are incompetent, which really sucks, as i am moving into the more important years of schooling. 2) My classes suck, and my English class has the cunt kid who bullied me at the start of the year. (i'll spare those details as they have been repressed from my memory) 3) The last day of school, (Friday) was particularly bad, for 2 main reasons 1. i had a death threat against me for doing something a friend did, and 2. the afore mentioned bully attempted to start bullying me again, but luckily, my friends came and backed me up, using some very colorful language. So thanks for reading, and i hope your Week ends up to be better than mine
  12. If you like hard rouge-like games, then Nuclear Throne is for you. $13 I think. TF2 is good, and free. CS:GO is great, i rate it highly. Garry's mod is good. Umm, you can try League and DOTA 2 i guess. Big league community i think
  13. hasn't been implemented as of yet, just leave it until the update comes around so it is actually usable. Or until we can do the strength puzzles legit
  14. So, how has everyone been? I hope you've been better than me lately(context in a post)

  15. Helpful as always Jericho, i reckon i'll get it downloaded tomorrow
  16. Close your eyes (and count to Fuck)- Run the Jewels
  17. Those people were sent to Tasmania during the Meme Wars of 2048
  18. GabeNisOP JapaneseWallpaper ain't shit
  19. Should i get this or not, i need something to play while waiting for episode 14. Is the Game still in dev? or completed?
  20. TIL that my dad was 35 minutes away from being slaughtered. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoddle_Street_massacre
  21. Quiet. I'm not an outgoing person, yet not an introvert. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mayaharrington/things-only-shy-people-will-understand-cywm. This article is absolute bullshit. 100 fucking percent. Also, i don't have much confidence, so i guess that's another reason
  22. It think the taking of firearms in australia was a very good thing. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_%28Australia%29 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_%28Australia%29 ) interesting sidenote: My father was driving along Hoodle Street 35 minutes before the shooting occurred. The only thing Meme master Abbott has done is stop the boats (asylum seekers) and cut the carbon tax. He also fucked up the G20, but thats beside the point
  23. Does anyone care about Australia' politics? If so, Tony Abbott is a fascist
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