I tend to use words over violence in most cases, because I'm not a violent person. I mean, the only time when I've needed to use violence was years ago. which i broke someones nose in 4 places.
With the death threat thing, after talking about it with some friends, i learned that the person who said it meant it as a joke. but still, it was pretty fucking annoying.
ok, i guess my classes suck for 2 reasons. 1) the people in the classes aren't exactly the nicest people, because of reasons which i do not feel like talking about now, it is for another time. 2) 2 out of 6 teachers can't write properly, Do not know the course very well, and lack some knowledge on the subject. For example, Chemistry; I know a large amount of the year 11 chemistry course, as my brother did it, and mother teaches it, so i've always been very good at it. i had to teach a large percentage of the class, teacher included how to balance equations and the charges of ions/ionic compounds. (We did 2 lessons of this as the school year had ended on the 5th of December)
As for the death-threat thing, read above, (after talking about it with some friends, i learned that the person who said it meant it as a joke. but still, it was pretty fucking annoying )
Yeah, friends standing up to for me was a really good thing to happen.
Thanks for all the support.